Letter of Intention to Report (Unsatisfactory Attendance)
[Student name]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[Address line 3]
Dear [Student’s name]
Re: [Provider]’s intention to report for unsatisfactory attendance
Your attendance in [course] has been reviewed in accordance with the course attendance policies of [provider] and is considered unsatisfactory.
You were first identified as [not attending 95% of classes] on [date of identification] and [provider] issued you with a First Warning letter [on date/ shortly thereafter].
A Final Warning Letter was issued to you on [date] for nearing 80% attendance. On each occasion you were provided the opportunity to discuss your attendance issues with [provider’s student services co-ordinator].
As your attendance has fallen below 80%, you have now been assessed as achieving unsatisfactory attendance. In accordance with the [Provider Policy], I must now inform you of [provider]’s intention to report you to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
In accordance with the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 (the National Code 2007), [Provider] must inform you of [provider’s] intention to report to the Secretary of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) for unsatisfactoryattendance. This action will alert the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).
You now have 20 working days, plus 5 working days for postal mail, to access the [provider’s] complaint and appeals process. [Provider’s] Complaints and Grievances process has been attached for your perusal.The appeal must be made no later than [deadline].
If you choose to make an internal appeal, [Provider] will not report you and your enrolment in the course is maintained. Until [Provider] makes a final determination about your case, it is important that you continue to study as usual, attend your classes and comply with all assessment, administrative and enrolment deadlines.
You may lodge the formal internal appeal with the Director of Studies at the address below:
[Director of Studies]
[Faculty Name]
[Provider Name]
[Provider Address]
[Provider Telephone, Fax]
The internal appeals process provides you with an opportunity to formally present your case at minimum or no cost. You may be accompanied and assisted by a support person at any relevant meetings.
The internal appeals process will commence within 10 working days of formal lodgment of the appeal. You will be provided with a written statement of the outcome, including details of the reasons for the outcome.
If the outcome of the internal appeal supports [Provider]’s decision to report, you may lodge an external appeal with the Australian Council for Private Education & Training (ACPET).
The [Provider] strongly recommends that you contact Student Services to discuss these issues. They may be able to assist you through counseling and the preparation of an ‘internal appeals’ application.
If you choose not to engage in the Complaint and Appeals process within the specified time frame, the [Provider] is required by law to report you to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). This may result in the cancellation of the student visa. For advice on this issue, you may wish to contact an [International Student Advisor] on [telephone].
Yours sincerely,
[Principal Executive Officer]
- Complaint and Appeals Handling Policy
- Internal Appeals Process & Policy
- Internal Appeals Application Form
CC: Student Services