Spelling Homework Contract

This is your spelling contract. You will complete 30 points worth of spelling homework each week. You are free to choose how many activities you complete as long as your total points equal 30. Make sure to spell ALL words correctly on each activity, and if writing sentences, use complete sentences including capital letters and punctuation. Contract work will be due on Friday. Late work will not be accepted as this homework is meant to help you study for your weekly test. Do not wait till the last night to do your activities!

5 Point Assignment Choices

__ Write the words and underline all the vowels.

__ Write words in reverse ABC order.

__ Write the words and cross out silent letters.

__ Divide each word into syllables.

__ Write the words one time neatly in cursive.

__ Write Vowels in one color and Consonants in another color.

__ Rainbow write words in 5 colors. (Start with lightest color and get darker with each color used.)

10 Point Assignment Choices

__ Write your words neatly 3 times each in cursive.

__ Make a set of flash cards for studying your words.

__ Use all of the spelling words to write 10 or more questions.

__ Look up words in the dictionary and write the meaning.

__ Use the dictionary to look-up words and write down the page number and 2 guide words at the top of the page (Ex: Lone page-514, loge-long)

__ Write the part of speech for each word (Noun, verb, adjective, etc.)

__ Write a newspaper headline using your words.

__ Write sentences using your words.

__Create a cartoon strip using at least 5 spelling words.

__ Make a word search with your spelling words

20 Point Assignment Choices

__ Cut the words out of magazines or newspapers then make a collage on construction paper.

__ Cut out or draw a picture and use spelling words to write a story about the picture.

__ Write a newspaper story using all of your spelling words.

__ Write instructions or directions for a task using at least 6 spelling words.

__ Write a letter to a friend using all of your spelling words.

__ Make pyramid words with your spelling words.


M_ _ _ _

Ma _ _ _

Mat _ _

Matc _


If you have questions ask!

Mrs. Plunkett