Our reference: 4711EIR
20th November 2012
Dear Ms Banton-Ford,
Thank you for your request on12thNovember 2012 where you asked for details for any contracts for landfill site monitoring, management or maintenance held by Oxfordshire County Council.
Our response is below in blue
Oxfordshire County Council maintains a public contract register and publishes details of all contracts awarded with a value greater than £25,000. These can be viewed on the South East Business Portal from the following link.
We currently hold two contracts for landfill site monitoring, management or maintenance which are as follows:-
Contract 1:
Contractor’s name:
Initial Projects Ltd. t/a enitial
Date contract awarded:
Contract expiry date (if fixed term):
31/03/2013 with an option to extend by up to 2 years
Contract value:
Services provided:
Gas, leachate and groundwater sampling; gas field balancing; CoTC; flare and pump servicing; reporting
Contact details for the council officer responsible for management of these contracts;
Mark Watson, 01865 816043
How many improvement notices in respect to landfill operations were received by EA in the last 12 months and what were they for?
None were received
How many enforcement/prohibition notices in respect to landfill operations were received by EA in the last 12 months and what were they for?
None were received
Contract 2:
Contractor’s name:
Bridmin Ltd
Date contract awarded:
Contract expiry date (if fixed term):
16/06/2013 with an option to extend by up to 1 year
Contract value:
Services provided:
Leachate tankering and disposal from Dean Pit closed landfill site
Contact details for the council officer responsible for management of these contracts;
Mark Watson, 01865 816043
How many improvement notices in respect to landfill operations were received by EA in the last 12 months and what were they for?
None were received
How many enforcement/prohibition notices in respect to landfill operations were received by EA in the last 12 months and what were they for?
None were received
Internal review
If you are dissatisfied with the service or response to your request you can ask for an internal review as follows:
- Contact the Complaints & Freedom of Information team in Law & Governance :
- Use the online complaints form on our website:
- Write to the Complaints & Freedom of Information team at the FREEPOST address:
Complaints and Comments
OxfordshireCounty Council
Oxford OX1 1YA.
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Telephone:0303 123 1113 Website:
Please let me know if you have further enquiries. I would be grateful if you could use the reference number given at the top of this email.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Pau
Strategic Manager – Waste and Transport