« 42 † Notice, like the sculpture, he hides, with a--a mask over it. That's what God has done to this age. It's been hid. All these things has been hid, and is supposed to be revealed in this age. Now, the Bible says they will be revealed in the latter times. It's like a sculptor keeping his--his piece of work all covered over until the time he takes the mask off of it and there it is.

And that's what the Bible has been. It has been a work of God that's been covered up. And It's been hid since the foundation of the world, and Its sevenfold mystery. And God promised in this day, at the age of this Laodicean church, He would take the mask off the whole thing and we could see It. What a glorious thing!

43 God, en morphe, masked in the Pillar of Fire. God, en morphe, in a Man called Jesus. God, en morphe, in His Church. God above us, God with us, God in us; the condescending of God.

Up There, holy, no one could touch Him, He settled upon the mountain; and even if a animal touched the mountain, had to die.

And then God come down and changed His tent, and come down and lived with us, become one of us. "And we held Him," the Bible said. First Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, handled with hands." God eat meat. God drank water. God slept. God cried. He was one of us. Beautiful, typed in the Bible!

That was God above us; God with us; now it's God in us, the Holy Spirit. Not the third Person; the same Person!


« 44 † God came down and become flesh, and died the death, in Christ; so that He could clean the Church, in order to get into it, for fellowship. God loves fellowship. That's what He made the man at the first time for, was for fellowship; God dwells alone, with Cherubims.

45 And notice now, He made man, and man fell. So He came down and redeemed man, because God loves to be worshipped. The very word god means "object of worship."

And this that comes among us, as a Pillar of Fire, as something that changes our hearts, that is the same God that said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.


« 46 † Now, in the beginning God dwelled alone, with His attributes, as I spoke of this morning. That's His thoughts. There was nothing, just God alone, but He had thoughts.

Just like a great architect can set down, in his mind, and draw out what he thinks it's he's going to--to build. Create, now, he cannot create. He can take something that's been created and make it in a different form; 'cause God is the only way... only One can create. But he gets in his mind what he's going to do, and that's his thoughts, that's his desires. Now it's a thought, and then he speaks it, and it's a word then. And a--a word is...

47 A thought, when it's expressed, it's a word. A thought expressed is a word, but it has to be a thought first. So, it's God's attributes; then it becomes a thought, then a word.


« 48 † Notice. Those who have, tonight, Eternal Life, was with Him and in Him, in His thinking, before there ever was an Angel, star, Cherubim, or anything else. That's Eternal. And if you have Eternal Life, you always was. Not your being here, but the shape and form that the infinite God...

49 And if He isn't infinite, He isn't God. God has to be infinite. We are finite; He is infinite. And He was omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. If He isn't, then He can't be God. Knows all things, all places, because of His omnipresent. Omniscient makes Him omnipresent. He is a Being; He's not like the wind. He is a Being; He dwells in a house. But being omniscient, knowing all things, makes Him omnipresent, because He knows everything that's going on.

There can't be a flea bat its eyes but what He knowed it. And He knowed it before there was a world, how many time it'd bat its eyes, and how much tallow it had in it, before there ever was a world. That is infinite. We can't comprehend it in our minds, but that's God. God, infinite!


« 50 † And remember, you, your eyes, your stature, whatever you was, you were in His thinking at the beginning. And the only thing that you are is the expression, word. After He thought it, He spoke it, and here you are. If it isn't, if you wasn't in His thinking, there is no way at all for you ever be there, for He is the One that gives Eternal Life.

51 You remember how we read the Scriptures? "Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God!" And that His predestination might stand true, He could choose, before any time, who. God is sovereign in His choosing. Did you know that? God is sovereign.

Who was back there to tell Him a better way to make the world? Who would dare to tell Him He was running His business wrong?

Even the very--the very Word, Itself, very sovereign. Even the revelation is sovereign. "He reveals to whom He will reveal." The very revelation, itself, is sovereign in God. That's how people pound at things, and jump at things, and hit at things, not knowing what they're doing. God is sovereign in His works.


