August 2005


Holder of the Fred J. Benson Chair in

Civil Engineering


ROBERT L. LYTTON August 2005

F.J. Benson Chair

Director, Center for Infrastructure Engineering, Texas Engineering Experiment Station

Professor, Civil Engineering

Research Engineer, Texas Transportation Institute

Age: 66 Citizenship: U.S.

Birthplace: Port Arthur, Texas Marital Status: Married

Security Clearance: Secret (Exp'd) Number of Children: Three

Professional Interests: Expansive Clay Theory and Design

Soil Mechanics

Soil-Structure Interaction

Soil Dynamics

Continuum Mechanics

Fracture Mechanics



Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Texas, 1967

M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Texas, 1961

B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Texas, 1960



Fred J. Benson Chair, September 1, 1995-present

A.P. and Florence Wiley Chair, October 1, 1990-August 31, 1995

Professor, Civil Engineering and Research Engineer, Texas Transportation Institute, September 1976-Present

Associate Professor, Civil Engineering and Associate Research Engineer, Texas Transportation Institute, January 1971 - September 1976

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, September 1967 - September 1968

Teaching Assistant, University of Texas, Austin, September 1965 - May 1967




Post-Doctoral Fellow, U.S. National Science Foundation, Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, February 1969 - December 1970

Associate, J.B. Dannenbaum, Consulting Engineer, October 1963 -September 1965

Civil Engineer, U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, California, June-August 1960


Engineer Officer, 35th Engineer Group (Construction) Fort Hood, Texas and Fort Polk, Louisiana

Ranks: 2nd Lt. - June 4, 1960

1st Lt. - March 26, 1963

Captain - March 26, 1968


Registered Professional Engineer, Texas #27657

Registered Professional Engineer, Louisiana #9620

Registered Land Surveyor, Louisiana #2434

Registered Fallout Shelter Analyst, #57787763


Organizing Committee, Second International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China, August 1998.

Control Group Member, ASCE Standards Committee on the Design of Residential Foundations on Expansive Clays, 1992-present

Control Group Member, ASCE Standards Committee on Independent Peer Review, 1992-present

Member, General Design Subcommittee, Southern Building Code Congress International, 1986-1988

Chairman, Transportation Research Board Committee A2LO6 Environmental Factors Except Frost, 1987-1993

Organizing Committee, Seventh International Conference on Expansive Soils, Dallas, Texas, August, 1992

Organizing Committee, First International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Paris,

France, September, 1995.

U. S. Representative on Committee TC-6, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1987 to present

Secretary, Fourth International Conference on Expansive Soils, Denver, Colorado, June, 1980

Chairman, Transportation Research Board Symposium on Swelling Soils, Session

98, 1975, Annual Meeting

Secretary, American Society of Civil Engineering Research Council on Expansive Soils

Transportation Research Board Committees: A2L06, Environmental Factors Except Frost; A2B01, Pavement Management Systems; A2B04, Pavement Rehabilitation; A2B05, Load and Deformation Properties of Pavements; Task Force A2T59, Relating Distress to Performance; Task Force A2T56, Non-Destructive Testing of Airfield Pavements

National Cooperative Highway Research Program Advisory Panel C1-17, Long-Term Effects of Environment

Chairman, Texas Section ASCE Soil Mechanics and Foundations Technical Committee, 1975

American Concrete Institute Committee 360

Post-Tensioning Institute Technical Advisory Board

International Society of Rock Mechanics, Commission on Swelling Rocks, Control Group Member

American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Division, Computer Applications Committee


The Prescon Corporation

The University of Texas at Arlington Construction Research Center

U.S. Army Waterways Experiment Station

New Mexico Engineering Research Institute

Thompson Engineering Corporation

Dames and Moore, Iberia, Madrid, Spain

Consulting and Research Services, Inc.

Austin Research Engineers, Inc.

Engineers Testing Laboratory, Inc.

Bechtel Corporation

Texas Industries, Inc.

Associated Inspection Services, Inc.

