Newlands Nursery School Ltd

Singleton Farm, 17 Tower Lane, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9HP

Tel: 01772-716005

Newsletter – December 2017

Staff News

As mentioned in a previous email to all parents, we will sadly be losing Rachael Grove who is off on her travels to Australia. Although Rachael has only been here a few months she has been a fantastic staff member and will be missed by children and colleagues alike. We wish Rachael an enjoyable and safe time on her travels.

Jade also leaves this month to prepare for her new arrival. We wish Jade the best of luck with the birth of her second child and would like to thank her for her hard work over the past year.

Kate, who started with us in September will be leaving at Christmas as she would like to work shorter hours in the day – something we unfortunately cannot accommodate with most children attending for the full length of the session. We wish Kate all the best for the future.

Christmas Jumper Week

Monday 18th December – Friday 22nd December. We look forward to seeing the children in their most festive jumpers; the staff will be taking part too. There will be a slight change to the menu on Friday 22nd December when the children will be served a traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings at lunchtime and a party tea in the afternoon. We will be holding mini parties throughout the week so all children can take part.

Charity Christmas Party

Thank you to everyone who has bought tickets for this event. If you cannot join us at this event please ignore this section.

The presents are wrapped; Santa and his elves are ready and the guest list is printed! The party begins at 2pm in the Sports Hall at Sir Tom Finney High School, Ribbleton Hall Drive, Preston, PR2 6EE so please make your way there. Mess Around have sent parent information to us which includes the following:

Ø  Both yourself and your child wear clothes that you won’t mind getting messy. Although the paints used are non toxic and washable, from experience it will still stain clothes. Old clothes or a vest (for babies/toddlers) are therefore advised.

Ø  Children are to remain clothed at all times – no Birthday suits please!

Ø  Please bring a towel to dry off with, a plastic bag for wet clothes and a change of clothes for your child to go home warm and dry.

Ø  Swim nappies are advised if babies/toddlers like to sit in water play.

Ø  Approximately 10 minutes before the session ends Mess Around will put out clean water to help you clean up your little one; please feel free to use this when you’re ready but bear in mind the session will end with a snow machine!

Ø  Mess Around will have a merchandise table where you can buy mess around equipment and various products. For every sale made £1 will be given to the Baby Beat Appeal.

Mess Around will take photographs and they will be emailing these to us – they will not be placing any on their social media. We will therefore be able to check which parent has given permission for their child’s images to be used on social media and delete others as appropriate. Please inform a Mess Around team member if you do not wish for them to take your child’s photo during the session J

Due to dietary requirements we will be making up a picnic box for each child. This will have their name on and as we have several staff members volunteering at the party please sit your child down and they will pass one to them. We will be placing a drink in each food box but please bring your child’s own cup if they are young and you anticipate a problem with them drinking from a carton or plastic bottle. The table and chairs may be too high for some of the younger children so in which case we will set up a floor picnic for everyone.

Natasha and Nicola Parker have volunteered to offer face painting during the party in return for a small additional donation for Baby Beat.

Polite notices and requests

Please can you email confirmation FAO Toni when you renew your 30 hours code every three months. This is our proof you are still eligible so is of utmost importance. Toni will need the code ASAP if you are claiming 30 hours from January 2018 so please get this over to us.

If we have any parents/grandparents who are particularly good with technology and would be willing to take a look at our interactive whiteboard in pre-school this would be very much appreciated as it is not working as it should and we can no longer remember the name of the company who installed it!

Closure Dates

We will be closing at 6pm on Friday 22nd December, reopening on Wednesday 03rd Jan. No fees will be payable during this closure period.

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Many Thanks.

The Newlands Team

Ofsted Reg.No. 309644 Company Reg. No. 4184077