Hello Parents!
Welcome to the new school year. I am looking forward to a great year of
exciting learning experiences with your child. This letter will give you
some insight into my expectations as a classroom educator. I believe my
expectations will coincide with what you want for your child's education.
I require your child to give their maximum effort at all times. This
includes completing all class work and homework on time. All work should be
done to the best of your child's ability and turned in with pride. I expect
your child to challenge themselves, as I will challenge them daily. I also
require your child to be respectful, cooperative with classmates and myself,
and to follow our class rules. If your child puts forth the necessary
effort I know they will be well prepared to succeed at the middle school
level. My expectations are high because I have high aspirations for my
My philosophy for a great education has three components; student, parent,
and teacher. It takes all three components working together to ensure the
best education and school year for your child. We are collectively working to make your
child a better student and person, and if we work as a team these two goals
will be much easier to achieve.
Again, lets have a great school year, and I look forward to serving your
child and you. Feel free to e-mail me anytime at .
Kris Bridges
Homework Policy
Homework assignments will be given to students daily. It is their responsibility to copy assignments from the board and to bring them back to school the next day unless instructed to do otherwise. I understand that emergencies arise and some nights it may be impossible for your child to complete their assignments. In the event this should happen, please send a note to school with your child, and I will excuse the student from the assignment. In addition to written homework, students should be reading for at least twenty minutes a night. The extra reading will greatly improve your child’s reading fluency and comprehension.
I use homework to provide extra practice for concepts and activities that are being done in the classroom. I do not give homework for the sake of giving homework. Every assignment has a purpose and correlates with classroom happenings. Homework is not something that I personally check. I like to have students check their own homework assignments so they can see what they are understanding, and give me the chance to clear misconceptions and re-teach concepts that are not understood. I also like to play a variety of games when checking homework to make it fun and relevant for the students.
You should expect more homework and project related assignments than in previous years. Do not let the workload overwhelm you. As the year progresses your child will learn to manage their time more efficiently and will become more of an independent learner. This will ultimately ease the academic transition to middle school. Self-reliance, independence, and responsibility are my goals for your child.
Educate, Understand child, communicate, fun, enjoy profession, be authentic
- Behave- Ask questions
- Explain- Help at home
- Complete assignments- Evaluate progress
- Ask for assistance- Stay informed
- Be responsible for action and learning
Kris Bridges - Communication
Web Address:
- Update “Homework” and “Announcement” sections daily
- Class Dojo – Download app or check from computer
- Synergy
Weekly Reports:
- Graded papers –every week
Conference Week:
- Conference week is October 16-20
Testing Dates
Iowa Test September11-15
The ITBS is important because it is one of the components used for placement into advanced content courses in 6th grade.
Georgia MilestoneApril 11-20
This test is extremely important for two reasons, one, it is a pass/fail test for the 5th grade in Reading and Math. Secondly, it is a component used for entry into advanced placement courses.
Miscellaneous Information
- All transportation changes must be in writing and signed by a parent or legal guardian
- Without a note, I must send your child home the way that is indicated on the transportation sheet that was filled out during Open House
- There are no exceptions. This is a county directive and is for the safety of your child
Field Trip Information
- We are allowed to take one field trip
- Our destination is currently being considered
- Field trips are paid through donations. Insufficient funds will result in the cancellation of our trip.
Report cards and Progress Reports
- Progress reports go home every 4.5 weeks
- Report cards go home every 9 weeks
- Please sign and return envelop with each progress report and report card
Conference Week
- Scheduled for the week of October16 – 20, 2017
- Scheduling is very flexible and is not limited to conference week
Lunch/ASP/PTA Money
- Teachers do not collect money for any of the above
- Students can take money to the vault in the morning
Lunch / Breakfast
- Student breakfast = $1.25
- Student lunch = $2.25Adult lunch = $3.50
- We do have a snack daily
- Please bring healthy snacks
Safety/Parent Parking
- In order to ensure the safety of our students, all exterior doors are locked
- Between the hours of 8:15 and 2:15, please use the front doors
Grading Scale
100 – 90A
89 - 80B
79 – 74C
73 – 70D
69 & belowF
Weekly Progress Report
Week of:
_____Very Good
_____Needs Improvement
Study/Work HabitsComments
_____Works independently and completes all work.
_____Needs some assistance but completes work.
_____Needs much assistance and takes a long time to complete work.
_____Gets distracted easily and does not complete work.
Missing HW:
_____Puts forth maximum effort.
_____Puts forth effort.
_____Puts forth minimum effort
_____Does not put forth effort.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______