U.S. Army Engineer Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Law Engineering Testing

Téchnico y Proyectas, S.A., Madrid, Spain


Chairman - Ph.D. Committees:

Aziz Ahmad

Victor C. Barber

Jayson Barfknecht (current)

Curtis Berthelot

Rifat Bulut (current)

Samuel H. Carpenter

Chia-Wei (Jason) Chen

Y. N. Chou

Koon Meng Chua

Andrew P. Covar (current)

Ahmed A. Eltahan

Derek A. Gay

Ranasinghege Jayatilaka

Priyantha Jayawickrama

Ming-Lou Liu

Shang-Jyh Liu (Co-Chairman with Hsin-I Wu)

Joe P. Mahoney

Joaquin Marti (Co-Chairman with R.A. Schapery)

Francis N. Nyangaga

Seong-Wan Park

Miguel Picornell

Carlos Pinero

Shelley M. Stoffels

Kuo-Hung Tseng

W. Kent Wray

Chairman - Masters Committees:

Serpil Rezzan Ayhan

Steven C. Bahrt

David H. Bierling

Sanet Brendenkamp (Jooste)

Fred A. Brown

William R. Campbell

Djan Chandra

Hang Sun Chang

Melissa Chau

Danqing Chen (never finished, left to join husband at U of Dallas)

Jinseong Choi

Chia-Wei Chen

Koon Meng Chua

Gregory Cleveland (current)

Kevin D. Copeland

Cristina M.Cuellar

Earl V. Edris

Cindy K. Estakhri (current)

Mark Gardner (never finished)

Fred P. Germann

M. Kabir Hossain

Denise M. Hoyt (never finished - quit to have family)

Ahmad N. Jamy

Ranasinghege Jayatilaka

Priyantha Jayawickrama

Phillip King

Tao-Ming King

Vipin G. Kohale

Gordon L. Kohutek

Mark J. Lamborn

Steve Lux

Antonio Marimon

Lynn Millegan

Donald D. Naiser, Jr.

James M. Naismith

Richard P. Palmer

Miguel Picornell

Dan E. Pickett

David L. Pickett

Daryl J. Poduska

Deepa Rajendran

N. Felton Rhodes

B. Lanka Santha

Sanjaya P. Senadheera

Ulpala Shanmugham

Leslie Titus-Glover

Kuo-Hung Tseng

Manuel Velasco

Abigail K. Wells (current)

K. A. S. Yapa

List of Dissertations and Theses:

Doctoral Dissertations:

Covar, Andrew P., "The Role of Uncertainty in the Design of High Hazard Waste

Management Facilities," Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department,

(To be submitted).

Pinero, Carlos S., "Use of High Volume Fly Ash Cement for Stabilization of Expansive

Soils with High Soluble Sulfates Content," Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering

Department, December, 2000.

Park, Seong-Wan, “Evaluation of Accelerated Rut Development in Unbound Pavement

Foundations and Load Limits on Load-Zoned Pavements,” Ph.D. Dissertation,

Civil Engineering Department, May, 2000

Jayatilaka, Ranasinghege, “A Model to Predict Expansive Clay Roughness in Pavements

with Vertical Moisture Barriers,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, August, 1999.

Berthelot, Curtis F., "Mechanistic Modeling of Saskatchewan Specific Pavement Studies-

9A Asphalt Concrete Pavements," Ph.D dissertation, Civil Engineering

Department, May, 1999.

Chen, Chia-Wei (Jason), "Mechanistic Approach to the Evaluation of Microdamage

In Asphalt Mixes," Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department,

August, 1997.

Eltahan, Ahmed A., “A Mechanistic-Empirical Approach to the Development of a

Stochastic Reflection Crack Prediction Model for Flexible Pavement Overlays,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1996.

Nyangaga, Francis N., "Developing a Model to Predict Pavement Roughness

Development on Expansive Soils," Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering

Department, May, 1996.

Gay, Derek A., "Development of a Predictive Model for Pavement Roughness on

Expansive Clay," Ph.D dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, May, 1994.

Liu, Ming-Lou, “Numerical Prediction of Pavement Distress with Geotechnical

Constitutive Law,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, May, 1993.

Jayawickrama, Priyantha, " Liquid Transfer Through Preferential Flow Paths in

Compacted Clay," Ph. D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department,

May, 1990.

Chou, Yein-Juin (Eddie), "Development of an Expert System for Nondestructive

Pavement Structural Evaluation," Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering

Department, December, 1989.

