Creighton Students Union Full Board Meeting

Monday, September 18, 2017 | 5:15 pm | Hixon-Lied G-04

Present: Dr. Michele Bogard, Katie Kelsey, Connor Campbell, Dhruti Tummalapali, Emily Newcomb, Aditi Dinakar, Alex Blalock, Andrew Capobianco, Caleb Sebora, Claire O'Kane, Erin Quinlin, Emily Looby, Emily Pass, Grace Wilson, Isabella Sullivan-Powers, Jon Hendricks, Lauren Williams, Mackenzie Enmeier, Madeline Kirk, Madeline Tagaloa, Matthew Matternas

Meagan Hanley, Michael Tambone, Mina Mirzaie, Natalie Halbur, Olivia Kennedy, Patrick Marta, Brian Reilly, Gabriella Hezel, Jaymes Sajzcuk, Jennifer Hickey, Jose Galvan

Not Present: Kaamil Abid, Katie Ford, Kendall West, Maisie Porter, Nick Hirner, Simeon Gboun, Sydney Fangman, Thomas Bonus, Andrew Geislinger, Manny Ortiz, Meghan Wagner, Brad, Nicholas Mathy, Tanner Reprecht, Tiffany Bihis, Siera Becker, Shaida Omid, Suriya Subramanian


I.  Opening Ceremonies

a.  Call to order (5:18)

b.  Invocation

c.  Roll Call

d.  Approval of Minutes

Aditi: “Made a change to the date to September 18, 2017. Are there any objections?”

i.  9.11.17

Tagaloa “Motion to approve.”

Matternas “Second.”

Passed 33-1-0

II.  Open Discussion

-  Marta “Trying to touch base with cultural clubs on campus. They feel like they cannot publicize their club. They get low attendance to their functions. They would like to showcase their club and what they have to offer. Does anyone have ideas to increase attendance?”

-  Omid “Reach out to Professors and can do a credit system and if students attend cultural events they could get extra credit.”

-  Tambone “Greek life members have to attend events and so they can talk to Margaret to get those approved. Professors can send out emails about what is going on throughout the campus.”

-  Newcomb “Consistency is important. Partnerships are helpful, they should reach out to other organizations.”

-  Kennedy “Team up with WAC.”

-  Marta “Thank you for the suggestions.”

-  Mathy “Parking has been troublesome.”

-  Tambone “Today the parking was extremely bad.”

-  Pass “Parking by Morrison there are spots. The parking is bad and it depends on where you want to park.”

-  Aditi “We made a map of parking lots with Public Safety that were not being used as much, so students can be aware of these lots.”

-  Wilson “We should see how many visitors we get and see how many visitor spots we actually need.”

-  Dhruti “The head public safety officer is receptive and wants CSU to meet with him. Reach out to him.”

-  Quinlin “Visitors can get validations from other lots.”

III.  New Business

IV.  Old Business

V.  Executive Reports:

a.  President: Mr. Connor Campbell

b.  Executive Vice President: Ms. Dhruti Tummalapalli

i.  CSU 4 You Week

-  Pass “Scoops and Skewers for CSU to interact with community.”

-  Dhruti “Tuesday from 12-3, in Skutt.”

ii.  Jay Walk update

-Thank you for your help and volunteer work.

c.  Vice President for Finance: Mr. Alex Blalock

i.  Funding – Appropriations

-  Young Life College approved $530

-  Desi Cultural Society approved $2,746

-  Bluejay Student Officials Association approved $1,500

-  Hawai’i Club approved $800

-  3 Day Startup approved $2,433

d.  Vice President for Programming: Ms. Emily Newcomb

i.  Homecoming Recap

-Great turnout and attendance for all the programs

ii.  That Pottery Place Excursion

-This Saturday

-Still openings

iii.  Taco Culinary Tour

-$10 deposit

-4:30 on Monday

-SCSJ partnering to talk about DACA

e.  Speaker of the Board: Aditi Dinakar

i.  Quick Review of Legislative Process and Open Discussion

-Everyone can write legislation

-Resolutions are official stances on certain issues

-Recommending action

-Bylaw changes require vote from student body and are changes to CSU governing body

-Discussed the Legislative Process

-Send a draft to Aditi before the Wednesday before the next Full Board Meeting

-Open Discussion is a time to address a specific committee or things that need to be addressed to the entire board

ii.  Committee Assignments

-Will be given by this week and please fill out the survey by tonight

iii.  GroupMe


-Will be arranging Outlook Calendar

-Tagaloa “I am in favor of having a GroupMe as it can help with communication.”

- Brad “If this is controlled. The Board should be the ones communicating.”

-Marta “Can Outlook also have important events for CSU?”

iv.  Contracts

VI.  Student Organization Updates/Announcements

-Agape Late has an event next Monday

-Tagoloa “Are we getting new committee assignments?”

-Aditi “Yes.”

VII.  Announcement

a.  Advisor’s Update

b.  BoR Applications

-Need a Nursing Representative

VIII.  Adjournment (5:51)