Single Equality Scheme 2008/11

Action Plan Report

May 2009


In June 2008 Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust published its first Single Equality Scheme. The Trust had previously published a Race Equality Scheme 2006-8 which the Single Equality Scheme 2008/11 built on and replaced. The Trust also had in place a Disability Equality Scheme 2006-9 and Gender Equality Scheme 2007-10. The Single Equality Scheme 2008/11 drew from and combined both of these Schemes. The Trust also went further by including sections addressing Sexual Orientation Equality, Age Equality and Religion or Belief Equality.

This report has been written to show progress against the specific Action Points identified within the Scheme. Most of the actions have been achieved within the anticipated timescale, some remain in progress. We deliberately set ourselves an ambitious agenda, believing that the essence and spirit of an Equality Schemes was to challenge and to extend ourselves.

As we write this report we are also updating the Single Equality Scheme Action Plan, and in particular looking at ways of embedding recommendations from the Trust’s Delivery Race Equality Focussed Implementation Site Project within the Action Planning process.

The Trust structure for addressing Equalities and Diversity is through a central Equalities and Diversity Group, made up of representatives from the service directorates and Human Resources. Local Equalities and Diversity structures, often taking the form of local groups, then co-ordinate actions in response to the Trustwide and local agendas. Progress is monitored quarterly with the Action Plan being updated with further actions taken.

CNWL Single Equality Scheme Action Plan 2008/2011

Note that many of the disability and gender standards below are adapted from national race/ethnicity standards – this means that in a number of areas CNWL is targeting standards above those nationally set in relation to disability and gender

Progress to date is measured via a traffic light system:
No. / Measurable CNWL Outcome / Relates to HCC Core Standard / Lead / involves / Time-scale / Progress to date
  1. Corporate Trust (HQ based) Actions

Employment / workforce issues
A1 / The profile of the workforce is analysed by ethnicity, gender and disability annually to identify areas of under- and over-representation. / C8b / Director of Human Resources / March 2009 / Achieved
Ethnic Monitoring Reports for staffing are produced and analysed annually. A staff disability survey was completed in 2007, staff data updated and a Report produced from this data. Gender reports to show seniority by gender are being produced annually. Ethnicity, Gender and Disability data is now captured routinely for all new staff. The Trust’s new Data Warehouse System is currently under development and during 2009/10 reports by ethnicity, gender and disability will be produced more efficiently than in the past.
A2 / The HR Directorate has an action plan to address areas of under-representation (and over-representation where this is occurring in some areas). e.g. Targeted recruitment initiatives; Targeted management development and skills development programmes / C8b / Director of Human Resources / March 2009 / Achieved
Difficulties noted in relation to how much influence CNWL has over the ethnicity of professionals within, for instance, nursing and medical staff. Discussions have taken place with TVU, CNWL’s main training provider for nursing. New recruitment process has been initiated. Recruitment Strategy is being developed along with an Organisational Development Strategy which will include targeted management development programmes building on current initiatives: Women in Management, Springboard
A3 / Establish a staff profile by sexual orientation by undertaking a census of staff and recording upon HR systems. / C8b / Director of Human Resources / December
2008 / Achieved
Sexual orientation is being recorded at recruitment. Census has been undertaken in autumn 2008 to request data from staff already in post. New Data Warehouse system will enable regular reporting.
A4 / Establishing of BME staff professional development processes as part of Corporate Organisational Development initiative, and in response to feedback from the Single Equality Scheme Consultations / C8b / Director of Human Resources
Director of Operations / March
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
Organisational Development Programme drafted. More co-ordinated and targeted approach to staff professional development to be instigated, to include targetting initiatives towards BME staff.
A5 / Development of other CNWL-wide staff networks where need is expressed - to support against disenfranchisement and discrimination. / C8b / Director of Human Resources
Director of Operations / On-going / Partly achieved/
in process
A Trust-wide Staff Disability Equality Group is established, meeting quarterly for support and to feedback on disability related issues.

Many staff within the Trust can attend local BME staff networks organised through the local councils, however, this is not available for all staff.

BME staff are attending an Inaugural National BME Network Conference and it is planned to develop a BME staff network following this.
LGBT staff are to be asked through the Trust’s Equalities Newsletter whether they are interested in a staff network
A6 / Establish a profile of staff by religion by undertaking a census of staff religion and recording upon HR systems. / C8b / Director of Human Resources / December 2008 / Achieved
Religion or belief is being recorded at recruitment and a census of all staff was undertaken in autumn 2008. The new Data Warehouse system will enable regular reporting.
A7 / Review and update the Trust’s Equal Opportunity Policy / C7e
C18 / Director of Human Resources
Equalities and Diversity Manager / December 2008 / Achieved
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Policy (Employment) in place
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Policy (Service Delivery) in place.
A8 / There is continued mentoring of BME staff by senior members of CNWL management. / C8b / Director of Human Resources / On-going / Achieved
Mentoring continues to be available. The Trust’s new Organisational Development Framework includes a focus on further development in this area, with clearer systems for accessing coaching, more publicity, co-ordinated training of coaches. There will be specific targetting of coaching towards BME staff.
A9 / There is mentoring of staff having a disability by senior members of CNWL management. / C8b / Director of Human Resources
Executive Board / December 2008 / Partly achieved/
in process
The Trust’s new Organisational Development Framework includes a focus on development in this area, with clearer systems for accessing coaching, more publicity, co-ordinated training of coaches. There will be specific mention of encouraging disabled staff in accessing coaching.
A10 / The Trust will establish a mentoring system for female employees who have undertaken the ‘Women in Management’ process. / C8b / Director of Human Resources / December
2008 / Partly achieved/
in process
The Trust’s new Organisational Development Framework includes a focus on this development. A system for ensuring that all female staff accessing the Women in Management programme are offered on-going mentoring/coaching is being instigated during 2009.


