Beginnings and Change Part 1 Study Guide

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. When you question as you read, you are using a method to check whether you have

a. / completed the work you are supposed to do.
b. / written down your observations.
c. / understood what you have read.
d. / remembered what you have just read.

____ 2. When you understand the connotation of a word, you understand its

a. / main meaning. / c. / implied meaning.
b. / relationships. / d. / comparative meaning.

____ 3. When you read a selection, you might discover bias in

a. / its figurative language.
b. / its personification and situational irony.
c. / its use of idioms and generalizations.
d. / its oversimplification and stereotyping.

____ 4. When you draw a conclusion about an author’s beliefs, you make a general statement based on

a. / your guess about the subject. / c. / the main idea of the selection.
b. / information given in the text. / d. / your feelings about the subject.

____ 5. When you read a selection, you might refer to voice, which means the way

a. / an author’s words reveal what the author is like.
b. / a reviewer criticizes a piece of writing.
c. / certain lines of dialogue move along the plot.
d. / a speaker’s words tell about the speaker’s interests.

____ 6. Sometimes you briefly state the main ideas of a selection, which means you are

a. / organizing. / c. / questioning.
b. / summarizing. / d. / defining.

____ 7. When you read a statement such as “All students know how to write; Carla is a student; therefore Carla knows how to write,” you are reading

a. / an inference. / c. / a thesis.
b. / a syllogism. / d. / a hypothesis.

Recall and Interpret (from The Iroquois Constitution)

____ 8. The author’s primary purpose in this selection is to make sure that

a. / the Five Nations rule together in peace.
b. / the council fire never goes out.
c. / everyone respects the Tree of Great Peace.
d. / readers understand the festivals and rites of each nation.

____ 9. What can you conclude about the Iroquois’ attitude toward people outside the Five Nations?

a. / They welcome people from all over the world.
b. / They do not trust them due to past experience.
c. / They are hostile and violent to all of them.
d. / They are not concerned about outsiders.

____ 10. Who does the Constitution designate to own the land and the soil?

a. / nature / c. / women
b. / the Five Nations / d. / the Confederacy

____ 11. When the Council of the Five Nations convenes, who is chosen to be that day’s speaker?

a. / Dekanawida / c. / a Lord from one of three nations
b. / one of the Iroquois women / d. / Adodarho

____ 12. Adding a new condition to any of the Constitution’s laws is compared to

a. / holding an annual festival.
b. / binding a set of five arrows.
c. / debating a foreign or unwelcome idea.
d. / adding a beam to a roof.

Vocabulary (from The Iroquois Constitution)

____ 13. A person’s disposition is the same as his or her

a. / history. / c. / preferences.
b. / personality.

____ 14. If you and your friends convene at the mall, you are

a. / meeting. / c. / eating.
b. / shopping.

____ 15. If you are saving something for posterity, you are keeping it to

a. / sell later when it is more valuable.
b. / donate it to a charity organization.
c. / give it to your children or grandchildren.

____ 16. If you wanted to temper the spicy Mexican dish, you would

a. / heat it up to a better temperature. / c. / put it in the refrigerator for later.
b. / tone down the overall hotness.

____ 17. If an answer requires a great deal of deliberation, it takes

a. / extra studying to understand. / c. / some quick thinking.
b. / a lot of serious thought.

Recall and Interpret (from The Way to Rainy Mountain)

____ 18. In this memoir, the author compares the prairie in the summer to

a. / green belts. / c. / windy tornadoes.
b. / bowl of popcorn. / d. / an anvil’s edge.

____ 19. According to the author, what word best describes the land around Rainy Mountain?

a. / wintry / c. / chaotic
b. / lonely / d. / steaming

____ 20. What is the Kiowa’s creation myth?

a. / They came from the sacred Sun Dance doll, Tai-me.
b. / They came up from slavery to be hunters of the sun.
c. / They entered the world through a hollow log.
d. / They emerged from Montana as mountain people.