Tseng, Kuo-Hung, "A Finite Element Method for the Performance Analysis of

Flexible Pavements," Ph. D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department,

August, 1988.

Chua, Koon Meng, “Time-Dependent Interaction of Soil and Flexible Pipe,” Ph.D.

Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, May, 1986.

Picornell-Darder, Miguel, “The Development of Design Criteria to Select the Depth of a

Vertical Moisture Barrier,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department,

December, 1985.

Liu, Shang-Jyh, “Environmental Modeling of Vegetative Protection from Wind Erosion

and Rainfall Infiltration, Drainage, and Load Carrying Capacity of Pavements,”

Ph.D. Dissertation, Bioengineering, Co-chairman with Hsin Wu, August, 1984.

Mahoney, Joe P., "Measurements of Pavement Condition and Performance for Texas

Highways Using Sampling Techniques," Ph. D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering

Department, May, 1979.

Marti, Joaqin, "Lateral Loads Exerted on Offshore Piles," Ph. D. Dissertation, Co-

Chair with R. A. Schapery, Civil Engineering Department, 197 .

Wray, Warren K., “Development of a Design Procedure for Residential and Light

Commercial Slabs – on – Ground Constructed Over Expansive Soils,”

Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1978.

Barber, Victor C., "The Deterioration and Reliability of Pavements," Ph.D. Dissertation,

Civil Engineering Department, May ,1978.

Ahmad, Aziz, "Analysis and Design Procedure for Highway - Railroad Grade Crossings,"

Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1976.

Carpenter, Samuel H., “Thermal Susceptibility; A New Environmental Deterioration

Mechanism for Pavements,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department,

August, 1976.

Doctor of Engineering Internship Report:

Stoffels, Shelley Marie, “Intern Experience at ERES Consultants, Inc.,” Internship

Report, Doctor of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1987.

Masters of Science Theses:

Naiser, Donald D., Jr., "Procedures to Predict Vertical Differential Soil Movement

For Expansive Soils," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,

December, 1997.

Poduska, Daryl Jason, “Rutting and Drainage Design Methodology for a Concrete Block

Pavement,” Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, August,


Naismith, James M., “Using Reference Frames and the Global Positioning System (GPS)

to Produce Control Networks for Spatial Data,” Master of Science Thesis,

Civil Engineering Department, May, 1998.

Millegan, H. Lynn, "An Assessment of Potential for Benefit from Integrating

Geographic Information Systems Technology into Life-Cycle Management of

Infrastructures," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,

December, 1997.

Rajendran, Deepa, "Alternate Stabilizers: Solution Towards Reduction of Sulfate

Swell in Expansive Clay Sub-grades in the Dallas District," Master of Science

Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, August, 1997.

Ayhan, Serpil Rezzan, "Design and Development of a Laboratory Suction Measuring

Device," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, August, 1996.

Titus-Glover, Leslie, “Evaluation of Pavement Base and Subgrade Material Properties

and Test Procedures,” Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,

August, 1995.

Bredenkamp (Jooste), Sanet, “Sulfate Induced Heave in Lime Stabilized Soil,” Master of

Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1994.

Jayatilaka, Ranasinghege, "Effectiveness of Vertical Moisture Barriers in Highway

Pavements on Expansive Soils," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering

Department, May, 1993.

Jamy, Ahmad N., "Evaluation of Tire Pressure, Tire Construction, Axle Configuration

And Axle Load on Flexible Pavement Performance," Master of Science Thesis,

Civil Engineering Department, August, 1991.

Hossain, Mohammad Kabir, “Finite Element Analysis and Design of Large Diameter

Flexible Vertical Pipes Subjected to Incremental Compacted Backfill Loads and

Creep Effects,” Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, August,


Santha, B. Lanka, “A Microcomputer Procedure for Structural Evaluation of Low-

Volume Roads,” Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,

August, 1990.

Senadheera, Sanjaya P., “Analysis for Design of Thick Granular Bases under Heavy

Aircraft Loading,” Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,

August, 1990.

Chua, Melissa Tuyet-Mai, “Stability Analysis of Buried Flexible Pipes: A Biaxial

Buckling Equation,” Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,

May, 1990.

