VistA Evolution Program, VistA Immunization Enhancements (VIMM) Technical Resource Meeting Minutes
DATE: / Tuesday, October 7, 2014MS LYNC: / 855-767-1051 & Online Meeting
MODERATOR: / Keith Magoon
TIME: / 11:00 – 11:30 AM EDT
ACCESS CODE(S): / 6627 7038
FACILITATOR: / Dennis Kemp
SCRIBE: / Jacquie Marian
ATTENDED / NAME / ROLEX / Alan Monosky / VA M Developer
X / Alan Montgomery
X / Asha Amritraj / STS Java Dev/Architect
X / Barbara Basket / STS SQA
X / Brian Frederickson / VA Planner
X / Carolyn Kron / PM Support Senior Test Engineer
X / Christine Donovan / STS Program Manager
Chuck Link / VA M Developer
X / Connie Ray / VA M Developer
X / Dan Cramer / STS Terminologist Analyst/NTRT
O / Dennis Kemp / PM Support Project Manager
George Lilly / VistA Expertise Network & CIO, WorldVistA
Gianni LaRosa / PM Support Senior Trainer
X / Jacquelyn Marian / PM Support Requirements Analyst
X / James Proctor / PM Support Release Manager
Janelle Moore / PMO Support Acquisition
Jeff Udell / STS Project Manager
Jeffrey Nienhaus / VA SQA
Joan Cohen
X / Joseph Bircher / PMO Support Planner
X / Jyothi Siddabathula / PM Support Test Engineer
Kathryn McGuyer / VA Technical Analyst
X / Kathy Steele / PM Support Technical Writer
Katie Carr / PMO Support Acquisition
Keith Avery / PM Support Senior Developer
X / Keith Magoon / VA VIMM Project Manager
Lenna Scott / VA Implementation Manager
X / Mike Henderson / OSEHRA Director Open Source Product Management
X / Mike Montali / VA Competency Manager
Nancy Anthracite / President, CMO & Director, WorldVistA
Peter Li / OSEHRA CISSP Director, Engineering
Radhika Yakkali / PM Support Test Engineer
Randy Stewart / STS Terminologist
X / Raymond Steele / VA Technical Writer
X / Richard Ohlmann / PM Support Test Engineer
Roger Gorkhalee / PMO Support Risk Manager
X / Seema Chaudhry / VA Functional Analyst
Shauneen Miranda / PMO Support Ancillary Product Line PM
X / Shelita Davis / PM Support Technical Writer
Thomas May / Enterprise Architecture (EA)
X / Vikas Sharma / STS Java Dev
X – Present. O – Excused absence. Blank – no report.
PRESENTER: Keith Magoon
TOPIC: Project Status
· Primavera, and PMAS Dashboard updates (Brian Frederickson)
Brian stated they met yesterday to discuss project schedule; received an out of office message from Dennis. Brian asked if anyone from 7Delta knew who the scheduling resource will be working on the IMS and also with Primavera. Keith stated Dennis is out of office today and he contacted the COR for the SBG project to put Joseph back on the project until end of December. January 1st it will be a 7Delta person that will have to do those IMS updates and such. The same with Roger Gorkhalee; he has been asked to remain until the end of December.
Brian stated he sent out the draft schedule he had for the VIMM 2.0 project to Jeff Udell and the STS group so they can take a look at that. Brian stated he will work with Joseph and Paul to look at those schedules.
For Primavera, Brian stated there are a few outstanding timesheets and as soon as those are completed he will shut off the increment 2 activities for VIMM 1.0 and will be providing the report to Keith. Keith requested the team to ensure they are logging their time in Primavera by close of business on Friday.
PMAS Dashboard is up to date.
· Status of PX*1*201 IOC (Keith)
Keith stated all 4 sites reported with version 13 in their production that they have no problems or anomalies in their VistA. Keith stated Jeff is currently finishing up his review of T14 and Jeff stated it will be ready to go into production this afternoon.
PRESENTER: Keith Magoon
TOPIC: Technical Tasks
· Update on the status of SQA documentation, PX201 defects and IOC site comments (Chuck Link, Jeff Nienhaus)
Keith asked Connie to communicate with Chuck that as soon as he gets word from Jeff Nienhaus that T14 needs to go out to the sites.
Keith stated Jeff reported he would be done in a couple of hours for the T14 and it needs to get it out to the sites to start the 14 calendar day timer for an application to be in production to meet the IOC exit requirements. If it goes out today and happens to get into production today, we are still looking at Oct 21st for the 14 days to be completed and we can submit the IOC exit request and also the national deployment addendum. We are supposed to give 10 business days for the VHA to process the IOC Exit so we are looking at November 4th hopefully at the latest that we have the IOC Exit approval and then the sites have 30 days once it goes out for national release to install it into their production systems.
