Pennell PTO Minutes
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6:30pm
Call to Order:
In attendance:
Ms. Martin, Principal
Mrs. Nielsen, Teacher Representative
Andrea Griffith, President
Kat Kunze, Vice President
Michele Dormer, Secretary
Theresa Lancellotti, Treasurer
Mr. Clark, Guest Speaker
Principal’s Report:
Ms. Martin thanked everyone for a successful Holiday Shop. The staff was grateful for the Holiday Lunch. Parent conferences went well. The Chorus Concert at AI DuPont was well attended. Thank you for understanding about getting clearances in for all of the holiday parties.
Teacher Representative’s Report:
Mrs. Nielsen Special thanks to all the parents for the continual support to the students and staff.
Treasurer’s Report:
Theresa Lancellotti reported on:
- Current Balance of $21,380.15
- Wawa gift cards
- Humphrey Books
- Magnets are 3.00
Guest Speaker: Mr. Clark:
Need volunteers and must have clearances. There will be a letter about sponsorships going home in two weeks. The money is due the date of the event. If you donate online please print a copy of the receipt.
Regular Business Items:
- Directory was distributed week of Thanksgiving. Thank you Lisa Clements.
- Holiday Shop: was a success. Thank you for all who volunteered, Jingle Bell Night was suggested that it not be held the night of parent teacher conferences. Jingle Bell night is in need of a chairperson for 2016. Chick-fil-A raised $340.00 for 5th grade it is suggested that they continue to use this fundraiser in the future if party trays are included in the percentage.
- Gertrude Hawk will be January 25-February 16. An expected delivery date is March 8th.
- Bingo Night January 29th- Need volunteers, Baked goods and silent auction baskets. They have books to use as prizes from last year.
- Little Caesars – We will not do this again in the spring – keep it as a fall fundraiser.
- Spring Fest is April 16th need volunteers and would like a committee
- Box Topswill need help cutting and counting
- Spring Spirit Wear Claire Williams would like ideas on items to sell. Claire will be the Chairperson for 2016
- Year Book: Barksdale Training, Pennell Facebook page private. Upload to your folders. Information will be given out to homeroom parents. The first draft of the yearbook is due March 22nd.
- Pen’s Den: January 14th during the children’s lunch period.
- Fifth Grade Information: Bingo Night need volunteers, individually wrapped baked goods and auction baskets. There will be a second flyer going home.
- Dining for Pennell will have Chick-fil-A calendars for $7.00 and will have Wawa Hoagie Vouchers for $4.00. Phillies night is May 20th, $20.00 per person. Asked about Cocco’s vouchers
- Other items discussed: Sun Valley National Honor Society. Frozen Movie night $5.00 for children and $7.00 for adults. Must register!
Dates to remember:
1/14Pen’s Den
1/18Martin Luther King Day (No School)
1/28Early dismissal 1:15pm
2/96:30 PTO Meeting
2/11Pen’s Den
2/12Early Dismissal 11:15
2/15No School
2/26Jump Rope for Heart
3/3Early Dismissal 11:15am
3/3Pink Out Day
3/86:30 PTO Meeting
3/10Pen’s Den
3/17-3/18Early Dismissal 11:15
3/21-28Spring Break
Any questions please email us and LIKE US on FB Pennell PTO for reminders and updates.
Respectfully submitted,
Michele Dormer
PTO Secretary