Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (MAC 2312)

Section 437


Name: Cora Wilkerson

Contact Information: (727) 341-3518;

Office Hours/Instructor Availability: Mon. 1:30-5:20; Tues. 3-4:20 (in TE 200) & 4:30-5:20 (office); Wed. 1:30-5:20; Thu. 3-5:20;

Office Location: SA 216

Instructor Web Page:


Dean: Jimmy Chang

Office Location: SA 215B, St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus

Office Number: (727) 341-4305

Academic Chair: David Kolonoski

Office Location: SA 215

Office Number: (727) 341-4757


Course Description: Prerequisite: MAC 2311 or satisfactory score on the SPC mathematics placement test. This course is designed to follow MAC 2311. Topics include inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, areas, volumes, centroids, work, fluid pressure, length of arc, trigonometric integrals, integration techniques, polar coordinates, indeterminate forms, improper integrals, infinite series, plane curves, parametric equations, conic sections, and computer work. (Credit is not also given for MAC 2234.) 77 contact hours.


Required Text, Publisher Information: Calculus 10th Edition, by Larson/Edwards (Cengage)

ISBN Number: ISBN -10: 1285057090

ISBN – 13: 9781285057095

A graphing calculator is required. The TI 83 and TI 84 are the preferred calculators. The following calculators are not allowed on quizzes or tests: TI 89, 92, voyage, and cell phone calculators. Also, the N-Spire will only be allowed with the TI 84 plate.

WebAssign is not required, but here is the class key for those of you who have it: spcollege 2276 1868



Course Location: SA 219

Meeting Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Class Times: 9:30-10:45 (MW) & 8:50-10:45 (F)


Course Dates: 1/12-5/1/2015 and a final exam during the week of May 4-May 7

MLK Day: 1/19/15 No School

Drop/Add: 1/16/2015

Spring Break: 3/9/15 - 3/13/15 No School

Withdrawal Date: 3/25/2015

Spring Holiday: 4/3/15 No School

Financial Aid:


The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum The policy notes that each instructor is to exercise professional judgment and define “active participation” in class (and therefore “attendance”), and publish that definition in each syllabus. For this class, attendance is defined as: Attendance will be taken every day. Only a documented medical excuse or a documented family emergency will be considered an excused absence. You may earn 5 bonus points by having zero unexcused absences, and 3 bonus points by having only one unexcused absence. If you miss 3 classes in a row without contacting the instructor you will be considered "not actively participating", and therefore you may be withdrawn (WF).


There will be 5 tests, each worth 100 points, weekly quizzes worth 10 points each, a take-home quiz worth 20 points, and a comprehensive final examination worth 100 points.

Your course grade will be determined by the following scale.

Your semester average (total points divided by the total possible) = 80% and your final exam = 20%.

Average Grade

90–100 A

80–89 B

70–79 C

60–69 D

0–59 F

Your lowest weekly quiz grade will be dropped. There will be no make-up quizzes.

There will be no make-up tests unless you have an excused absence.

Students having an A average will be exempt from the final exam.

If your final examination score is higher than your lowest test score, your lowest test score will be replaced by your final examination score.


Tardiness is not acceptable. Youu will lose one point for each time you arrive late, or leave early. Please come to class prepared to start promply. Bring your book, homework, notebook, pencil and calculator to class every day. While homework will not be collected, it is required. You must keep up with your homework in order to succeed at this level. Your homework assignments can be found in the content tab of My Courses.

Quizzes will be graded and returned by the next class meeting. Tests may take up to one week to be graded.


The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.


These sections will be covered.






Important Notes:

* I am here to help you succeed in this class. Please do not hesitate to call, email or drop by my office. If my office hours do not fit into your schedule we can make an appointment.

* Each student is responsible for earning his or her grade. I do not give grades that are not earned. The time to seek help is at the beginning of the term and continuously throughout, not just at the end.

Keys to Success:

* Ask Questions

* Work with other students

* Seek help early and often

* Plan time in your schedule to visit your teacher and/or math lab for help

* Do not miss class, come in late or leave early

* Review your notes, read the book and do your homework before the next class meeting


It is very important to stay caught up on your homework. Questions on the homework will be answered by student volunteers at the beginning of class, time permitting. These “board problems”, along with participation,will be used to determine borderline grades. Most of your questions will need to be addressed outside of class. Please come to see me for help early and often. You should also make use of the tutor lab, located in TE 200.

School Closing:

If a catastrophic event causes SPC to be closed, the remainder of the course will be completed online through My Courses.


I have read, understand, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Syllabus Addendum.

Print your name here:

Student Signature: Date: