Group Project

CGC1D Ms. Hyndman

Group Members: ______





CGC1D Ms. Hyndman


*This topic is found in the textbook on pages______


Equally divide up the following questions in your group. Research the answer to the questions using both your textbook and other reliable sources (I.e. books, internet sites, etc.). Once you have your answers, as a group, put your answers together into a presentation format (I.e. a PowerPoint or multiple poster presentation). Do not just include each question and the answer on a slide for your presentation. Your final product should flow together nicely.

1.  Construct a map that shows: forest regions, dominant land cover (if not a forest region) and the provinces and territories. In which provinces and territories is each forest region or land cover dominant?

2.  Create a pie chart to show the amount of commercial forest, non-commercial forest and non-forested land in Canada. In which provinces or territories do commercial forests occupy more that 45% of the total land area? Suggest reasons for this. For each forest region, calculate the percentage of the total forest land that is occupied by commercial forest. In which regions are the highest and lowest percentages located? Suggest reasons for this difference.

3.  Compare the viewpoints about B.C. forests, industry view VS environmental view.

4.  Explain, with examples, what “sustained yield forest management” means.

5.  On a map, show a picture of each of the commercial forest regions: Boreal Forest Region, Taiga Forest Region, West Coast Forest Region, Montane Forest Region, and the Mixed Forest Region. For each of these regions, give: location, climate, tree species and productivity.

6.  What is the difference between softwood and hardwood? Give examples.

7.  Why is Central Canada the leading pulp and paper producer?

8.  Why is B.C. the leading producer of Canada’s lumber?

9.  Why are the number of is sawmills decreasing in Canada? How are new sawmills different from older ones?

10.  Complete the chart below:

Harvesting Process / Ease of Logging / Cost / Ecological Protection
Clear Cutting
Shelterwood Logging
Selective Cutting

11.  Explain the clear-cutting, aerial spraying of pesticides and global competition. Give two differing points of view on each concept. Which side do you agree with for each? Why?

12.  Describe the affects of acid rain on Canada’s forests. What parts of Canada are most affected? Why?

13.  Describe how fire is a normal part of the life cycle of forest ecosystems. Why are forest fires caused by people more likely to be extinguished by firefighters while those caused by lightening are often left to let themselves out?

14.  Why do forest companies spend a great deal of time and money to control insects and pests?


Each person in the group must write their own paragraph (5-10 sentences) answer to ONE of the following to be handed in separate from the presentation. Each member should have a different letter.

A)  A forested area of 5000 hectares could either be used for logging or could be added to an adjacent provincial park. The park is very heavily used and would benefit from the expansion. On the other hand, the local sawmill is gradually running out of local trees to process. What is the best use for this land? How should it be divided?

B)  It has been said that Canadians have much to learn from Aboriginal people concerning sustainable development and respect for the land and environment. Do you agree? Explain.

C)  It is estimated that between 20-30 trees are saved for every tone of paper that we recycle. Although recycling has become a major component in the production of paper in Canada, many Canadians do not recycle as much as they could. How can people be persuaded to recycle and waste fewer paper products?

D)  Explain 3 reasons why forests are important to the environment.