A11 / Cultural Competency Training for Managers continues. Establish Cultural Competency Training for Doctors. Further develop culturally-related training and learning processes, including training in community engagement/PPI activities with BME groups.
Clinical staff receive training in incorporating the needs of different BME groups into care planning, needs assessment & discharge planning. / C7e
C18 / FIS Project Manager
Equalities & Diversity Manager
Equalities and Diversity
Group / December 2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
Cultural Competency for Managers and Cultural Competency for Doctors training is being provided. Local cultural competency training for staff being provided in some areas of the Trust. Cultural factors are included within training in relation to care planning, needs assessment & discharge planning.
Community Engagement Guidance has been drafted.
A12 / The Trust formulates a Community Engagement Strategy as defined by the Pacesetters programme ‘A dialogue of equals’. Material produced to promote community engagement. / C17
C18 / FIS Project Manager
Head of PPI
Equalities & Diversity Group / March
2009 / Achieved
Community Engagement Strategy is being embedded within the Trust’s wider Patients and Public Involvement Strategy. Community Engagement Guidance has been drafted and will shortly be publicised.
A13 / Formulate and implement methodology for assessing impact of Equalities and Diversity-related training / C8b
C11a / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development
Equalities & Diversity Manager
FIS Project Manager / December
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
Reviewed impact of current ‘Cultural Competence Training for Manager’ with a number of managers who have completed the course on 30th June 2008. Report produced.
Further processes need to be devised, linking to Organisational Development monitoring processes.
A14 / A corporate (Trust-wide) programme of Disability awareness / disability equality training is developed / commissioned in line with the requirements of the DDA 2005. / C7e
C13a / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development
Equalities & Diversity Manager / December
2008 / Achieved
The Trust has developed its own ‘Understanding Disability’ e-learning package which has been made available for all staff to access w.e.f February 2009.
Disability awareness including legislation is included in the ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ e-learning package that all staff are required to complete.
‘Understanding Disability’, a powerpoint based e-learning package has been developed, publicised and is now available for staff.
Awareness raising is provided on Induction and the Induction handbook includes a section on Disability Discrimination legislation.
Reasonable Adjustment Training for Managers is being provided, and training in disability awareness and is embedded within Human resources-related training.
Disability Discrimination
A ‘Disability Confident’ Training DVD has been purchased and is available for managers to use locally for staff.
Deaf Awareness Training has been commissioned for PALs link-workers. Mandatory training for all new PALS link-workers
Deafness and Disability Awareness training sessions have been organised locally in different areas of the Trust.
Disability Equality included within Trust Induction.
A15 / A corporate (Trust-wide) programme of Gender awareness / gender equality training is developed / commissioned in line with the requirements of the EA 2006. To also address transgender issues. / C7e
C13a / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development
Equalities & Diversity Manager / March
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
A Gender Awareness Skillbooster training DVDs has been purchased and is available for managers to use locally for training staff.
Gender awareness including legislation is included in the ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ e-learning package that all staff are required to complete.
Training and education forum for front-line and management staff by Better Services for Women (BSFW) co-ordinator on issues pertaining to women: awareness raising of issues such as ‘forced marriage’, ‘honour killings’, domestic violence and suicide and self-harm in Asian female population.
Further training to be considered within 2009/11 Action Plan.
Gender Equality included within Trust Induction.
A16 / A corporate (Trust-wide) programme of Sexual orientation awareness / Sexual orientation equality training is developed / commissioned. / C7e
C13a / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development
Equalities & Diversity Manager / December
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
A Sexual Orientation Awareness Skillbooster training DVDs have been purchased and is available for managers to use locally for training staff.
Sexual orientation awareness including legislation is included in the ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ e-learning package that all staff are required to complete.
Further training to be considered within 2009/11 Action Plan.
A17 / A corporate (Trust-wide) programme of Age Equality awareness training is developed / commissioned. / C7e
C13a / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development
Equalities & Diversity Manager / December
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
An Age Awareness Skillbooster training DVDs have been purchased and is available for managers to use locally for training staff.
Age awareness including legislation is included in the ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ e-learning package that all staff are required to complete.
Further training to be considered within 2009/11 Action Plan.
A18 / A corporate (Trust-wide) programme of Religion or Belief Equality awareness training is developed / commissioned. / C7e
C13a / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development
Equalities & Diversity Manager / December
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
