Debbie Fligelman – Colors Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“Where have you been?” Gabriel asked as Kyle stepped through the door of the family home.

“I had an errand to run. I told you I’d be here, what are you all worked up about?”

“I see horrifying images of a murder, then someone breaks into your house, you tell me not to worry and you’ll explain and then I don’t hear from or see you for almost twelve hours.”

“If I’d have been in any danger you would have known it. I don’t understand how anyone who can read my mind and feel my emotions can get so darned worried.”

“I will admit it is as much curiosity as worry, but you should have contacted me.

Kyle bowed his head in mock surrender, “I know and I’m sorry.”

Gabriel nodded his head, acknowledging his victory. He motioned toward the living room and Kyle followed his brother into the enormous room and onto the overstuffed nineteenth-century couch in front of the fireplace which was large enough for a full grown man to stand in.

The flames crackled, throwing an orange glow over the brother’s as Gabriel began his inquisition. “So, tell me about her.”

“I don’t know very much. You saw the nightmare and felt the connection. I’ve seen her around the school, but until yesterday she was just another face in the crowd.”

“And today she is your Beshert,” Gabriel’s lips curved into a smile putting a hand on Kyle’s knee he added, “what an interesting way to meet the woman you’re destined for.”

“I know,” Kyle shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea why she was stealing the painting, but I felt so much guilt coming from her. Whatever the reason, she must be desperate.”


“Maybe, but I think it’s more than that,” The lines on his forehead crinkled as Kyle’s expression grew more serious, “I think she’s in some kind of trouble. The need to protect her is overwhelming. You think you understand lust, need, and protectiveness because you have felt those emotions in other people, but when you experience them for yourself they are completely different. I don’t think I handled it very well. I froze when the feeling hit me and then I ran after her, I think I scared her more than she already was.”

Gabriel put a comforting hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Do not beat yourself up. Humans have years to discover their sexuality, yours burst forth like a volcano. I think you are entitled to a few seconds to process it.”

“You would think when nature decided to make another jump in evolution, it would be emotionally too, not just physically. I don’t understand why we’re so backward when it comes to that.”

“I asked Sergei that same question a while back. He seems to think it has something to do with protecting the species. It stops us from,” he searched for the correct words, “getting involved with women who are not compatible with us.”

“I’m so lost when it comes to all this biology and genetics. Maybe I should have studied medicine like Sergei, instead of something useless like painting.”

“One doctor in the family is quite enough, besides painting is not useless. You bring beauty into the world.”

Kyle’s gaze turned to Gabriel’s violin, “As do you. I’m just feeling very helpless at the moment.”

A throat cleared. Both men turned toward the sound. A large frame filled the doorway. Jim, their head of security, flashed a folder at Gabriel.

Kyle looked from one man to the other and then focused his attention on his brother. “What did you do?”

Gabriel held up his hands in defense, “I just asked Jim to check things out that is all.”

Kyle sprang to his feet, “What gives you the right? She’s not some covert operation; she’s the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. And how the hell did you know who she was anyhow?”

Gabriel remained perfectly calm. “I was protecting this family, and as you so eloquently reminded me earlier, I can read your mind little brother.”

As if from nowhere, Jim stepped between them. “Kyle, it was my idea to do a background check on her. Give me a break, she broke into your apartment and stole a painting. Not exactly a chance meeting. Now do you want to know what I found out or not?”

“Not, but I don’t suppose I have any choice.”

“You have a choice. You can go sulk in the other room while Gabriel and I discuss what’s in here,” he held up the folder, “or you can suck it up and let me do my job.”

Kyle sat back down on the couch. He crossed his legs and folded his arms tightly over his chest, as if he was trying to contain the anger that was percolating inside him.

Jim ignoring Kyle’s moral indignation, relayed his findings. “She was born Sabrina McCaughey, Remy is a nickname, short for Rembrandt I believe. The girl has had a hard life.” He turned to Kyle. “The dream you saw was her mother being raped and murdered when she was four. She was the only witness and the guy was never caught.

The visions of the little girl, thumb in mouth, dragging her security blanket down the hall flashed through Kyle’s head and his eyes welled up with tears. He wiped them away with his knuckle and motioned for Jim to continue.

“To make a long story short,” Jim flipped pages in the file, “after the murder the father started drinking, lost his business and his house. In recent years he’s taken to gambling, without much success. And I think I’ve found the reason she has taken up stealing. A few weeks ago he placed a fifty-thousand dollar bet on a horse,” he looked down at his notes, “Vegas Fling at five to one. Unfortunately he lost and even more unfortunate the bookie he placed the bet through is one of Pascaletti’s men.”

“Jesus,” Kyle blurted out. “So she’s got the mob after her?”

Jim nodded his head, “Seems so.”

* * * *

Kyle arrived at the school just after lunch. He sweet talked the secretary in the admissions office, making up some story about Remy winning a prize at his gallery. The woman obviously had a crush on him because without a second thought, she not only handed him a copy of Remy’s schedule but her address and phone number as well.

