The Mayor and City Councilmen met in Regular Session Thursday April 7, 2011 at 6:00pm. All were present.

Councilman Richard led Prayer and Pledge.

Councilman Young motioned to approved Regular Minutes of March 3, 2011 as written. Seconded by Councilman Richard motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Young motioned to approved Special Minutes of March 21, 2011as written. Seconded by Councilman Montoucet motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Morrison presented a key to the city and city pen to Club master Gene Guidry with pack 451 for his long record of service to area youth with a city pin and key to the city. Mayor also said that Mr. Guidry was also named Beau Bassin district cub master of the year Beau Basin district.

Ms. Pam Carr announced that she was working on the Scott Historical Genealogy Society. She stated that a meeting will be held at Coffee Depot Sunday April 10, at 1:00. She stated that it will be a nonprofit organization.

Councilman Young motioned to adopt Resolution #2011-10, A Resolution of the City Council for the Scott Police Civil Service Board. Seconded by Councilman Montoucet, motion carried unanimously.

Attorney Bill Babin swore in Officer Mark Venable as the employee for the Police Civil Service Board Officer. Officer Venable will serve a three year term on the board. He replaced a member who recently left the department.

Mayor Morrison stated he spoke to Mr. Mark Pope about Disposal of hazardous waste within the city limits of Scott. He stated the cost would be $10,615 for once a year to collect all hazard waste on a Saturday for 8am to 12pm. Several residents asked questions. Fire Chief Sonnier stated he will get Lafayette hazmat to also come help out. This item will be put back on the agenda for more information. No action taken.

Councilman Richard motioned to adopt Resolution #2011-13, A Resolution regarding the Reapportionment of the Election district boundaries for the City of Scott. Seconded by Councilman Young, motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Richard motioned to accept Engineer Mark Savoy recommendation for Substantial Completion on Doc Prejean Waterline. Seconded by Councilman Montoucet, Motioned carried unanimously.

Councilman Richard motioned to accept Engineer Mark Savoy recommendation of Substantial Completion of Emergency Service Building Access Road. Seconded by Councilman Hollier, motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Montoucet motioned to table Resolution #2011-14, A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute a contract with United States Environmental Services, L.L.C. for the performance of certain professional engineering services. Seconded by Councilman Richard, motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Montoucet introduced Ordinance #2011-5, An Ordinance amending Ordinance # 2003-5 establishing and adopting a salary schedule and employee pay plan for the employees of the City of Scott, Louisiana. Mayor Morrison stated that Ms. Tammy Vincent’s title will change from Chief Inspector to Administrative Assistant-Planning. Fire Chief Chad Sonnier will now be a paid Part-time Fire Chief with a monthly salary of $1360. Ordinance will be up for adoption at the next regular schedule Council Meeting.

Councilman Young motioned to accept Mr. Mark Savoy, Engineer recommendation to grant low bid for the Sewer System Improvements Project to Tech Construction for $468,263.30 Mr. Savoy, stated that the city accepted a community development grant for $340,000. Motion seconded by Councilman Montoucet, motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Moreau introduced Ordinance #2011-4 An Ordinance amending the City of Scott sales tax ordinance. Attorney Bill Babin reported that the vendor comp was a discount for all vendors who submit their taxes by the due date, he stated that the city lost $5,000 monthly in tax revenue. Ordinance will be up for adoption at the next regular schedule council meeting.

Councilman Young motion to adopt Resolution #2011-15, A Resolution accepting the proposal of IConvergence, Inc. for a telephone system for the public safety building and authorizing the Mayor to execute the contract therefor. Seconded by Councilman Richard, motion carried unanimously.

A Discussion on installing speed humps on Maude St. Police Chief Leger reported that his department monitor the traffic on Maude St and in 4 ½ day and 784 automobiles only 1 car was found speeding and it was at 11:00pm. Councilman Young said he will walk the neighborhood and get a poll to see who wants the speed humps. No action taken.

The Council discussed hiring a part-time employee to help out at the La Maison De Begnaud. Councilman Montoucet motioned to allow Mayor Morrison hire a part-time employee for the Begnaud House until an Ordinance is revised, advertise for a part time employee and pay that person minimum wage. Seconded by Councilman Young, motion carried unanimously.

Ms Redell Miller with the Begnaud House asked for permission to apply for L.C.V.C. Grant and permission for Mayor to sign the application. Councilman Montoucet motioned to apply for grant. Seconded by Councilman Richard, motion carried unanimously.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned,


Purvis Morrison



Donna B. Jumonville

City Clerk