____ 21. When the author says, “The women might indulge themselves; gossip was at once the mark and compensation of their servitude,” he means that the women

a. / served the men in the family in complete silence and respect.
b. / enjoyed gossiping so much it was all the pay they needed for working hard.
c. / refused to chat during the meal because it was dishonorable.
d. / whispered stories to one another as they served the food.

____ 22. What is the main idea of this selection?

a. / seeing Devil’s Tower and other sights
b. / honoring the author’s grandmother’s death
c. / repairing the author’s grandmother’s old house
d. / seeing the mountain one more time

Recall and Interpret (How the Leopard Got His Claws)

____ 23. According to the headnote, what is the storyteller’s main responsibility?

a. / fighting battles / c. / creating history
b. / agitating people / d. / surviving disasters

____ 24. What is the primary reason the animals want to build a shelter?

a. / They want to stay warm during the winter cold.
b. / Most of them do not like being out in the rain.
c. / Some do not want to be outside with the dog and his teeth.
d. / All of them want a place to cool off in the summer heat.

____ 25. The dog finally leaves hiss cave because it is

a. / lonely. / c. / dark.
b. / flooded. / d. / frightening.

____ 26. What word best describes the leopard’s attitude toward how the animals should live?

a. / cooperation / c. / compromise
b. / power / d. / brilliance

____ 27. What does the dog give up at the end of the story?

a. / his life / c. / his teeth
b. / his strength / d. / his freedom

Recall and Interpret (How the World Was Made)

____ 28. According to this myth, what event happened before Earth was created?

a. / The land was fastened to the sky with four cords.
b. / The birds were sent to look for a dry place to land.
c. / The water-beetle brought mud up from under the water.
d. / The sun was set in a track to cross the land once every day.

____ 29. The one task that some of the plants and animals fail to do is

a. / stay awake and keep watch for seven nights.
b. / create mountains and valleys for the land below.
c. / help humans to learn how to multiply at a steady rate.
d. / connect the new piece of land to the four cords.

____ 30. According to this myth, some of the trees remain green throughout the seasons because

a. / they are the tallest and most majestic of all the trees.
b. / they are the only ones to remain alert as directed.
c. / their leaves are the deepest shades of green.
d. / they contain the best medicines for the people.

____ 31. According to this myth, Earth is a(n)

a. / ball. / c. / island.
b. / arch. / d. / valley.

____ 32. In this myth, what is the last type of creature to populate the earth?

a. / insects / c. / animals
b. / plants / d. / humans

____ 33. Why don’t the animals go down to Earth as soon as it is created?

a. / It is too soft, flat and wet for them to live there.
b. / They are frightened of it and need more time.
c. / It is still too far away for them to reach.
d. / They are waiting for the conjurers to send the sun.

____ 34. According to this myth, woman can only have one child per year because otherwise

a. / humans would try to control all of the plants and animals.
b. / there would be too many people for the Earth to hold.
c. / the plants and animals would become jealous of the humans.
d. / woman would grow too old and tired to be happy.

____ 35. What loses its hair every winter in this story?

a. / animals / c. / trees
b. / humans / d. / plants

Vocabulary (How the World Was Made)

____ 36. If you gaze at the vault, you are

a. / looking up. / c. / peering through.
b. / peeking under.

____ 37. If the feathers alight on the picnic table, they are

a. / covering it. / c. / damaging it.
b. / resting on it.

____ 38. If a conjurer comes to a party, he will amuse everyone with

a. / funny jokes. / c. / magic tricks.
b. / storytelling.

Recall and Interpret (Prayer to the Pacific)

____ 39. According to the poet, where does the ocean originate?

a. / China / c. / Grandfather Turtle
b. / southwestern United States / d. / sister spirit

____ 40. The poet believes that American Indians were first brought across the ocean on the

a. / sun, coming from the west. / c. / rain clouds up in the sky.
b. / backs of giant sea turtles. / d. / green leaves in the wind.

____ 41. The tone of “Prayer to the Pacific” is

a. / ironic. / c. / respectful.
b. / resigned. / d. / amused.

