Leadership Application 2017-2018 School Year

Personal Information:

Name (Last, First): ______

Grade Level:______Email:______

Phone Number:______


  • Provide Proof of3.0 GPA
  • 1 Letter of Recommendation from a teacher (staple to the back)
  • 1 Peer recommendation letter(staple to the back)
  • Teacher Approval (all 6 periods)
  • Provide proof of 15 hours of community service
  • 40 student signatures (staple to the back)

Part I: Questions

  1. Name 3 Strengths and 3 weaknesses you have.




  1. Are you currently involved in any extracurricular activities?



  1. What type of leader are you? Do you prefer being center stage or working behind the scenes?


  1. What do you think makes you a good candidate to ASB?



  1. Have you worked in a team setting before? Give an example of a time you have had to work with people and what your role was.



7. What improvements would you like to make to the school? Give an example and solution to one of these issues.


Part II: Essay

Type (or print) a maximum 2 page, double-spaced essay answering the following:

What to you is the meaning of leadership?

How will you work to model this ideal in ASB?

Please staple this to the back of the application.

Part III: Consent

Parental Consent:I understand that my child will have times in which they may have to arrive before 8 AM and stay later than 3:15 PM if necessary and needed for aLeadership event.



Part IV: Teacher approval (all 6 teachers) * We will confirm with your teachers.

Period 1:______

Period 2:______

Period 3:______

Period 4:______

Period 5:______

Period 6:______

Student Commitment

I understand the purpose of the North Hollywood HS ASB class, and if selected I will devote the time and resources necessary to complete the program.


(applicant signature)

Please turn in all apps to room 165 or the Leadership Mailbox by March 1st. None will be accepted at a later date.

Petition for Student

______is applying to join the leadership class of 2017-2018, please sign if you think this person would be a useful contributor to our school and voice concerns for the student body.





