Keith asked Chuck to provide a status of T14 from the developer point. Chuck stated shortly after the developer’s call yesterday, Connie produced a new build and we got the documentation together and sent it to Jeff. The build is with him at this time. Keith stated once Jeff lets the team know that SQA is completed on T14, he would like to get T14 out to the 4 IOC sites by close of business today. Keith stated that Jeff has indicated his testing has shown no defects with T14. Chuck indicated he would work with Connie to get it to the sites.
Chuck stated the developers are trying to finish up the standardization requirements, but they have not been able to because of the T14 build; they are trying to get them done as best they can. Chuck stated they have been meeting when they can to get the LOE on the increment 1 requirements, but for the last week and a half they have not met. Chuck feels they should be able to get together after today.
· Status of Requirements elaboration on VIMM 2.0 RTM to change requirements from Business to Software Developer verbiage (Seema, Dennis)
Seema states there is a meeting today to go over the questions she has so far from the developers. Since she did not want to disturb developers last week, Seema stated she worked with Dawn O’Connor (SME) and received feedback from her that will be incorporated in the spreadsheet, which will be distributed before the scheduled meeting.
Seema stated the requirements received from Patrick and Rob regarding Clinical Reminders are being elaborated. She was also instructed by Dr. Silverman to include them in the increment 1 requirements. Keith stated we are going to make sure Clinical Reminders can use our information as soon as possible instead of waiting until we are on CPRS.
· ICE / CAT 508 Conformance analysis status (Raymond Steele)
Raymond stated he finally has a consensus in and out of VA; circulating a meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 4pm with the attendees that Keith has the emails on. Raymond asked for our team to participate; he has had a call to action for a couple of people recently on some things. Raymond stated that we need some people with some real knowledge to consider some feedback we have received from open source; they are telling us things are relying on other things and there are non-compliance in this area and he is not quite sure how complicated it is. Raymond stated they are just now starting to get involved with it.
Keith asked if Raymond has an agenda for the meeting tomorrow. Raymond stated he did not because he did not know what Keith would want to talk about. For example, the open source guy if you just leave it open are going to want to talk about some preliminary testing they have done using the section 508 VA tools Raymond provided. There are other open source specialists and other groups now that are getting involved and we talked that this is not in-depth technical, but more of a who are the players and some introductions; Raymond kind of sees it more of a kick-off meeting. Keith stated he would like Raymond to include Shelita or Jacquie so the minutes can be captured; Raymond indicated he has.
· VIMM 1.0 training material requests (Dennis)
Keith stated he has not seen any traffic on this so we will be closing this out if we do not get any training requests or material requests. The Release notes are very thorough for VIMM 1.0 (PX*1.0*201), so we will leave this on here for another week and then close it out.
· Status of the interim process for updating standardized files (Keith)
Keith stated we discussed this on the Software Developers call yesterday. It is still Keith’s responsibility to get that through and right now it is still with Product Support; he will keep pushing on this to get us the interim procedure for update of standardized files until STS process is in place.
· Review of VIMM Standardization requirements by STS Team and requirements to be added to VIMM 2.0. (Jeff Udell)
Keith stated Jeff could not make the meeting. Keith asked Asha if she has an update on the review and she stated they have a meeting today at 3pm to discuss the requirements. Asha stated they did have a meeting yesterday to go through the files, each of the fields, what needs to be done, and what needs to be standardized by STS. They will be continuing those discussions and based on today’s meeting there will be more discussions on the requirements. Keith asked if there are any roadblocks; Asha stated there are not.
TOPIC: Open Forum
Seema mentioned the RSD document that she received from the SBG team; she has reviewed it and wanted to know who she will be working with on the 7Delta team. Keith asked Jacquie if Dennis assigned her to work on the RSD with Seema or is it Shelita. Jacquie stated Dennis did not specifically state who would be working on the RSD, but that she assumed it would be her. Keith asked for an action item to be created to follow-up with Dennis to identify the resource to work with Seema on requirements.
Raymond mentioned the Section 508 VIMM increment 1 documents Keith sent to him this morning from Christopher Walken; the form that we need to present to them, the waiver. During Keith’s pre-brief today, one of his action items for the MS2 presentation for VIMM 1.0, he was told it was not a self-certification form it is an exemption form. Raymond stated it is regarding the application and not the documents. Raymond stated he contacted them on how to fill out the form and get a little more background on it; he spoke with Mr. Walken from the Section 508 office and they are filling out the form together and he has explained what he wants to see, but it is pretty much covering a waiver because there is no GUI on it; we do not have to have a compliant GUI. That form will be done this afternoon and in Keith’s mailbox for signature.
Seema stated she cannot open the .mpp file for the time schedule of the project on SharePoint and asked if it can be put in a format that can be opened. Brian stated they can easily save it off as a PDF.
PRESENTER: Keith Magoon
TOPIC: Action Item Update
· See action items listed below
TOPIC: Closing Comments
ASSIGNED TO / ASSIGN DATE / DUE DATE / ACTION ITEM / DISPOSITION / STATUSDennis Kemp / 10/7/14 / Provide resource to work with Seema on the requirements (RSD)
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