____ 42. What is one of the main themes in this poem?

a. / Sea turtles are nearing extinction.
b. / Protecting the environment is vital for our survival.
c. / Rain is essential for growing crops.
d. / It is important to understand and respect nature.

Recall and Interpret (The Sky Tree)

____ 43. How does the old chief learn how to cure his illness?

a. / his wife tells him / c. / in a dream
b. / the Turtle tells him / d. / Sky Land reveals the answer

____ 44. Who or what travels to the new Earth with Aataentsic?

a. / the old chief / c. / the beaver
b. / the sky tree / d. / the stone ax

____ 45. Aataentsic has to leave Sky Land because she needs to

a. / find a cure for the old chief. / c. / follow the sky tree.
b. / ask the Turtle for advice. / d. / create a new Earth.

____ 46. The main idea of this myth

a. / shows the kindness and wisdom of the Turtle.
b. / proves how helpful the animals could be to people.
c. / explains how the people left Sky Land to populate the Earth.
d. / shares the story of the old chief’s death to his family.

Recall and Interpret (The Summer of Black Widows)

____ 47. In main metaphor in this poem compares spiders with

a. / elders. / c. / raindrops.
b. / stories. / d. / ash.

____ 48. Who knew what the spiders really represented?

a. / the insects / c. / the elders
b. / the children / d. / the tribe

____ 49. What event brought the spiders?

a. / rain storm / c. / tribal rituals
b. / great wind / d. / elders’ request

____ 50. Each of the following is a theory about what eventually happened to the spiders EXCEPT that they

a. / turned into ash after a summer storm / c. / became a new constellation
b. / climbed up the lightning bolts / d. / hid deep underground

Recall and Interpret (from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson)

____ 51. The title of the selection includes the word restoration because Rowlandson

a. / was eventually reunited with her family.
b. / chose to stay with the Native Americans.
c. / met up with her missing children.
d. / kept her faith throughout the ordeal.

____ 52. Rowlandson found her son lying on the ground because he was hiding the fact that he was

a. / seriously injured. / c. / happy to see his mother.
b. / afraid of the Native Americans. / d. / praying to his Christian god.

____ 53. During her time with the Native Americans, what brought Rowlandson the most comfort?

a. / the squaws / c. / the food
b. / her Bible / d. / her children

____ 54. What is Rowlandson referring to when she says, “I have been in the midst of those roaring lions and savage bears”?

a. / the forest’s wild animals / c. / the Native Americans
b. / tremendous terror / d. / total exhaustion

____ 55. What does the character of Job represent to Rowlandson?

a. / her only hope of eventual rescue
b. / a subordinate chief within the tribe.
c. / a guiding angel from above
d. / another person who was greatly tested

____ 56. What skill does Rowlandson utilize in order to obtain food?

a. / dancing / c. / sewing
b. / storytelling / d. / cooking

Vocabulary (from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson)

____ 57. If you are feeling a great sense of desolation, you are

a. / terribly unhappy. / c. / deeply frightened.
b. / very enthusiastic.

____ 58. If you discern that the automobile is a unique color, you know that it is

a. / expensive. / c. / distinct.
b. / reliable.

____ 59. A lament is a cry of great

a. / anguish. / c. / relief.
b. / ecstasy.

Recall and Interpret (from La Relacion)

____ 60. What word does de Vaca use to differentiate between his men and the Native Americans?

a. / Christians / c. / heathens
b. / natives / d. / idols

____ 61. Why does de Vaca believe that the boat he was on did not sink when the first one did?

a. / There were more men on board to handle the ship in the waves.
b. / He attributed it to God’s great mercy.
c. / The weather was not as rough where the second boat sailed.
d. / He knew it was little more than luck.

____ 62. The point of view this is written from is clearly

a. / the Native Americans. / c. / de Vaca’s.
b. / one of the ship’s crew. / d. / Lope de Oviedo’s.

____ 63. What is the ship compared to in the second paragraph of the excerpt?