Leigh CE Primary School

PE & Sports Grant – Academic Year 2013/14

Total grant awarded 9,685

Total grant received 9,685

Total expenditure 9,685

Objective / Description / Cost / Impact
To provide a more varied and consistent curriculum delivered to a higher standard across school.
To provide CPD opportunities for staff that will improve confidence in the delivery of PE. / Premier Sports –
Curriculum support and CPD (Continuing Professional Devt) / £ 8,361 / Pupils have access to a more balanced and varied curriculum delivered by a professional coach.
Lessons are more consistent and develop the skills to a higher standard across a scheme of work.
Staff are beginning to use Premier Sports as a means of enhancing their PE knowledge & understanding through a series of observations and discussions with the coach.
To enhance the teaching of dance by providing a more varied dance curriculum taught by professional dance coaches.
To engage more boys in dance.
To provide further opportunities for learning dance outside of the PE lesson. / Cyber Coach Smart Licence 2013-14 / £ 510 / Pupils now have access to a wider variety of dance genres taught by trained professionals.
A larger percentage of boys participate more willingly in dance, many of which perform with enthusiasm.
CyberCoach has been used during wet break and dinner times providing pupils with more opportunity for exercise.
To provide more/ updated equipment / Safari Sports – netball bibs, footballs, rugby balls, rounders posts / £ 149 / A wider variety of sports can be delivered to a higher standard now that we have better equipment.
To provide specialist teaching of rugby skills and fitness / Leigh Centurions Foundation – Y5 Rugby delivery / £ 200 / Pupils developed skills and enhanced links with the local community and their facilities.
To provide opportunities for children to compete in school / Sports Day medals / £ 465 / Able to celebrate and recognise sporting achievement.

PE & Sports Grant – Academic Year 2014/15


Total grant awarded 9,820

Total grant received 9,820

Total expenditure to 31/3/2016 9,820

Objective / Description / Cost / Impact
To provide a more varied and consistent curriculum delivered to a higher standard across school.
To provide CPD opportunities for staff that will improve confidence in the delivery of PE. / Premier Sports –
Curriculum support and CPD (Continuing Professional Devt) / £ 6,450 / Pupils have access to a more balanced and varied curriculum delivered by a professional coach.
Lessons are consistent and develop the skills to a higher standard through a scheme of work.
Staff have developed their confidence to deliver good quality PE lessons through a series of observations and discussions with the coach.
To enhance the teaching of dance by providing a more varied dance curriculum taught by professional dance coaches.
To engage more boys in dance.
To provide further opportunities for learning dance outside of the PE lesson. / Cyber Coach Smart Licence 2014-15, 2015-16 / £ 1,061 / Pupils now have access to a wider variety of dance genres taught by trained professionals.
A larger percentage of boys participate more willingly in dance, many of which perform with enthusiasm.
CyberCoach has been used during wet break and dinner times providing pupils with more opportunity for exercise.
To promote healthy diets and an awareness of the impact on the human body. / Junior Chef Experience / £490 / Pupils in Years 3-5 learnt about a variety of ways to eat healthily, increasing awareness of nutritional value.
To provide a range of physical activities during lunchtimes. / YPO - Lunchtime / BreakPlay equipment / £1299 / More opportunities for structured play during break and lunchtime and increased uptake in physical activity.
To transport pupils to local venues for sporting events. / Mini-bus transport costs – competitions / £520 / More pupils involved in competitive sport and accessing good quality facilities.

