Unit #4 Practice Exam.

1. Microscopic analysis of an unknown tissue sample reveals the presence of chondrocytes, indicating that the sample is _____. (40.2)

a. bone

b. loose connective tissue

c. cartilage *

d. stratified columnar epithelium

e. adipose

2. Which of the following are connective tissues? (40.2)

a. adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood*

b. bone, blood, and skin

c. red blood cells and neurons

d. cartilage, bone, and epithelium

e. adipose tissue, dense and loose connective tissues, and neurons

3. _____ feedback most directly maintains homeostasis because it _____. (40.4)

a. Negative ... tends to keep a system at a desirable "set point"*

b. Negative ... accentuates fluctuations and keeps the system from reaching equilibrium

c. Positive ... keeps systems constant despite fluctuations in the external environment

d. Positive ... magnifies deviations from the "set point"

e. none of the above

4. Which one of the following organs of the digestive system does not produce any secretions that aid in digestion? (41.4)

a. large intestine*

b. small intestine

c. stomach

d. liver

e. pancrease

5. The liver and pancreas add their secretions to the partially digested food produced in the stomach, in the _____ of the small intestine.

a. sphincter

b. duodenum*

c. jejunum

d. ileum

e. colon

6. In vertebrates, food is moved along the length of the digestive system by _____. (41.3)

a. active transport across cell membranes

b. peristalsis*

c. diffusion and osmosis

d. sequential contraction of bands of skeletal muscles

e. all of the above

7. The fat-soluble vitamins include _____.

a. vitamins A, D, E, and K*

b. vitamin A and the B group

c. the B vitamins and vitamin C

d. vitamins C, D, E, and K

e. riboflavin and niacin

8. A macromolecule produced in the body, which recognizes another molecule as "foreign" to the body, is a(n) _____. (43.1)

a. platelet

b. antibody*

c. antigen

d. lymphocyte

e. macrophage

9. Which one of the following is part of the inflammatory response? (Concept 43.1)

a. constriction of the arterioles

b. clonal selection of B and T lymphocytes followed by the production of effector cells

c. dilation of the capillaries*

d. production of antibodies

e. production of memory cells

10. Once you have been exposed to an antigen, you develop immunity against the same antigen because _____. (43.2)

a. antibodies against the disease are constantly circulating in your blood

b. certain lymphocytes are able to make the proper antibodies quickly*

c. your innate defenses are strengthened

d. B cells are stimulated to quickly engulf invaders

e. antigens are altered so that the invaders can no longer attack your tissues

11. A type of cell that makes immunizations effective is the _____. (Concept 43.3)

a. red blood cell

b. killer T cell

c. killer B cell

d. macrophage

e. memory B cell*

12. When searching for a donor for an organ transplant, doctors try to match the _____ of the donor and recipient as closely as possible. (Concept 43.4) 36

a. macrophages and brain cells*

b. B cells and liver cells

c. plasma cells and neutrophils

d. cytotoxic T cells and brain cells

e. all of the above

13. Which of the following describes a withdrawal reflex response? (48.1)

a. It requires a sensory neuron, an interneuron, and motor nerves.

b. It results in the limb moving toward the midline of the body.

c. Pain receptors in the skin send a message to the brain to initiate motor movement, away from a painful stimulus

d. It is a conscious response to painful stimuli.

e. The first two answers are correct.*

14. How are neurons structurally adapted to chemically transmit impulses to neighboring neurons?

a. Axon terminals contain neurotransmitter substances within synaptic vesicles.*

b. They have numerous nodes of Ranvier.

c. They have numerous dendrites.

d. They have Schwann cells that surround axons.

e. None of the above is correct.

15. Schwann cells make up the _____. (48.1) 9

a. neurons

b. nodes of Ranvier

c. myelin sheath *

d. radial glia

e. neurotransmitter secretory vesicles

16. 2. Which one of the following statements is not true about the resting potential?

a. The neuron's plasma membrane is much more permeable to potassium than to sodium.

b. The concentration of sodium is much higher inside the cell than outside.*

c. The sodium-potassium pump plays a role in maintaining the resting potential.

d. Inside the cell, the concentration of potassium is much higher than the concentration of sodium.

e. All of these are true statements.

17. An action potential is _____. ( 48.3)

a. a traveling wave of depolarization in the neuron membrane*

b. a brief neutralization of the charges on sodium and potassium ions

c. a sudden increase in speed by the sodium-potassium pump

d. a sudden reversal of the sodium-potassium pump

e. none of the above

18. Alex becomes so dehydrated while playing tennis that his blood pressure starts to drop. His _____ detects the drop in pressure and sends signals via _____ to speed up the heart to compensate. (48.5) 29

a. hypothalamus ... parasympathetic neurons

b. medulla oblongata ... sympathetic neurons*

c. cerebellum ... sympathetic neurons

d. medulla oblongata ... parasympathetic neurons

e. cerebellum ... parasympathetic neurons

19.If we stand up too quickly, blood pressure and, hence, blood flow to the brain will decrease. Which receptors will respond to this decrease in blood pressure? (49.1)

a. chemoreceptors

b. thermoreceptors

c. photoreceptors

d. mechanoreceptors*

e. electromagnetic receptors

20. The organ of Corti is found ______. (49.1)

a. in the pain receptors

b. in the taste areas of the tongue

c. in the cochlea*

d. in the semicircular canals

e. surrounding the pupil of the eye

21. Which of the following correctly traces the path of light into your eyes? (49.4)

a. lens, cornea, pupil, retina

b. cornea, pupil, lens, retina*

c. cornea, lens, pupil, retina

d. lens, pupil, cornea, retina

e. pupil, cornea, lens, retina

22. Which statement about contraction of a sarcomere is false? (49.6)

a. The I band shortens and the A band elongates.

b. The A band shortens and the I band elongates.

c. The I band, A band, and M line all shorten.

d. The I band and H zone shorten.*

e. The I band, H zone, and Z lines shorten.

23. The function of pulmonary circulation is to _____. (42.1)

a. carry oxygen and nutrients to tissues where they are needed

b. retrieve waste products from the body tissues

c. carry blood through the heart, lungs, and all of the body tissues

d. carry carbon dioxide to the lungs and pick up oxygen from the lungs*

e. carry absorbed nutrients from the small intestine tothe liver

24. What is the order of passage as air is inhaled during ventilation of the lungs in a typical mammal? (42.5)

a. nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, bronchiole, bronchus, trachea, alveolus

b. nasal cavity, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchiole, alveolus*

c. nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchiole, alveolus

d. nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchiole, bronchus, alveolus

e. nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, larynx, bronchus, bronchiole, alveolus

25. In the alveoli and lung capillaries, carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged by means of _____. (42.5)

a. diffusion *

b. active transport

c. endocytosis

d. pinocytosis

e. osmosis

26. Most oxygen is carried by the blood _____. Most carbon dioxide is carried by the blood _____. (42.7)

a. attached to hemoglobin ... in the form of bicarbonate ions*

b. dissolved in the plasma ... dissolved in the plasma

c. in the form of hydrogen ions ... in the form of bicarbonate ions

d. attached to hemoglobin ... attached to hemoglobin

e. attached to hemoglobin ... dissolved in plasma