Chandra, Djan, "Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Low-Volume roads," Master

Of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1988.

Yapa, Kashyapa A.S., “A Simplified Mechanistic Rut-Depth Prediction Procedure for

Low-Volume Roads,” Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department,

December, 1988.

Palmer, Richard Paul, “A Mechanistic Model for the Prediction of Stresses, Strains, and

Displacements in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements,” Master of

Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, May, 1988.

Lamborn, Mark J., "A Micromechanical Approach to Modeling Partly Saturated Soils,"

Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1986.

Bahrt, Steven C., "Parameter for Landfill-Liner Leak-Rate Model," Master of Science

Thesis, (Co-Chair with Kirk W. Brown). Civil Engineering Department,

December, 1985

Jayawickrama, Priyantha W., "Methodology for Predicting Asphalt Concrete Overlay

Life Against Reflection Cracking," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering

Department, May 1985.

Brown, Frederick A., "A Numerically Based Design Procedure for Buried High-

Density Polyethylene Profile-Wall Pipes Buried in Fine Grained In-Situ

Soils," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December,


Chua, Koon Meng, " Load Rating of Light Pavement Structures," Master of Science

Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1983.

Kohutek, Gordon L., "The Development of Regional Overlay Design Equations to

Consider Reflection Cracking," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering

Department, December, 1983.

Pickett, David L., "Laboratory Evaluation of Selected Fabrics for Reinforcement of

Asphaltic Concrete Overlays," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering

Department, May 1981.

Velasco, Manuel O., "Pavement Roughness on Expansive Clays," Master of Science

Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1980.

German, Frederick P.,"Predicting the Fatigue Life of Asphalt Concrete Overlay

Systems," Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, May, 1979.

Campbell, William R., Jr., "Properties of Frozen Base Course Material in West Texas,"

Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1978.

Rhodes, Noah Felton, Jr., "An Investigation of Vehicle Speed and Pavement Roughness

Relationships for Texas Highways," Master of Engineering Report, Civil

Engineering Department, August, 1978.

Pickett, Daniel E., "Extension and Replacement of Asphalt Cement with Sulphur,"

Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1977.

Edris, Earl V., "Dynamic Properties of Sub-grade Soils, Including Environmental

Effects, " Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, May, 1976.

Chang, Hang-Sun, “Prediction of Thermal Reflection Cracking in West Texas,” Master

of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, August, 1975.

Master of Engineering Reports:

Kohale, Vipin G., "Design of Asphalt Concrete Overlay to Mitigate Reflection

Cracking," Master of Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department,

June, 2000.

Cuellar, Cristina M., "Ground Penetrating Radar Applications in Subsurface

Contaminant Identification," Master of Engineering Report, Civil Engineering

Department, December, 1999.

Bierling, David H., "Dredged Material Consolidation Methods and Properties," Master

of Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department, November, 1999.

Copeland, Kevin D., "Behavioral Prediction and Design of Piers in Expansive Soils,"

Master of Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department, June, 1997.

Chen, Chia-Wei (Jason), "A Finite Formulation of Nonlinear Structure-Soil Interacting

System for Seismic Response Analysis," Master of Engineering Report Civil

Engineering Department, May, 1993.

Choi, Jin Seong, "Reinforcing Fiberglass Grids for Asphalt Overlay," Master of

Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department, December, 1987.

Tseng, Kuo-Hung, " ,"

Master of Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department, , 198 .

Picornell, Darder Miguel, "An Investigation of Two Case Histories of Chemical

Treatment of Expansive Soil in Denver, Colorado," Master of Engineering

Report, Civil Engineering Department, February, 1982.

King, Philip G., "A Review of Some Methods of Deep In-Situ Soil Lime Stabilization,"

Master of Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department, July, 1980.

Shanmugham, Ulpala L., "Prediction of Thermal Fatigue Cracking Using Fracture

Mechanics," Master of Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department, May,


Lux, Steven, "A Design Program for Drilled Piers in Expansive Soils," Master of

Engineering Report, Civil Engineering Department, , 197 .

Rhodes, Noah Felton, Jr., "An Investigation of Vehicle Speed and Pavement Roughness

Relationships for Texas Highways," Master of Engineering Report, Civil