EPITOMICS - IHC/ICC Troubleshooting Form
Please answer the following questions to help us troubleshoot your issue.
1. General Product Information
a. Product Name:
b. Catalog #:
c. Lot#:
2. Is this your first time using this antibody?
a. Yes, this is the first time
b. No, this is a re-use of the same tube of antibody
c. No, this is a re-order of a previously used antibody
3. Please briefly describe the issue that you are experiencing.
4. How is the product currently being stored?
5. Please describe the sample(s) used with the antibody.
Sample Type:
Sample species:
Tissue or Cell:
If Tissue: Is it fresh, frozen, or paraffin?
Type of Fixation (e.g. Methanol, Acetone):
% of Fixation:
Fixation time and temperature (e.g. overnight at 4C):
6. Was the sample deparaffinized? If yes, please briefly describe the method used.
7. Was any pretreatment done on the sample? If yes, please briefly describe the pretreatment reagent and method used (e.g. 10mM Citrate Buffer in 20 minutes in Microwave, 98C)
8. Primary antibody step. Please describe:
Dilution used:
Type of dilution buffer used:
Length of incubation with primary:
Temperature of incubation:
Volume of primary antibody used (µl)?
9. What type of wash buffer was used and how often/how long?
(e.g. PBS, twice, 5 minutes each)
10. What blocking buffer/substrate was used, how long, at what temperature?
(e.g. 10% normal goat serum, overnight at 4C)
11. Secondary antibody step. Please describe:
Type of secondary (i.e. goat-anti-Rb-HRP, Polymer, goat-anti-Rb-FITC) and supplier:
Length of incubation:
Temperature of incubation:
Dilution used:
Type of dilution buffer used:
12. Tertiary component/substrate step. Please describe :
Type of tertiary (i.e. SA-HRP) and supplier:
Length of incubation:
Temperature of incubation:
Dilution used:
Type of dilution buffer used:
13. For IHC, please describe the Chromagen and Counterstain used:
Type of Chromagen (e.g. DAB):
Length of incubation:
Temperature of incubation:
Dilution used:
Type of Counterstain (e.g. hematoxylin):
Length of incubation:
14. For ICC, please describe the Counterstain and mounting condition used:
Type of Counterstain:
Mounting solution used:
Was the slides kept in the dark after mounting?
15. Was a positive and/or negative control used? If yes, what were their results?
16. Please include any other information that you wish to share.