Alfred B. Nobel
Middle School
Math Science Technology Magnet Center
9950 Tampa Avenue-Northridge, CA 91324
Telephone: (818) 773-4700-Fax: (818) 701-9480
Robert Coburn, Principal Ted Pearce, Magnet Coordinator
Ron Kimura, Assistant Principal Marie Ferry, School Administrative Assistant
Rebecca Huffman, Assistant Principal Riley Leary, School Improvement Coordinator
Al Marsh, AP, Student Services Michelle Oak, EL Coordinator
Howard Marcovitch, AP, Counseling Services Mark Torres, Title One Coordinator
My Homeroom Teacher:______My Counselor:______
I have reviewed this handbook with my parents:
Student’s Signature:______
Parent’s Signature:______
Principal’s Message:
The Nobel staff, faculty, and administration wish you a productive and successful school year. The purpose of this handbook is to give you a better understanding of the rules, policies, and procedures which are part of everyday life at Nobel Middle School and the Nobel Magnet Center. It will also help to explain our instructional program, school activities, and student expectations. Take time to share this handbook with our parents so they can become aware of the many opportunities and challenging experiences they will encounter this school year. Nobel Middle School is committed to continue to strive for excellence. We are dedicated to making Nobel Middle School an outstanding school. We all need to work together this year to accomplish this goal. Nobel Middle School is your school! Be proud! Your experiences here should be enriching and rewarding. Working together, we can keep Nobel outstanding.
Robert Coburn, Principal
Nobel Middle School
Math Science Technology Magnet Center
About Your School
Nobel Middle School was named for Alfred B. Nobel, a Swedish chemist and inventor. He lived from 1833 to 1896, and although he lived in Sweden most of his lifetime, he visited America from 1850-52. His industrious and perseverance in the face of failure were two of his outstanding characteristics. He is remembered for the discovery of dynamite and ballistic - smokeless gunpowder, but his greatest contribution to mankind was his plan for awarding prizes annually to the most outstanding person in the fields of chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature and the cause of world peace.
The school colors are green and white, and the school mascot is the “Nighthawk”; the school motto is “Knowledge is Power”; and the yearbook is “The Medallion.”
Nobel Magnet Center
The Nobel Math Science Technology Magnet Center was established to provide instruction in all academic areas; to promote and enrich learning in the fields of math, science, and technology which are basic to future learning in all areas; and to promote standards of personal and classroom discipline and good citizenship.
The magnet center shares the campus of Nobel Middle School. Magnet students make up about 42 percent of the total school population of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
Staying Informed
Nobel uses a variety of methods to disseminate information to our community of parents, students, and staff: The monthly newsletter is distributed the first Monday of each school month for students to take home. Once a week, a classroom bulletin is read and posted in homeroom. Daily announcements are read over the P.A. during homeroom. Special flyers are sent home with students periodically to make parents aware of special events, needs, or concerns. The Nobel Student Planner is provided so that parents and teachers can maintain daily communication regarding student citizenship, and academic performance. The first one is free, additional planners will cost $10.
Visit us on the web at and the PTSA at
Visitors coming to school on official business must check in at the Main Office. An office staff member will determine the purpose of the visit and, as appropriate, ask the guest to sign the “Visitor” book and issue a “Visitor Pass” that the visitor will be asked to wear on their chest so it can be easily seen by Nobel personnel.
Nobel students must not bring other people such as cousins, friends, brothers or sisters to school to visit. Students who formerly attended Nobel will not be allowed on campus during school hours.
Student Leadership Activities
The Nobel Leadership class is comprised of elected and appointed students. The class is responsible for planning and organizing most student-sponsored events. Leadership activities include noontime activities, school fundraisers, campus recycling programs, and homework incentive programs. Student Leadership is also very involved in community work such as charity fundraisers, all types of emergency relief donation drives, and also community parades and PTSA events. All seventh and eight grade students are encouraged to consider leadership as an elective choice.
Library/Media Center
Our school Library/Media Center is a well equipped learning center available daily to all students from 7:30 A.M. to 30 minutes after school. The Library/Media Center has books and other materials for recreational reading as well as class assignments. Computers are used to access the Library’s collection. A copy machine is also available for student use at 10¢ per copy.
Every student at Nobel Middle School is issued an ID card which is also used as the school’s library card. Students need to keep their ID/Library card safe and in good condition. Students must have their ID/Library card in order to check out or renew books. The ID/Library card must also be shown to enter the Library at lunch. Under no conditions should ID/Library cards be loaned to others or be used to check out books for other students. A student is responsible for what is checked out under his/her library card.
Students may check out up to three (3) items for a two week period. Overdue books may not be renewed. For every school day an item is overdue there is a 10¢ fine.
The Library/Media Center sponsors several reading clubs. Students may join any of the clubs for a $1 annual fee. The fee pays for special treats throughout the school year as well as for a card that entitles students to use the library at nutrition. The library also has student volunteers who can work before school, at nutrition, at lunch, or after school.
Student Store
The Nobel Student Store is the place to purchase school supplies, including notebooks, book covers, paper, pens, pencils, folders, erasers, index cards and other stationery store items. Gym clothes and snacks are also sold at the student store. The store is open for business before school, during nutrition and lunch. No checks will be accepted at the student store for more than the amount of purchase. Because we do not keep large amounts of cash on hand, please do not send your child to school with bills larger than $20. If you must make payments to more than one area of the school, be sure to have enough cash with you. Individual checks, made out for each expense, are also acceptable. All checks should be made payable to Nobel Middle School.
