WEEK 1: September 17 – 23VENUE: Stockholm Institute of Education

Monday 17 / Tuesday 18 / Wednesday 19 / Thursday 20 / Friday 21 / Saturday 22 / Sunday 23
09.00 / 08.00Bus leaves to Stockholm Institute of Education. Room: A320
Introduction & Presentations.
Ms Marie Neeser, Ms Mia Zacco, Dr Zhang Qi, Mr Jonathon Wigley, Mr Thomas Krigsman / 08.00 Bus. Room: J208
08.45 Group photo
Critical Overview of Sustainable Development & ESD.
Mr Mike Ward,
Ramboll Natura / 08.00 Bus. Room: J207
Sustainable Development in China.
Climate Change.
Consumerism and Ecological Footprints. / 08.00 Bus leaves for school visits.
Introduction at NackaMunicipality.
Ms Ewa Augustson,
NackaMunicipality / 08.00 Bus
Room: Amelinsalen
ESD in practice– Tools for Change.
10.30 / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break
11.00 / Sida Presentation.
Mr Martin Westin, Sida / Structure and Agency, Societal Change.
Mr Jonathon Wigley, SADC REEC / Ctd.
Dr Zhang Qi
Mr Jonathon Wigley / StavsborgsSecondary School.
Mr Lars Hultberg,
Stavsborgsskolan / Ctd.
Mr Thomas Krigsman & Mr Iann Lundegård, Stockholm Institute of Education
Programme Orientation & Web Tool.
Ms Marie Neeser
Mr Jonathon Wigley
12.30 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch at school /
13.30 / Bus to Hammarby Sjöstad.
Sustainable Dev. in Stockholm.
Mr Erik Freudenthal, Env. Info. Centre /
Presentations of Institutional Audits.
/ Initiating Change in the Swedish Education System.
Mr Thomas Krigsman, Stockholm Institute of EducationRoom: J208 / Sågtorp Primary and LowerSecondary School.
Ms Kerstin Häggner, Sågtorpskolan / Developing in-service training programmes - framework.
Mr Jonathon Wigley
15.00 / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break
15.15 / Guided tour in Hammarby Sjöstad. / Ctd.
Dr Zhang Qi, EEC ECNU
Ms Marie Neeser
Mr Jonathon Wigley
Dr Valdy Lindhe
Mr Mike Ward / ESD in Pre-service Teacher Training.
Mr Thomas Krigsman
Student teachers / VelamsundNatureSchool.
Ms Malena von Huth, Nacka Naturskola / Group discussions.
Dr Zhang Qi
Dr Valdy Lindhe
Mr Jonathon Wigley
Ms Marie Neeser / 16.00
Bus to Uppsala
weekly evaluation
16.45 / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal
Welcome Dinner /
20.00 Al Gore Movie
“An inconvenient truth” / Boat trip /
Dinner at Velamsund / 18.00
Joint Dinner


Monday 24 / Tuesday 25 / Wednesday 26 / Thursday 27 / Friday 28 / Saturday 29 / Sunday30
09.00 / Summing-up Week 1
Participants (30 min) / Learning Theories in EE & ESD. / 08.00 Bus leaves for school visit
Overview of SD Perspectives:
Socio political - Economic – Environmental. / Educational Approaches in Theory and Practice. The Role of Values. / Integration of EE and ESD into the Curriculum. / 08.30
Bus to Malmö
weekly evaluation / 10.00
Sightseeing in Copenhagen.
Ethical Reflection and Moral Learning in ESD.
10.30 / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break
11.00 / Ctd.
Dr David Kronlid,
Uppsala University / Ctd.
Dr Valdy Lindhe,
Uppsala University / SkrapanSecondary School in Uppsala. / Ctd.
Prof Leif Östman, UppsalaUniversity
Mr S. Svanberg, Consultant / Ctd.
Prof Leif Östman
Mr S. Svanberg
12.30 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch at school / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
13.30 / A Pluralistic Approach to ESD.
Dr Johan Öhman,
Örebro University / Change processes in Formal Education.
Dr Ulf Blossing, Karlstad University / Ctd.
Ms Pernilla Andersson & students, Skrapan Secondary School / Examples of teaching and learning activities. / Three Different Teaching Traditions.
Prof Leif Östman
Mr S. Svanberg
15.00 / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break
15.15 / Pluralism in Practice.
Dr Johan Öhman / Managing Change
and Tools for Change.
Dr Ulf Blossing / Preparations for School Visits in Malmö.
Dr Zhang Qi
Mr Jonathon Wigley / Ctd.
Prof Leif Östman
Mr S. Svanberg / To Work with Visions.
Prof Leif Östman
Mr S. Svanberg / 19.30
Arrival Malmö / 16.00
Bus back to hotel.
16.45 / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal
Sightseeing in Uppsala
/ 20.00
Movie / Individual mentoring / Individual mentoring /
Individual mentoring

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME EE & ESD IN FORMAL EDUCATION – CHINA, 2007 WEEK 3: October 1 – 5 VENUE: School of Teacher Education, MalmöUniversity

Monday1 / Tuesday2 / Wednesday3 / Thursday4 / Friday5 / Saturday6 / Sunday7
09.00 / Room: E323
Summing up Week 2
Participants (30 min) /
Visits to schools in small groups of 4-5 participants.
Ms Mia Zacco /
School Visit Reporting with mentors and students from MU.
Room: A428, B422, E323, E341, F416 /
Citizenship Education in Society.
Follow-up on Citizenship Education Conference.
Room: E323
Dr Zhang Qi
Mr Jonathon Wigley
Ms Marie Neeser
Introduction to MalmöUniversity.
Current exchange with Chinese Univ.
MU International Office
Room: E323
10.30 / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break
11.00 / Teacher Edu. in Sweden & Malmö.
Dr Maria Sundkvist, Dean Teacher Edu., MU
E323 / Ctd. / Ctd.
Ms Marie Neeser
Ms Lena Andersson
Dr Zhang Qi
Mr Jonathon Wigley / Ctd. / Summing up Week 3
Participants (30 min)
& Sida EvaluationRoom: E323, E222 (computer)
ESD from a Malmö perspective.
Dr Claes Malmberg,
Malmö University
Room: E323 / Introduction to Programme in China.
Dr Zhang Qi
Ms Marie Neeser
Room: E323, E222 (computer)
12.30 / Lunch / Lunch at School / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
13.30 / School visit practicals.
Ms Marie Neeser
Ms Mia Zacco
Room: E323 / Ctd. / Workshop in Ecology and ESD with MU Students.
Dr Kerstin Sonesson
Room: F415 / Ctd. / Final Discussion on Change Project.
Room: E323, C235, C236
DHL Packing
14.30 Excursion.
Departure by bus to Hög.
15.00 / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break / Coffee/Tea Break
15.15 / ESD and Puppet Theater.
Culture & Ecologi.
Mr Staffan Björklund / Ctd. / Skane Regional Centre of Expertise on ESD.
Dr Kerstin Sonesson
Room: F415 /
/ Ctd.
Room: E323, C235, C236
Dr Zhang Qi
Mr Jonathon Wigley
Ms Marie Neeser
/ Departures
16.45 / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal / My Journal
Home visits and dinner
/ 19.00 Dinner at City Hall /
18.00 Farewell Dinner