1. Pre Flight Inspection

a.  Documents on board, check for snags
b.  Fire extinguisher charged and secure
c.  Switches and avionics off
d.  Master on
e.  Flaps down
f.  Master off
g.  Pre flight inspection / 5. Pre Take Off Check
a.  Controls free
b.  Trims set
c.  Flaps required
d.  Master switch on
e.  Mags on both
f.  Mixture rich
g.  Left to right flight instrument check
h.  Avionics set as required
i.  Landing light on after take off clearance
2. Start Check
a.  Avionics and electrics off
b.  Controls check
c.  Trim check
d.  Mixture rich
e.  Throttle set
f.  Brakes test and set
g.  Master on
h.  Lights as required
i.  Prop area clear
j.  Magnetos on and start
k.  Check oil pressure
l.  Alternator charging
m.  Throttle 1000 RPM / 6. Pre landing Check
a.  Mixture rich
b.  Temp and pressure green
c.  Mags and master on
d.  Brake check
3. Post Start
a.  Lean as required
b.  Dead Mag Check
c.  Flaps check and retract
d.  Set heading indicator
e.  Avionics and electrics as required
f.  ATIS copy – Taxi clearance
g.  Test brakes
h.  Flight instruments check while taxiing / 7. Post Landing Check
a.  Flaps retracted
b.  Landing lights off
c.  Strobes off
d.  Flight plan closed
4. Runup Check
a.  Aircraft into wind, nose wheel straight
b.  Brakes on
c.  Mixture rich
d.  Oil pressure green and temps normal
e.  Area clear behind
f.  Throttle 1700
g.  Oil pressure green and temp normal
h.  Mag check
Max drop 125 RPM
Max diff 50 RPM
Not rough
i.  Mixture check
j.  Full idle / Oil PSI / Voltage
k.  Idle 1000
l.  Carb heat off / 8. Shut Down Check
a.  Throttle 1000 RPM
b.  ELT check on 121.5 then ATIS
c.  Avionics and electrics off, leave beacon on
d.  Live mag check
e.  Mixture idle cut-off
f.  Mags and master off
g.  Secure simulator