By email:

All Age Disability Team (Adults)
Oldham Council
Health and Wellbeing Directorate
Level 6
Civic Centre
West Street
Tel 0161 770 3110

Dear Ms Rogerson,


In response to your request for information regarding, Social Work Requirements, Oldham Council is happy to supply the enclosed information.

We would like to establish some information regarding contract of supply for agency labour staff in both children’s and adult’s services and we would be grateful if you could answer the following questions for us:

1. What I would like to know is a list of ALL of the INDIVIDUAL TEAMS and AREAS within Children's and Young Peoples social Service’s and the names of Team Managers, Service Managers and Social Workers

Children’s assessment Team: Team Manager Jacque Mcdonnell; Service Manager Saul Ainsworth

Safeguarding and Child Protection Team: Team Manager Steve Bold; Service Manager Sue Harrison

Long Term Team 1: Team Manager Deborah Walker; Service Manager Saul ainsworth

Long Term Team 2: Team Manager Cathy Wilde; Service Manager Saul Ainsworth

Long Term Team 3: Team Manager Louise Bannister; Service Manager Saul Ainsworth

Long Term Team 4: Team Manager James Mason; Service Manager Saul ainsworth

Adoption Team: Team Manager Vicky Brooke; Service Manager Glynis Williams

Fostering Team: Team Manager Maris Elkington; Service Manager Glynis Williams

Aftercare Team: Team Manager Elissa Slater; Service Manager Glynis Williams

Children with Additional Complex Needs Team; Senior Practitioner Karen Shaw; Service Manager Glynis Williams

We do not provide names of individual Social Workers

2. What I would like to know is a list of ALL of the INDIVIDUAL TEAMS and AREAS within Adults social Service’s and the names of Team Managers, Service Managers and Social Workers

Adult safeguarding Team: Team Manager Jakki Crawley; Service Manager Peter Tomlin

Adult Contact Team: Team Manager John Moran; Service Manager Jayne Ratcliffe

Neighbourhood Active Intervention Team: Team Manager Joanne Nuttall; Service manager Gwen Irving

Adult Review Team: Team Manager Julie Hughes; Service Manager Gwen Irving

All Age Disability Team: Team Manager David Lloyd; Service manager Peter Tomlin

Hospital Social Work Team: Team Manager Joyce Lees; Service Manager Jayne Ratcliffe

Emergency Duty Team: Team Manager John Moran; service manager Mark Noble

End of Life Team: Team Manager Joyce Lees; Service Manager Jayne Ratcliffe

Urgent Care Team: Team Manager Joyce Lees; Service Manager Jayne Ratcliffe

We do not provide names of individual Social Workers

3. How much temporary agency labour spend has there been in the Authority outside of the temporary agency labour contract from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015? (please state figure for Children’s and Adults services)


4. How many temporary QSW did the authority have deployed across Children’s Services in March 2015?


5. How many temporary QSW did the authority have deployed across Adults Services in March 2015?


6. Can you tell me how you procure your temporary agency staff, is this through a managed vendor service and if so who?

Temporary agency Social Work staff are procured through a managed vendor Hays.

7. Can you tell me the amount of £ agency spend there has been outside of the above procured service.


8. Can you tell me the departments within Social Services that have had off contract agency spend.

Not applicable

9. Can you provide an organisation chart of children’s services

Please see attached

10. Can you provide an organisation chart of adults services

Please see attached


Martcha Thomas

Freedom of Information Coordinator

Adult Social Care