Amount remaining from grant allocated nil

PE & Sports Grant – Academic Year 2015/16


Total grant awarded 9,860

Total grant received 9,860

Total expenditure to 20/2/2017 8,427

Objective / Description / Cost / Impact
To provide a more varied and consistent curriculum delivered to a higher standard across school.
To provide CPD opportunities for staff that will improve confidence in the delivery of PE. / Premier Sports –
Curriculum support and CPD (Continuing Professional Devt) / £ 4,920 / Pupils have access to a more balanced and varied curriculum delivered by a professional coach.
Lessons are consistent and develop the skills to a higher standard through a scheme of work.
Staff have developed their confidence to deliver good quality PE lessons through a series of observations and discussions with the coach.
To ensure full participation in PE / PE Kit – AH Rosenfield / £60 / All pupils participate in PE activities
To promote healthy diets and an awareness of the impact on the human body. / Junior Chef Experience – Food education workshops- Feb 2016 / £500 / Pupils in Year 6 learnt about a variety of ways to eat healthily, increasing awareness of nutritional value.
To enhance the teaching of dance by providing a more varied dance curriculum taught by professional dance coaches.
To engage more boys in dance.
To provide further opportunities for learning dance outside of the PE lesson. / Cyber Coach Smart Licence 2016-17 / £551 / Pupils now have access to a wider variety of dance genres taught by trained professionals.
A larger percentage of boys participate more willingly in dance, many of which perform with enthusiasm.
CyberCoach has been used during wet break and dinner times providing pupils with more opportunity for exercise.
To provide a range of physical activities during lunchtimes / YPO - Lunchtime / BreakPlay equipment / £445 / More opportunities for structured play during break and lunchtime and increased uptake in physical activity.
To provide a progressive scheme of work across the year groups that staff can follow in the teaching of PE / To ensure that staff understand the objectives that should be covered in each aspect of PE. / Key PE Sports curriculum resource / Val Sabin publication/ / £584 / Alongside their CPD with Premier Sports, Staff have a resource to teach PE and are able to build their confidence in teaching structured lessons that progress across year groups. Staff are knowledgeable in that what they are delivering meets the NC objectives.
To reward the dedication of pupils committed to playing rugby this season. / Morans/Sports Directory – medals, sports equipment / £204 / Able to celebrate and recognise sporting achievement.
For children to look smart representing the school. / Sports Kit – Rugby & Football / £319 / Players look smarter, take more pride and feel more part of a team.
To transport pupils to local venues for sporting events. / Transport costs to Sports events / £405 / More pupils involved in competitive sport and accessing good quality facilities.
To provide more/updated equipment. / Sports equipment – Safari Sports / Sports Directory / £439 / A wider variety of sports can be delivered to a higher standard now that we have better equipment.

Amount remaining from grant allocated £1,433

PE & Sports Grant – Academic Year 2016/17


Total grant awarded 9,905

Total grant received to date 9,905

Bfwd from 2015/16 1,433

Total expenditure to 5/12/2017 11,338

Objective / Description / Cost / Impact
To provide a more varied and consistent curriculum delivered to a higher standard across school.
To provide CPD opportunities for staff that will improve confidence in the delivery of PE. / Premier Sports –
Curriculum support and CPD (Continuing Professional Devt) / £ 11,338 / Pupils have access to a more balanced and varied curriculum delivered by a professional coach.
Lessons are consistent and develop the skills to a higher standard through a scheme of work.
Staff have developed their confidence to deliver good quality PE lessons through a series of observations and discussions with the coach.

Cfwd to 2017/18 nil

PE & Sports Grant – Academic Year 2017/18


Total grant awarded 19,070

Total grant received to date11,124

Total expenditure to 5/12/2017 7,193

Objective / Description / Cost / Impact
To provide a more varied and consistent curriculum delivered to a higher standard across school.
To provide CPD opportunities for staff that will improve confidence in the delivery of PE. / Premier Sports –
Curriculum support and CPD (Continuing Professional Devt) / £ 6,772 / Pupils have access to a more balanced and varied curriculum delivered by a professional coach.
Lessons are consistent and develop the skills to a higher standard through a scheme of work.
Staff have developed their confidence to deliver good quality PE lessons through a series of observations and discussions with the coach.
To transport pupils to local venues for sporting events. / Transport costs to Sports events / 265 / More pupils involved in competitive sport and accessing good quality facilities.
To provide more/updated equipment. / Football resources / 156 / A wider variety of sports can be delivered to a higher standard now that we have better equipment.