Lost and Found
There are three places to turn in or look for lost items on campus. If you lose something, don’t give up after asking once; continue to inquire for some time. If you lose or find the following:
Textbooks - Inquire at the Textbook Room.
Glasses and any orthodontia appliances are sent to the Health Office.
All other items should be sent to Student Store.
Health Office
The Health Office at Nobel is located in Room 9A by the Administration Building. The school nurse is on campus Monday to Friday, 7:50 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. The nurse will provide first aid and help with minor health problems. Any on-campus injury should be reported to the nurse immediately.
If you need to see the nurse, you must first report to your classroom teacher to get a pass to go to the Health Office.
All students must have an up-to-date emergency card on file in the Health Office. The students can only be released from school to those people listed on the card by the student’s parent or legal guardian. If the student is hurt at school, the emergency card is necessary to get the student emergency medical care. Your parents and you should keep the nurse informed of any special health needs that you have and always keep the emergency card, with accurate phone numbers, updated.
Other than providing first aid, the school nurse is unable to offer any treatment or to provide any medication unless it is under a doctor’s written order. Any medication to be taken at school, even over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, aspirin, Midol, etc., must be taken and kept in the Health Office with a doctor’s note. Students are not allowed to have any medications in their possession during the school day.
A doctor’s note is required for all of the following:
to take medicine at school
to be in school with a cast
to be in school with crutches
to be excused from P.E. for more than three (3) days
to explain any medical conditions and special needs of the student pertaining to school
to be readmitted to school following hospitalization and after prolonged absences of more than four (4) days
National School Breakfast
7:30 to 7:50 A.M. - window service only
Nutrition - Inside cafeteria. If you eat early morning breakfast with a dated or reduced price ticket, you can only eat again at nutrition if you pay the full price.
Lunch - National School Lunch - Inside cafeteria, window service and outside express cart.
For your convenience students not on the National School Lunch Program may purchase lunch tickets in cafeteria.
A la Carte
7:30 to 7:50 A.M. - window service only
Nutrition - window service only
Lunch window service only
A change booth is located at the student store. Please have correct change as no change can be provided at service time, except before school.
Lunch Area
With the large number of students on our school campus it is necessary that certain rules be observed in the lunch area to promote safety and cleanliness. All students should be aware of the following:
Keep the food express lines clear.
Do not hold places in line or purchase items for other students.
Be seated while eating at the lunch tables.
Place all trash items in the trash bins as soon as possible. All students are responsible for their own trash!
Do not remove food from the designated eating areas. This includes all snack items and drinks.
Do not loiter around windows, doors, railings, passageways or serving areas.
Counselors, administrators, teachers, and adult aides are in charge of the cafeteria during nutrition and lunch. The rules will be enforced at all times, and those who violate them may be assigned paper pickup and/or detention. Students are expected to be courteous to all supervising adults, including food service workers, at all times. Service in the cafeteria may be refused to anyone found to be discourteous or dishonest.
Playground (P.E.) and Boundaries:
Open during lunch for activities only, not visiting.
No eating. Detention is assigned for violation.
Stay in designated play areas only.
Use only checked out equipment. Do not bring your own sports equipment. (except handball)
Students may not be on playground unless engaged in activity.
· Stay out of parking lots.
· Do not use outside walks to get to classes. Do not go on outdoor stage.
· Do not walk on lawn or cut corners.
Every Nobel student is assigned a counselor based on the first letter of their last name. Counselors provide academic and vocational guidance, help plan elective choices, make necessary program changes and handle disciplinary concerns. Counselors are available to help with personal and school problems. Often, problems may seem overwhelming and can be helped by conferring with a competent, caring person. Parents/Guardians are always encouraged to contact teacher and/or the counseling office when they have concerns. Working together with administrators, teachers and parents, the counselors encourage students’ academic and personal growth.
Students may visit the counseling office on their own before school, at nutrition, or after school. Students should not come to the counseling office during passing periods; they must request a referral or a pass from their teacher first.
Grade Reports to Parents
Progress reports/report cards are sent home every five weeks. Parents are encouraged to review these reports and communicate with teachers and/or counselors when questions or concerns arise. To monitor student progress on a daily, weekly, or periodic basis, parents and teachers may use the daily planner for any necessary communication between home and school.
All progress reports and report cards must be signed by a parent and returned by the required due date.
Never leave campus without going through the Health Office or Attendance Office.
All readmits and leaves are taken care of in the Attendance Office.
Students who return from absence without a note may receive detention or paper pickup.
Students requiring duplicate readmit slips will receive paper pick up.
Excessive tardies may result in a “U” in work habits (3 unexcused), detention (5 unexcused).
Students caught in tardy lockouts are subject to detention.
Tardy lockouts will be conducted periodically at random to encourage promptness.
Students who have three (3) unexcused tardies in a class may work off one of these tardies during a two-week tardy free period.
Tardiness is cumulative for the entire semester.
“C” Average Policy
The LAUSD policy states that students must maintain at least a “C” average to participate in any extracurricular activities such as band performances, athletic events and leadership activities.
Honor Rolls for Outstanding Achievement
Principal’s Honor Roll - Each semester, students who have earned all “A’s” and “E’s” on the final report card for the previous semester are honored at a special parent reception at which Medalists are also honored. They receive special certificates for outstanding achievement.
Medalist Society - These students who have a 3.5 grade point average on the final report card for the previous semester and who have no D’s, Fails, or U’s on the same report card are honored at a parent reception each semester. They receive Medalist certificates. In addition, at the 8th grade graduation rehearsal, prior to graduation, four (4) semester Medalists receive a bronze pin, five (5) semester Medalists receive a silver pin, and six (6) semester Medalists are awarded gold pins.