September 12, 2017

Meeting called to order by Commissioner Chair Jim Borstat 7:00pm.

Present: CommissionerChairJim Borst, CommissionerPaul Barham, Commissioner Ken Eakin, Chief Nathan Craig, Captain Jim Johnston, Lt Chris Lyons, FF Blake Scullyand District Secretary Christy Boisselle

Guests as noted on the meeting sign-in sheet


MOTION byBarham, SECOND byEakinto approve proposed meeting agendawith the addition of excusing Commissioner Eakin from the 9/26/17 meeting under Good of the Order - MOTION CARRIED.


Public Comment as noted on the meeting sign-in sheet.


An Executive Session was called at 7:02pm for 30 minutes to review the performance of a public employee RCW42.30.110(1)(g). Executive session concluded at 7:32pm.

Meeting reconvened at 7:35pm.

MOTION by Eakin, SECOND by Barham to uphold the termination of Darin Deccio effective immediately – MOTION CARRIED.


MOTION by Barham,SECOND byEakinto approve meeting minutes ofthe August 8thregular meeting and August 8th Relief & Pension meeting– MOTION CARRIED.


Report given byDistrict Secretary Boisselle.

August 2017 Financial Report reviewed. Reference attached report.

MOTION by Eakin, SECOND by Barhamto approve September2017 expenditures, $261,823.75 – MOTION CARRIED.

August 2017 agency deposits were $10,490.63


Presented by Chief Craig. Reference attached report.

  • The Officer BBQ/Meeting will be held and Commissioner Eakin’s on Monday 9/18/17, the Board is invited.
  • Open House at all stations on 10/11/2017 from 7pm-9pm.
  • Association Haunted House will be 10/13/2017.


  1. Strategic Planning discussed. Handed out updated Draft Plan. Added “Critical Issue 5: Ensure District Meets Public Expectations For Operations, Fiscal Accountability and Education” to the plan. Chief Craig still needs to incorporate Issue 4 into Issue 1, just looking for the best way to facilitate this. Continue with committee in November after the budget is complete.
  2. Chief Craig met with an architect from Loofburrow Wetch Architect to review the conceptual drawings of Station 52. Solely keeping this project in the architect phase, no engineering at this time. Project estimate is $450,000 to $500,000 (this is without the asphalt for the parking lot). This is doable in the 2018 budget and Capital Fund.
  3. Reviewed the progress of the Chiefs 2017 goals. Chief will provide the Board with a packet of the progress for review before the October 10th meeting where the Board will perform his annual evaluation in Executive Session. In November Chief and Board will set new goals for 2018.
  4. The Interlocal Agreement with Fire District 1 expires on 12/31/17. Chief Craig will draft a letter on behalf of the Board reminding District 1 of the upcoming expiration and that West Valley does not plan on extending the contract dates.


  1. Presented the 2018 Budget Calendar to the Board. Staff will be doing a station tour tomorrow, looking at proposed budget requests. Handed out and reviewed requests. These have not been prioritized yet. Looking at how items fit in the strategic plan and the Districts mission.
  2. Updated Policy 2110 was presented in draft form. Added the verbiage on the intent of the Station Call Requirements. The biggest change was in the age requirements for medical physicals. Board concurs with changes. Draft Policy will be presented to Officers for review. Will bring back to Board in October.
  3. Chief Craig was approached by the Public Safety Administrator of Union Gap on our interest in taking over fire protection services in Union Gap. They are currently receiving services from Yakima, which they are happy with. Chief believes they are just shopping for options. Board is not interested in this time in providing service, however will carry on with Automatic Aid Agreements as we have in the past.


  1. MOTION by Barham, SECOND by Borst to excuse Commissioner Eakin from the 9/26/2017 Board Meeting – MOTION CARRIED.


  1. The Potato Feed will be held in September 15th.
  2. The Haunted House will be held October 13th.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at8:37pm. Dated at Yakima, Washington this12thday of September2017.


Yakima County Fire Protection District 12


by:Christy Boisselle, District Secretary by: Commissioner Chair Jim Borst

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