The students filed out of the classroom. Kyle watched as the crowd thinned with no sign of Remy. He tapped the arm of one of the girls, who looked like a sixties beatnik. The girl swung around as if annoyed her conversation had been interrupted. The annoyance disappeared as soon as she saw Kyle, replaced by a stupid googly-eyed expression. “Yes,” she said, her voice sugary.

“Excuse me, have you seen Remy McCaughey?”

“Orcula, what do you want with her?”


“That’s what the kids call her. As big as a whale and paints horror films.”

A low growl escaped Kyle. It was a deep guttural sound and he had no idea where it came from. He felt fear from her and before he could open his mouth to apologize she was scampering away, only looking back to make sure she wasn’t being followed.

Kyle brushed off the incident and entered the classroom to talk to the professor. He told Kyle Remy had not shown up for any of her classes that day so she must be home sick. Kyle looked down at the piece of paper with her address and phone number scribbled on it. He thought about calling her, but the phone seemed wrong for the important things he needed to tell her.

* * * *

The chemical stench of burning cocaine overwhelmed Remy as she entered her building. She knew it would fade, but she hated the initial assault on her senses. There was a man at the bottom of the stairs, passed out, clutching a bottle wrapped in brown paper. She casually stepped over him and started up the stairs to her fourth floor apartment. The junkie in 2A was hanging over the railing, making kissing sounds at her. “In your dreams,” she snapped, walking past.

She knew better than to look back. By the sound of footsteps behind her, he was following her up the stairs. It didn’t take long for him to catch up with her. He used his body to pin her against the railing.

Even though she was scared of him, she certainly was not going to let him know that. “Not today, Juan, I’m not in the mood,” she spat at him, wriggling out of his trap. This should have been enough to get him to back off, but today he was really stoned and her bravado seemed to increase his anger.

“Not in the mood? He grabbed her arm. “Bitch!”

The groceries she had been carrying spilled out over the stairs. She pulled out of his grasp and turned to run but only managed two steps before she felt his vise-like grip around her ankle. He dragged her down two steps separating them so she was now underneath him.

“Get the fuck off me!” Remy shouted at him.

“Not until I get me a little taste,” he said, fumbling to unbutton his pants.

This is not happening, Remy screamed in her head. His hot breath reeked of cheap wine and she resisted the urge to vomit. She scrambled around for anything she could use as a weapon. She tried kneeing him, but he was too close to her and she couldn’t get any power behind it. Remy remembered the drawing pencil she always kept in her pocket. She always kept it sharpened for when mood to draw hit her. She pulled the pencil from her pocket, closed her eyes and with all her might flung it towards her attacker, but instead of making contact with his head, she found only air. She opened her eyes to find no sign of Juan but instead Kyle Raymond picking up her groceries and placing them carefully back in the bag.

With her heart still pounding in her chest Remy looked over the side of the railing and saw Juan laying two flights below her, writhing in pain, clutching his broken leg.

“How did you?” she barely squeaked the words out.

Kyle’s face crinkled in a feeble smile. “I’ve been taking some tae kwon do.”

Just looking into his face calmed her. It was as if the horror of the past few minutes were miles away. Remy fought the urge to cross the few steps between them and as it was in her dream, have him take her in is arms and make it all go away. Instead she stepped toward him and reached her hands out for the groceries. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what would have happened if you wouldn’t have been here. By the way, what are you doing here?”

“I came to talk to you?”

Remy lowered her face, “About the painting?” She looked up at him. “I’m so sorry. I was desperate. My father owes a lot of money to some very bad men.” She offered as explanation, feeling she owed him that much after saving her life, twice.

“Don’t worry about the painting. I gave that to you happily. That’s not why I’m here.” Kyle ignored her outstretched hands. “Let me carry these up for you.” He brushed past her and Remy felt the same electricity surge through her body as she did the night in his loft.

She brushed off the odd feeling and followed him up the stairs. “So what do you want?”

“A date,” Kyle answered simply.

“A date,” Remy repeated to his back. What would he want with her when he could have any girl he wanted? Maybe he lost a bet or it was a joke. All thoughts of bets and jokes vanished when they reached her door and Kyle turned around. She could see the sincerity in his face, not only that, and this took her aback, vulnerability.

“What the hell?” A voice came from downstairs. Remy looked over the railing to see her father standing over Juan. He climbed the stairs and walked past them into the apartment, only acknowledging them long enough to bark, “Did you get my smokes?”

“I have to go,” Remy apologized, taking the groceries from Kyle.

“You didn’t answer me, will you go out with me?”

“I can’t think right now.” She stepped into the apartment and started to close the door. “Thank you again for everything.”

“Please Remy,” Kyle pleaded just as the door was closing.

“Meet me tomorrow at school,” her voice floated from the other side of the door.