Minutes of Meeting
Date: 13 July 2016
Time: 10:30
Venue: SAIEE House, Council Chamber, 18A Gill Street, Observatory, Johannesburg
Committee: Co-opted Members:
Phumlani Khumalo (Chairman) Shaun van Staden
Willie Cronje (Vice Chairman) John Dlamini
Rob Melaia (Past Chairman) Robert Holm
Mario Kuisis Mikail Ansari
Dave Tarrant Xolani Zwane
Dries Wolmarans
Danie Steenkamp
Henry du Preez
Jan de Kock
Present / Apologies / AbsentDanie Steenkamp - Treasurer / Henry du Preez
Dave Tarrant / Prof. Willie Cronje – Vice Chairman
John Dlamini / Prof. Jan de Kok
Mario Kuisis / Robert Holm
Mikail Ansari
Phumlani Khumalo – Chairman
Rob Melaia – Past Chairman
Shaun van Staden
Xolani Zwane
Joanne Griffin - Secretary
1. Opening & Introduction
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all those present. All committee members introduce themselves. The Chairman announced that Danie Steenkamp is the treasurer for the RMS section. Apologies were received, as per noted above.
1.1 Safety & Emergency Information
A copy of the Safety and Emergency information was circulated to all committee members. The secretary gave brief explanations. A copy of the Safety and Emergency information attached to the minutes for info.
2. Approval of the previous minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 06 April 2016 were circulated to the members.
The minutes were approved with the following amendments:
Heading – 2. Approval of the previous meeting / 2. Approval of the previous minutes
3. Declaration of conflicting interest
No declaration of conflict of interest to report
4. Matters Arising
The Chairman enquired if the Secretary has composed a list of members who has already done presentations. The secretary informed the Chairman that the list hasn’t been sent out. The secretary will be sending the list on the 15th July 2016 to members who had already done present.
Action: Secretary
The Chairman requested Mario Kuisis to advise if the policy statement of presentations has been done. Mario Kuisis informed the Chairman, that he will attend to this.
Action: Mario Kuisis
Progress on the RMS Funds
Mario Kuisis informed the committee, a letter was drafted to the bank. He said everything is ready, only signatures from Henry du Preez and James Cowling are outstanding.
Mario Kuisis said there are still some funds left in the Germiston bank account, that must still be transferred to the EEAIA account.
Action: Mario Kuisis & Henry du Preez
Before the funds can be transferred to the SAIEE account, the treasurer Danie Steenkamp will draw up a letter, to state for what RMS is going to use the funds. Danie Steenkamp to confirm with Mario Kuisis the amount that will be transfer from the EEAIA account to the SAIEE account. Once there is a clear understanding for what the funds are going to be use for, arrangements can be made to give Mario Kuisis the SAIEE banking details to transfer the money.
Action: Danie Steenkamp
Mario Kuisis gave a brief summary to the members who weren’t at the meeting regarding the process of the RMS funds. The proposal was from Phumlani Khumalo that the section comes up with an award to promote young engineers, with either research paper etc.
Mario Kuisis advised the committee that Henry du Preez came up with the suggestion that there are still funds from the EEAIA account, that can be used for the RMS Section activities.
5. Website
Nothing to report.
6. Promoting participation of young professionals & encouraging SAIEE membership
The Chairman reported Prudence Maida the Chairperson of Events and Marketing Committee spoke to him about the RMS section to be active in prompting events. The Chairman said he will join the Events and Marketing committee on Council day and keep the RMS committee informed what’s happening.
Gerda Geyer suggested to Joanne Griffin that RMS arrange their own visits and breakfast briefings to promote the RMS section in conjunction with the Events and Marketing committee. The Chairman of the RMS section must give a report to the Events and Marketing committee, to keep them informed on when the RMS section is running – RMS technical forums, visits or breakfast briefings.
Shaun van Staden asked if the focus of promoting young professionals is only for young guys working or ungraduated students.
The Chairman advised that it’s not limited. RMS section wants to promote participation of students still to graduate or who is still at school level or who has graduated, to take up Rotating Machines related studies.
Dave Tarrant asked if it’s possible to have essay Competition at younger level (Grade 10). An essay on how Rotating Machines made a difference in your life or how RMS can change in the broad. Have like prize money award for the best essay. Most young people doesn’t know what Rotating Machines is all about, but if they start creating awareness of Rotating Machines at a young age, it might make a difference.
The Chairman agreed with Dave Tarrant that it’s a great idea to plant the seed at young age. Once we know what funds we have and how to make the funds grow forward.
