Book Bistro Evaluation
Artful Artist /Super Summarizer
/ Word Wizard / Book Critic /Passage Picker
Meets goals for independent reading / Reads and comprehends grade level text.Effectively applies comprehension strategies & skills to understand fiction. /
Determines the meaning of unfamiliar words.
/Uses text evidence to respond to literature
/ Reads with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.4 / -chosen visualization is very descriptive. Creates a snapshot in reader’s mind.
-original, colorful and creative illustration of sentence.
-title and author are neatly printed on cover.
-elaborates why visualization was chosen
-completed on or before due date. / -easily identifies important details, events and characters.
-well-written summary expresses a clear understanding.
-demonstrates in-depth understanding through discussion.
-elaborates in responses.
-independently chooses JRB book.
-leaves a variety of high level Signposts. / -manychallengingwords or phrases are chosen.
-words are used in original, creative sentences to demonstrate understanding.
-words are defined in student’s own words.
-each word is pronounced correctly. / -student gives multiple reasons to support opinion of book and cites evidence directly from book.
-opinion is well-written with few editing errors.
-student uses“Pushing Your Thinking” writing stems.
-student draws a conclusion about the story and its theme(s). / -reads fluently in larger meaningful phrases.
-few word-by-word slow downs.
-attention to punctuation.
-expressive voice.
-reads at 150+ words per minute.
3 / -chosen visualization is descriptive.
-original illustration of author’s sentence.
-title and author are neatly printed on cover.
-explains why visualization was chosen.
-Completed on time. / -identifies many important details, events and characters.
-well-written summary expresses an understanding of the book.
-demonstrates understanding through discussion.
-independently chooses JRB book.
-leaves a variety of signposts and reading tracks. / -multiple well-chosen vocabulary words.
-words are used in original sentences and demonstrate understanding.
-words are defined in student’s own words.
-each word is pronounced correctly. / -opinion of book is given with reasons to support and cites evidence from book.
-well-written with some editing errors.
-student uses “Pushes Your Thinking” writing stems.
-student attempts to draw a conclusion about the story. / -reads primarily in three or four word phrases.
-attends to most punctuation.
-some expressive interpretation.
-115-149 wpm.
2 / -chosen visualization lacks description.
-original illustration of author’s sentence.
-title and author are printed on cover.
-minimum discussion of visualization.
-may be a day or two late. / - identifies some important details, events and characters. Events may be out of order.
-summary demonstrates some understanding of story and may contain errors.
-demonstrates some understanding through discussion.
-book may be too challenging or too easy.
-limited reading tracks. / --chosen words are simple.
-sentences do not demonstrate understanding or are simple.
-words are defined using exact words from dictionary.
-words may be mispronounced. / -opinion is given with supporting reasons.
-limited examples from book are provided.
-editing errors. / -reads primarily in two word phrases with some three or four word groupings.
-inconsistent attention to punctuation.
-114 words or fewer per minute.
1 / -little effort given to complete all criteria.
-unable to explain visualization.
-extended time given to complete assignment,. / - identifies few important details, events and characters.
-summary is poorly written.
-demonstrates little understanding during discussion.
-poor book selection.
-few reading tracks. / -fewer than 3 words are chosen.
-incomplete sentences.
-some words may not be defined.
-words are mispronounced. / -opinion of book is given.
-limited content.
-poorly written. / -occasional two word phrases, but reads primarily word-by-word with long pauses between words.
-no awareness of punctuation.
-no expressive interpretation.
0 / -incomplete / -incomplete / -incomplete / -incomplete / -incomplete
Artful Artist / Super
Summarizer /
Word Wizard
/Book Critic
/ Passage PickerName______Date______
Book Title ______