Level 1

Pupils will be able to recognise the story of the Mass, the story of ‘Jesus & the children’ & the Last Supper as religious stories. (AT1i)

Pupils will be able to recognise some signs and symbols of the Mass e.g. ‘altar’, ‘bread & wine’.(AT1ii)

They will be able to use religious words and phrases e.g. ‘Communion’, ‘blessing’. (AT1 ii)

They will be able to recognise that Catholics go to Church on Sundays. (AT1 iii)

They will be able to recognise that a priest has a special role at Mass. (AT1 iii)

They will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about meals and the special occasions linked to certain meals. (AT2i)

They will be able to say what they wonder aboutFirst Holy Communion, the Mass or the Last Supper. (AT2ii)

Level 2

Pupils will be able to retell a story of the Mass and the Last Supper.(AT1 i)

Pupils will be able to describesome of the actions and symbols used in the Massusing somereligious words and phrases, e.g. sign of the cross, candle light, liturgical colour on lectern, tabernacle, altar, priests vestments; offertory, bread & wine, sign of peace, communion. (AT1ii)

Pupils will be able to describe the role of the Priest in the Parish or the role of the Eucharistic minister. (AT1 iii)

They will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and others experiences and feelings about meals and the special occasions linked to them. (AT2i)

They will be able to ask some questions about what they wonder about the Mass or the Last Supperand realise some of these are difficult to answer. (AT2ii)

Level 3

Pupils will be able to make links between the Last Supper and Catholicbeliefsabout the bread & wine at Mass.(AT1i)

Pupils will be able to make links between the Last Supper and beliefs about Jesus in the Eucharistic Prayer. (AT1 i)

Pupils will be able to make links between Passover & beliefs about the Last Supper. (AT1 i)

They will be able to use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for the religious actions and symbols used duringthe Eucharistic Prayer.(AT1 ii)

Pupils will be able to give reasons why Catholics go to Mass or receive Holy Communion. (AT1iii)

They will be able to make links between the command at the end of Mass ‘Go in peace to love & serve the Lord’ and the way they or a Catholic ought to behave. (AT2 i)

They will be able to make links between behaviour in Church – joining in, saying responses, singing, saying prayers, bowing, genuflecting, listening and beliefs about why they or others do it. (AT2 i)

They will be able to compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answerabout the Passover, Last Supper, or the Eucharist. (AT2ii)

Level 4

Pupils will be able todescribe andshow understanding of ‘Jesus, the Bread of Life’ & ‘The Last Supper’ (based on 1 Corinthians) and the beliefs about Jesus within them making links between them. (AT1i)

Pupils will be able to use religious terms to show an understanding of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. (AT1 ii)

Pupils will be able to show understanding of how the command at the end of Mass shapes the life of a Catholic. (AT1 iii)

They will able to showhow their decision to support CAFOD is informed by Christian beliefs. (AT2 i)

They will be able to engage with and respond toquestions e.g. ‘why does poverty (still) exist?or ‘What can I do about poverty?’ or ‘How can I give life to others?’ in the light of religious teaching. (AT2ii)

Level 5

Pupils willbe able to identify the source of thebelief in the Eucharist,in a range of Scripture, and explain how the Catholic belief in the Eucharist arose. (AT1i)

Pupils will be able to describe explain the meaning purpose of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. (AT1 ii)

Pupils can explainthe beliefsand values that inspireand influenceCAFOD & its supporters. (AT2i)

They can demonstrate how the Catholicbelief in the Eucharistgives meaning and purpose to life. (AT2ii)