« 101 † Notice. Here it is! And when Israel, before they could come into fellowship in the worship, they had to first pass through the waters of separation. "Justification by faith; cometh by hearing, hearing the Word."

Then they entered into the congregation under those seven stripes, the blood, to show that something died and went before them, for their sin. They were separated by hearing the Word, the waters of separation, then entered into fellowship.

102 The only place that God met a man was behind that order. He wouldn't meet him anywhere else. He had to come behind that order. God only met Israel in one place.

And God only meets you today in one place, and that's in Jesus Christ; and He is the Word, the waters of separation. And His Blood was shed for all Seven Church Ages. And then, by the Holy Spirit, we enter into that fellowship, which is only given to the Church. Oh, how great He is!


« 163 † Now we find out, He said, "Who can we get to go out there and deceive Ahab, to get him up there to fulfill that prophet's words?" See, if the prophet said a Word, heavens and earth will pass away but It can't fail. It's got to come to pass. So that's what, it had to take place.

164 He said, "Put this man in the inner jail, feed him with bread of sorrow and water of sorrow. When I return in peace, I'll take care of him."

165 Micaiah stood there firm, knowing he had the Spirit of God. His prophecy, his visions was right. His Message was right, 'cause It was THUS SAITH THE LORD from the visions, THUS SAITH THE LORD from the Word. It had to be right, was THUS SAITH THE LORD. He said, "If you return at all, God never spoke to me." And you know what happened, sure. See, you...

166 Understand, brother. Listen.


« 167 † Sure, Caiaphas, he couldn't see It. Why didn't he look down...? He was a--he was a bishop, he was a pope of all the churches together. Why couldn't that man see Jesus standing there? Why couldn't he understand? When they was singing the 23rd Psalm, the 22nd Psalm, rather, in the church, and, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" and there He's hanging on the cross. The very Scriptures, the very God that they were worshipping, they were condemning Him and killing Him for "a fanatic." There it is.

168 It'd shock you if I'd tell you that's just about to repeat again. The Bible said He was on the outside trying to knock to get in, and nobody would let Him in, "He that I love I chasten and rebuke, I scold him, I shake him down, but it's because I love him. Open up and let Me come in." Yeah. Could not... "Remember, I didn't want to get in the church; it's he, the individual." He couldn't get in the church, had Him locked out. Only... then, only organization of all of them, is this church age, that He was on the outside the church. Put out! Refused! Rejected! Because... He was only manifested in temporarily in the other churches, in the form of justification, so forth; but in here, the age that's coming now, is the full manifestation of the vindication of Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, I'll admit we got a lot of impersonators, but examine the first one, the original.


« 169 † Moses went down with the commandments of God, to deliver Israel; and when he did, he performed some miracles. The impersonators followed him. If they had been first, he would a-been the impersonator. See, he had the Word of the Lord, and the Lord vindicated; he just set still.

170 And, you know, that same thing's promised in the last day? "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these man of reprobate mind concerning the Truth." And when an organization keeps a... takes a man right down through that organization, it showed it did not come from God; because, God does those things to attract the people's mind, and then the Message follows it. If it isn't, then it's not God. It's not God! God always does that.

171 Judas couldn't understand It. He walked right with Him, he didn't see It.


« 172 † But the real, ordained of God, that real gene, that real germ, a soul of God that was in God before the foundation of the world; remember, you that's really got the Spirit of God in you tonight, you were here in Christ because He was the fulness of the Word. He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Do you believe that? Look, He was in Christ. Then if you were in God, a gene, a word, a attribute from the beginning, then you walked with Him here on earth, you talked with Him on earth, you suffered with Him on earth, you died with Him at Calvary, and you rose with Him again; and now you're setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, communing with Him (the Word) as It feeds into your soul, that, "Man shall live by ever Word that proceedeth."

173 Not the Methodist word, the Baptist word; remember, if there was any left over in the sacrifice, it must be burned before morning, 'cause tomorrow's another church age. That right? Exodus, It's true. A symbol, type of the Sacrifice.


« 185 † Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if I do the works of My Father, the Word that's predicted for Me to do, then you... If you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, that you might be saved." See? Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice. They know My Word, they see It when It's vindicated for that age."