A Religion or Belief Awareness Skillbooster training DVDs have been purchased and is available for managers to use locally for training staff.
Religion or Belief Awareness including legislation is included in the ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ e-learning package that all staff are required to complete.
Further training to be considered within 2009/11 Action Plan.
A19 / Equality Impact Assessment training sessions continue to be held regularly. / C7e
C18 / Senior Nurse Advisor
Equalities & Diversity Manager / On-going / Achieved
Equality Impact Assessment training sessions are provided quarterly, and additionally where there is a request from local managers.
Corporate leadership and Commitment
A20 / A monitoring system is formulated and implemented Trust wide to record progress in embedding the Delivering Race Equality ‘key characteristics of a reformed service’ within CWNL. This is updated and publicised Trustwide. / C7e
C18 / Equalities & Diversity Manager
FIS Project Manager / July
2008 and on-going / Achieved
A monitoring system has been in place since January 2007 to record actions against each of the DRE characteristics, by Borough/Directorate. This had been updated every 6 months. However, the system of reporting has been reviewed and is currently being revised, with greater emphasis on specific targeted action and reporting measurable outcomes. This new system is being established w.e.f. April 2009.
A21 / A Spiritual Co-ordinator Post is established and recruited to. / C13a
C18 / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development
Equalities & Diversity Manager / September 2008 / Partly achieved/
in process
Funding for the post has been obtained, job description finalised and will be advertised shortly. To be carried over into 2009/11 Action Plan.
Corporate Information (Data) Issues
A22 / Trust information systems collect religion using the national 19 categories from the ‘Count Me In Census’. A target is set for collection of this data. / C18 / Head of IT&M
Local E&D Leads / December 2008 / Achieved
Religion of belief data is being collected for service users. 50% recording rate for known data as at December 2009. Quarterly Reports being produced and circulated to encourage improved data entry rates. Target is to achieve 100% recording. Recording rate will be a specific action point in 2009/11 Action Planning.
Brent have established a system of monthly file auditing via the Mental Health Minimum Data Set has been established to monitor the recording of service user religion
A23 / The systematic electronic recording of disability data is established Trust-wide with a target of 95%
Brent: Monthly file auditing via the Mental Health Minimum Data Set has been established to monitors the recording of service user disability / C18 / Head of IT&M
Local E&D Leads. / December 2008 / Partly achieved/
in process
Very low recording rates for disability of service users (less than 1%) as at December 2008.
System has been established of quarterly reports to be produced and circulated to E&D leads to encourage higher recording rates.
Guidance for recording data currently being written. To be carried over to 2009/11 Action Plan.
A24 / Data Warehouse System established so that service user diversity data is available and accessible locally and corporately with live reports available. / C18 / Head of IT&M
Local E&D Leads.
Performance Managers / March
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
Details of Equalities and Diversity data needs submitted to Data Warehouse Project lead. Expected to be in operation by mid 2009. To be carried over to 2009/11 Action Plan.
A25 / Actions are formulated in response to any evidence of under- or over-representation identified through the new Data Warehouse / C18 / Heads of Service
Local E&D Leads / September 2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
Actions are already being taken to address under and over-representation of staff from particular ethnic groups in terms of recruitment and staff development. To be carried over to 2009/11 Action Plan.
Communication issues
A26 / Local information leaflets are produced in the top 5 languages for each borough, and in other languages and specific formats on request (to include Braille, easy-read format and audiotape). / C16 / Communications Manager
Local E&D Leads. / March
2009 / Partly achieved/
in process
The following patient information leaflets have been translated into the Trust's identified 9 key languages: Inpatient Information; Complaints; Care Programme Approach; Carers’ Information, A Guide to Your Meetings. MHA Commission information leaflets available in 14 languages. PALS handouts translated into 17 languages. CNWL produced information leaflets on 32 medications available electronically in 13 languages. Leaflets in Braille and easy read formats are available on request.Database of translated patient information available for printing from the internet compiled and available on Trustnet. Some Directorates have local leaflets translated into top 5 langauges, however this is not consistent across the Trust and is to be carried over to the 2009/11 Action Plan
A27 / A system is established for publishing all Equality Impact Assessments on the Trust website so that the results of Equality Impact Assessments are available to the public and other stakeholders / C7e
C18 / Communications Manager
Senior Nurse Advisor
E&D Manager / March
2009 / Achieved
Equality Impact Assessments are being published on the Trust public website as of August 2008. Annual Eualitiy Impact Assessment Report produced and published.
A28 / Progress against the Single Equality Scheme Action Plan is reported on and a report is produced annually providing details of achievements against actions. / C7e
C18 / Equalities and Diversity Manager / March 2009 and on-going / Achieved
Annual Report for progress 2008/9 has been produced and published. This Action will be included for 2009/10.
A29 / The content of the Single Equality Scheme Action Plan will be reviewed annually with a view to adding new actions where identified as necessary. / C7e
C18 / Director of Partnerships and Commercial Development