Rob Melaia said we need to have continuity for sponsorship. Shaun van Staden advised that we must have a clear Agenda for the corporate partners for sponsorship for instance how much we need and for what the funds are going to be used for.
Rob Melaia suggested they speak to Council to have a separate bursary for Students in Rotating Machines. Rob Melaia said he will e-mail Prof. Willie Cronje and Prof. Jan de Kock regarding the student awards.
Action: Rob Melaia
The secretary resent the SCA1 special report out to all committee members on the 13th July 2016. The Chairman responded to the e-mail by sending a breakdown of the steps to follow of the SCA1 special report. He said the SAIEE Council has agreed to a MoU with CIGRÉ for closer working co-operation. The RMS Forum to be taken as the SA CIGRÉ activity group.
SABS has the IEC young professionals programme which encourages young professionals to partake in the international standardization. With this programme, young professionals get an opportunity to participate in some of the IEC committees during the IEC General Meeting which is held annually. For them to partake on the IEC General they have to enter the young professional competition where they have to write an essay about standardisation. The SABS IEC Committee will select two or three of the best essays and the authors of the essays will be sent to the IEC General meeting to meet with the other internationals IEC young professionals and will also get an opportunity to take part on some if the IEC committee during the IEC General Meeting. If the committee would like to get more clarity on this, they can engage with Paul Johnson SABS IEC National Secretary who would come to make a presentation on how the IEC young professional operate.
Rob Melaia informed John Dlamini, that a list was sent to Quintin Mokoena, of members who would like to be a part of the IEC committee TC2. John Dlamini will share the SABS minutes of the May 2016 meeting.
9. RMS Technical Training / Course
The RMS working group will meet on the 04th August 2016
Dave Tarrant said it’s important to plan for the RMS course and not to rush.
10. Finalize RMS Technical Forum Programme – 28th July 2016
The programme was finalized by the Rotating Machines Committee.
11. Topics for presentations - (28th July 2016)
VPI tape testing and related effects on the dielectric performance of VPI insulation systems – Presenter: Dornhofer Reinhard
CIGRE SA RAG response to special report – Presenter: Phumlani Khumalo
12. General
Nothing to report
Chairman closed the meeting by thanking everyone for attended the meeting.
Closed at: 13:10
Chairman: ______Date: ______
NAME / APR’15 / JUN’15 / AUG’15 / SEP’15 / FEB’16 / APR’16 / JUL’16 / OCT’16Rob Melaia / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Phumlani Khumalo / X / X / A / A / X / X / X
Mario Kuisis / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Dave Tarrant / A / A / A / X / A / A / X
Danie Steenkamp / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Henry du Preez / A / X / A / A / X / X / A
Dries Wolmarans / A / N / X / X / A / A / A
Jan de Kock / X / X / X / X / X / A / A
Willie Cronje / X / N / X / X / X / A / A
Shaun van Staden / A / N / X / N / X / A / X
Robert Holm / N / N / N / N / N / A / X
John Dlamini / N / X / N / A / X / A / X
Present – X, Apology – A, Absent – N
Please note that in case of an emergency
· the alarm horn will sound
· the nominated committee member will ensure that all present will leave their seats in an orderly fashion and line up single file and wait for the evacuation officer
· everyone is kindly requested to leave all their belongings behind and not attempt to stay and try to pack up
· ladies with high heels must please remove their heels
· Persons who do not comply and wish to be difficult will be forcibly removed
· Older persons or those requiring assistance must please notify the appointed committee member.
· In the case of fire, all doors & windows must be closed to contain the fire
· Evacuation officers will lead everyone quickly through the designated emergency exits to the assembly point on the main grass verge in front of Innes House.
o Emergency Exit – LOWER level – glass side door
o Emergency Exit – Council level – glass front doors / or balcony in extreme situation
o Emergency Exit – UPPER OFFICE level – front door / fire escapes
o Emergency Exit – INNES HOUSE back or inner staircase for upper level and front or side door to exit the premises
· Roll call will be done at the assembly point to ensure that everyone is present and accounted for.
· All persons must lock the doors and take cover under the desks and await emergency police assistance
· If the situation permits those persons who can be, will be evacuated.
· On no condition must any armed person attempt to interfere or take control of the situation. This must be left to the professionals.
· In the case of a personal medical emergency, kindly use the disability toilets on the Council Level. Please request someone to call one of the Frist Aid Officers – either Sue Moseley or Joanne Griffith.
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