186 "Well, Caiaphas knowed the Word too!" But not the Word for that age. He had the word of what the Pharisees had poked into him, but not the vindicated Word of the hour.

187 "They know My Voice, they know My sign, they know My wonder." How now, to...


190 The churches won't have me. They don't want me. No. That's right! They term me now: "He's..." they say, "He's a 'Jesus Only,' or he's something like that, or some heretic, fanatic, and all like that, a--a Jezebel." And I--I look for that, they called my Lord, "Jezebel," and they called Him... not a Jezebel, but a "Beelzebub." They called Him all those bad names. "If they called the Master of the house, 'Beelzebub,' how much more will they call them of His disciples?" So that don't make any difference.


« 177 † Now, you're ordained to Life. You see It if you're ordained to see It. If you're not ordained to see It, you won't see It. Said, "They have eyes but they can't see, ears and can't hear." How thankful you should be, church! How you should straighten yourself up from these things! How you should be on fire for God! That your eyes beholds what you see, your ears hears the things you see.Leadership! Why did you come here tonight to hear a Message like This? I'm branded across the world, by the churches, as a "fanatic."Why did you come? The Holy Spirit led you here (see? see?) to listen. Circumcise! Cut away the things of the world, accept the leadership of Jesus Christ, or you'll perish as sure as the world.


« 247 † And Moses was a rich, young ruler, to become a Pharaoh. He was Pharaoh's son, and was heir to the throne. And he looked out to the impossible, a bunch of mud-daubers, a bunch of slaves. But by faith he saw the promise of God, through the Word, "That his people would sojourn in a strange land for four hundred years, but would be brought out by a mighty hand." And he esteemed That (hallelujah) greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt, for he forsook Egypt not knowing where he was going. He was led by Christ. He forsook!

248 And he had his foot on the throne, and he could been--been the next Pharaoh in Egypt. But he esteemed the reproach of Christ. The reproach! To be called that "odd one," be called that "fanatic," to take his place with the mud-daubers and the fanatics; because he seen that the hour, that the Scripture was promised to be fulfilled, was there then.

249 And O church, wake up! Can't you see the same thing tonight? The hour that's been promised is on us. Esteem the reproach of Jesus Christ greater riches than all the fellowship of anything; if it takes father and mother, church, anything else. Follow the leadership of the Spirit!


« 123 † Oh, America, how oft God would have hovered you, but now your hour is come! You lead the world in filth.

... blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affections,...

No true love even for one another, man to woman, woman to man. "Not even natural affection." Filth, sexually!

... trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good,

In other words, say, "You bunch of holy rollers." Someone asked the other day about coming up here to the church. Said, "Don't go up there. All it is is a big bunch of noise and carrying on."

See, "despisers of those."

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;

You say, "Brother Branham, that's communists." What's the next verse say?

Having a form of godliness, but (what?) denying the power thereof: (the Word, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, manifested, the promise for the day)...

Just exactly like Hananiah, just exactly like Zedekiah, just exactly like Balaam, on back, other false prophets.

Having a form of godliness, anointed... See?

Having a form, anointed, ordained ministers...

Having a form of godliness, but denying that He's the same yesterday, today... Denying His Word!

How did they deny Jesus in that day? Who did they deny when they denied Jesus? The Word. They were religious. They taught from their Bible, but denied the present-day Word.

What are they today? Same thing, anointed, preaching the Gospel of pentecost, but denying the present-day promise of the Word being vindicated, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

For this is the sort are they which creep into houses, and lead... silly women laden with sin, led away by divers lusts,

"Our sewing parties and our so-and-so." Somebody come around trying to misinterpret the Word, and saying this, "It's all right, sister, for you to have short hair. Don't pay no attention to that nitwit. See? Or, if you--you wear this; it's not that, 'it's what comes out of a man's heart that defiles him.'" See? And do you realize that you are anointed with an evil, lustful, dirty spirit? Care, you might sing in the choir, with short hair, but you got an evil spirit. That's contrary to the Word. That's right. That's what the Bible said. And you say, "Well, I wear shorts. It don't condemn me."