The Annual Report is designed to provide an on-going mechanism for quality assurance of curriculum accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Recreational Therapy Education. Each section of the report is relatively self-explanatory and should provide information on general administrative facets of the program, as well as resource, and outcome measures.
Section 1: General and Administrative Information
The Annual Report should identify the academic reporting year for which you are providing information. In addition, information on current regional accreditation and administrative representatives is provided.
Section II: Academic Program Information
Program structural changes are reported. Significant changes are identified as they related to the areas identified.
Significant changes in Clerical, Technological and Laboratory Support should be identified.
Budgetary Support should identify the budgetary allocations for supplies and equipment, capital expenditures (where applicable), and Professional Development including travel. The budgetary information for the RT/TR academic program may be reflected within a Departmental Budget. It is important that the RT/TR academic program address budgetary allocations based upon program needs.
In the Faculty section, a current list of RT/TR faculty should be provided. In addition faculty changes should be addressed.
The Curriculum segment should provide a summary of curriculum changes as applicable.
Changes in Clinical/Field Placement Sites should be listed. Provide a list of clinical affiliate sites that were added as well as sites that were dropped (discontinued). Please indicate if changes have been made in the affiliate agreement template and provide a rationale for such changes.
Student measures reflect data on the Student Admission Process and Student Retention rates. Retention rates should reflect the graduation rates for all students admitted to the RT/TR degree program/major. The academic year should be identified. Retention rates should indicate the number of students admitted into the program and the number (or percentage) that graduate. Since student academic progress from admission into the academic program through graduation may cross academic years, student retention must reflect graduates of the academic year reported. The retention rate is compared to the retention rates for the prior two years. It is essential that academic programs track student admission and retention rates across time.
In the Culminating Experiences, please report the results for student credentialing and internship. Credentialing should reflect reports provided via the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC). State credentialing (where applicable) rates should also be reported.
Using the Clinical Performance Appraisal Summary and Reference Form, ATRA Standards for the Practice of Therapeutic Recreation (2000) student performance on internship should be reported. The Clinical Performance Appraisal Summary and Reference Form provides instructions for levels of performance. Please report student outcomes via the form. Both the number and percentage of student ratings for each category (i.e., “Exceeds Expectations", “Above Expectations", “Achieves Expectations", “Below Expectations", “Does Not Meet Expectations") should be reported. The results of student performance on internship should be compared to student performance on the two prior years results.
Section III: Graduate Information
Section III of the Annual Report requests information on outcomes related to graduate placement, Employer satisfaction, and graduate satisfaction.
Graduate Placement refers to the gainful employment, continuation of education, or other placement of program graduates. While the tracking of graduates is recognized as a difficult task in a mobile society, each program should attempt to track graduate activities following graduation. Please provide the information to the best of your ability.
Employer Satisfaction Survey (Form 12) is provided to assist the academic program in securing program outcome data from employers of the program's graduates. Every attempt should be made to seek approval from the graduates prior to seeking the employer's input.
The Graduate Satisfaction Survey (Form 10) and/or a comparable institutional mechanism should be used to gather input from program graduates as it related to program outcomes.
The form is to be signed and dated by the academic program director or other institutional representative.
Name of Program:
NOTE: When completing this annual report please refer to the “Annual Report Instructions” provided. Incomplete or incorrectly completed reports will be returned to the program.
SECTION I: General Academic and Administrative Information
Data reported are for the academic/fiscal year of: to
Sponsoring Institution:
Regional Institutional Accrediting Agency:
Agency: / Last Accreditation Date:Agency: / Last Accreditation Date:
Administrative Officer (of sponsoring institution)
Dean/Administrator (of sponsoring institution)
Department Chair (of sponsoring institution)
Program Director (of sponsoring institution)
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Length of Program: Degree Awarded:
Has your program been active over the past year? Yes No
Have there been any significant changes to the above information since submission of the last annual report?
Yes No
If yes, what changes have been made?
Tuition and Fees for the Program:
Top of Form
Have there been any changes in tuition and fees? Yes No
Bottom of Form
If yes, describe the changes:
Section II: Academic Program Information
Clerical, Technological, Laboratory Support:
Have there been any changes in the administrative, clerical, technological, or laboratory support for the program?
Yes No
If yes, describe the changes:
Budgetary Support
What was the Departmental Budget for the last completed Academic Year?
Supplies and Equipment: $
Capital Expenditures: $
Professional Development:$
Evaluate the program specific budget. Is the program budget adequate to achieve program goals and outcomes? If not, provide a plan of action describing how the program will comply.
Faculty (Provide name(s) and position(s) of the faculty in the RT/TR program)
Name(s) Position(s)
Have there been any recent changes in existing program faculty positions within the RT/TR program?
Yes No
Please identify the change(s):
Faculty Instructor: Position Change:
Have there been any changes in the program’s curriculum? Yes No
If yes, describe the changes:
Clinical/Field Placement Sites
Were there changes in the program’s clinical/field placement sites? Yes No
Affiliate sites added:
Affiliate sites dropped:
Are all affiliation agreements signed and up-to-date? Yes No
If no, describe how the program will update agreements and/or acquire appropriate signatures:
Have changes been made to your institutions affiliation agreement template?
Yes No
If yes, describe the changes:
Student Measures: Please provide information on each of the student related measures below.
Student Admission Process:
Please describe the student major admission process and procedures:
Please describe the student admissions target rate (number of students per term):
Student Competencies:
Please describe what mechanisms are used for monitoring and assessing student achievement of competencies (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) for the practice of RT/TR?
Please describe what mechanisms are used to communicate to students their standing within the program?
Student Retention:
Data reported are for the academic/fiscal year of: to
List all class completion dates from the academic period listed above:
Admitted: Graduated: Retention Rate: %
How do retention levels reported compare with the previous two years’ retention levels?
Culminating Experiences: Please provide data on student outcomes as they relate to student culminating experience
Data reported are for the academic/fiscal year of: to
List all class completion dates within the academic/fiscal year listed above:
Credentialing Examination(s)
-National Certification Examination: National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification
-Total number of students who took the exam:
-Percentage of students who passed the exam:
-State Credentialing (if applicable):
-Total number of students credentialed:
Internships: (Please use the Clinical Performance Appraisal Summary and Reference Form, ATRA Standards for the Practice
of Therapeutic Recreation, 2000)
Total number of students who interned:
Number of students who scored “Exceeds Expectations” %
Number of students who scored “Above Expectations” %
Number of students who scored “Achieves Expectations” %
Number of students who scored “Below Expectations” %
Number of students who scored “Does Not Meet Expectations %
How do culminated experience results compare with the previous two years’ culminating
experience results?
SECTION III: Graduate Information:
Data reported below are for the academic/fiscal year of: to
Graduate Placement
a. Number of graduates employed/continuation in education within 1 year of graduation:
b. Total number of graduates:
c. Percent of Placement:
Analysis of results:
How do reported graduate placement levels compare with the previous two years’ graduate placement levels?
Less than
Greater than
Employer Satisfaction Survey:
Employer mean rating: Survey Return: %
Analysis of results:
Graduate Satisfaction Survey:
Graduate mean rating: Survey Return: %
Analysis of results:
Program Director’s Signature ______Date______
Form 05 Annual Report © Committee for the Accreditation of Recreational Therapy Education 2011 CARTE 1