ENFD 383 Basic Fluid Mechanics Date Prepared: Feb 2, 2004

Catalog data: / 20-ENFD-383. Basic Fluid Mechanics. 3 cr. Physical nature of fluids, fluid statics, conservation principles and their application to engineering problems. Bernoulli equation. Duct flow of real fluids with losses.
Prerequisites: / 15-MATH-254 Calculus IV; 15-MATH-273 Differential Equations; 20-ENFD-101 Mechanics I
Textbook: / Introduction to Fluid Flow, R. W. Fox & A. T. McDonald
Wiley Publishing Co., 5th ed.
References: /
Fluid Flow—A First Course in Fluid Mechanics, Sabersky & Acosta,
Coordinator: / Kirti (Karman) Ghia, Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, 681 RH, 556-3243,
Course Objectives:
The student will be able to / 1. Define a continuous fluid and flow behavior at a point [a]
2. Apply the equilibrium principle to solve simple hydrostatic and manometer problems. [a, e]
3. Apply integral conservation laws of mass and momentum to control volumes [a, e]
4. Apply the continuity equation for possible fluid flow [a]
5. Solve for the stream lines, path lines, and streak lines [a, k]
6. Apply Bernoulli equation [e]
7. Application to pipe flows with and without losses [e, k]
Topics Covered: / Observable fluid properties and introductory concepts. Basic integral conservation laws of mass and momentum. Apply to hydrostatics. Differential approach and Bernoulli equation. Application to pipe flows with and without losses.
Computer usage:
Prof. Experience: / Mathematics; Engineering
AEEM Program Objectives: / 1 & 2
ABET Criteria Addressed: / ·  Ability to apply mathematics, science, and engineering principles to problem solving [a]
·  Ability to identify the role of appropriate control volumes, stream lines, and engineering approximations to problem solving [e], [k]

Instrument of Assessment

Course Name: Basic Fluid Mechanics Course # ENFD-383 Quarter______Instructor______

Outcome / Objective / HW / Quiz / Mid-Term / Final / Report / Oral / % of Stud. with C and above / Comments
a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to problems in the aerospace disciplines
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c) An ability to design an aerospace system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in the aerospace disciplines
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g) An ability to communicate effectively in written and oral presentation
h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context
i) A recognition of the need for an ability to engage in life-long learning
j) A knowledge of contemporary issues through participation in a general education program
k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
l) Enhanced understanding of the relationship between theory and professional practice through the cooperative education experience
m) The opportunity to specialize and to participate in a research experience


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