The majority of children and young people (CYP) with Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) will be supported within their mainstream setting through a graduated approach to SEN. This documentbriefly outlines the key aspects of this and how it should be planned and evaluated and how it is resourced.

The Graduated Approach can be seen as encompassing three levels of provision and support:

  • QualityFirst Teaching can be seen as underpinning all provision and support.Quality First Teaching is evidenced as the most important factor for determining the effectiveness of intervention and attainment for CYPwith SEN.
  • TargetedProvision and Support will be used where a CYP, despite Quality First Teaching,is not making the progress expected. Intervention will be developed to help the CYP‘catch up and keep up’, targeted provision will focus on the areas of need relevant to the CYPand may encompass supportwith behaviour and/orattendance.
  • Personalised Provision and Support will be used where despite Quality First Teaching and targeted intervention, the CYPis not making the progress expected. Provision and support at this level will include advice from external agencies and CYP with the highest level of need will also have an EHC Plan/Statement of Special Educational Needs.

Essential to all provision and support for CYP with SENDis that provision is appropriately planned and monitored.This requires the use of tools that incorporate the ‘assess, plan, do and review’ cycle,and have a clear focus on outcomes. Settings can use the tools they feel are most helpful and appropriate to achieve this; examples could include tools such as Individual Provision Maps and IEPs.

The diagram below illustrates the three levels of a graduated approach and how each level is resourced:


Quality First Teaching
Universal & Ongoing Intervention
(Resourcedfrom setting’s budget –element 1)

Personalised Support & Provision / Milton Keynes / Targeted Support & Provision
Longer term for those with more complex enduring needs *
Resourced from elements 1 and 2, and element 3 (high needs
funding) as appropriate / Graduated

/ Short term support for those at risk of falling behind
or needing support in a particular area
(Resourced fromsetting’s budget – elements 1 & 2 (delegated SEN Budget)