Grade Level Critical Skills

Teachers can look to the scope and sequence of their core learning programs in order to understand which grade level skills must be mastered by the end of the academic year. Here is a general list of instructional goals to keep in mind. The list below summarizes what is meant by grade level skills.

Grade Level / Instructional Goals / Fluency Goals
Kindergarten / ·  Know all letter-sound correspondences for individual consonants and vowels
·  Be able to read all phonetically regular CVC words with at least 90 percent accuracy
·  Correctly read at least 90 percent of irregular words introduced in kindergarten level of core program. / ·  Be able to decode more than 25 sounds per minute by the end of the school year.
First /

•  Know all letter-sound correspondences for individual consonants and vowels

•  Know common letter combinations and common affixes and be able to read words with these combinations and affixes

•  Be able to read all types of regular words (CVC, CVCC, CCVC, CCVCC, CCCvCC, CVVC and words with CVCe pattern)

•  Be able to read all phonetically regular CVC words with at least 90 percent accuracy

•  Be able to read end of first grade text with 97 percent accuracy


•  Have an oral reading fluency rate of at least 40 words per minute on end of first grade level text.

•  Ideally students should be reading 55-60 wpm

Grade Level / Instructional Goals / Fluency Goals
Second /

·  Know all letter-sound correspondences for individual letters, diphthongs, and digraphs

·  Be able to fluently decode compound words, contractions, and possessives taught in grade 2 programs

·  Be able to read all types of phonetically regular words, and multi-syllabic words.

·  Be able to read end of second grade text with 97 percent accuracy /

·  Have an oral reading fluency rate of at least 90 words per minute on end of second grade level text.

Third /

·  Know common word parts

·  Be able to fluently decode compound words, contractions, and possessives

·  Be able to read all types of phonetically regular words and multi-syllabic words

·  Be able to read end of third grade text with 97 percent accuracy


·  Have an oral reading fluency rate of at least 110 words per minute on end of third grade level text.