/ Macclesfield House
New Road
Janet Tomlinson
Director for Children, Young People & Families
Telephone: 01865 815122
Fax: 01865 810657
My ref: Cllr Waine Letter May 09 .doc / Date: 27 May 2009


This matter is being dealt with by Claudia Wade

/ Direct Line: 01865 458771
Email: / Fax Line: 01865 458770

Dear Local Authority Governor

Thank you for all the hard work you undertake supporting and challenging your school. I enclose the second bulletin for LA governors highlighting a local authority priority which I would like to bring to your attention. In introducing the first LA governor briefing, I emphasised that LA governors, like any other governor, must act in the best interests of the school as part of a corporate body. As an LA governor, however, you represent the local authority and an understanding of County Council priorities and policies will enable you to inform the debate about priorities at school level and help us to work in partnership with your schools for the benefit of Oxfordshire children, young people and families.

The theme of this second bulletin is ‘Closing the Gap’ and in it I draw your attention to guidance on charging policies, the fair access protocol for in-year admissions and local authority policies to secure a better deal for children in public care. The implications of these policies for your school will depend on your school circumstances. The bulletin suggests questions governing bodies might choose to consider.

If you would like to be reminded of what I have said about the role of the LA Governor and the content of the first bulletin on raising achievement, please go to the Governor Services website http://intranet.oxfordshire.gov.uk/links/intranet/governorservices then click on Reference Library>LA policies

The bulletin is sent specifically to LA governors but I hope you will be able to feed them, as appropriate, into your governing body’s discussions so that schools and LA can work on these priorities together.

Yours sincerely

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