CEMAC Team Meeting 21st November2016
Attendees: SRA, SJP, WF, MR, RJK
Apologies: KJP, ZC
1) Minutes / actions from last meeting
2) CEMAC review
3) Open Day / outreach ideas
4) Ticketing system roll-out
5) Survey Monkey?
6) AOB
Meeting proper
1) Approve minutes of previous meetings / outstanding actions
Minutes approved.
9.5: SRA to produce partnership text (ongoing). Not yet done!
Key partners are now at top of list on website. Should we add joint projects / CASEstudents?
Open Project9.4 MR and RK to meet. (still to do).
KP to stick with Redmine for existing GLOMAP issues.
12.2: MR and RK to add RK to skills to wiki.Ongoing.
12.3 MR and SRA to discuss monitoring software and roll out to ICAS. But need for SJP to continue handover to MR. Ongoing.
12.4 : SJP to transfer web ownership. DONE.
12.5: KJP to look at online training.Details are on Open Project / CEMAC project / training. Initial ROSE training link. Second course on developing UM within ROSE. Extra dimension of using ROSE from Puma.
Worthwhile looking at ROSE/SILK course… but then need specific UM related training (CMS?).
12.6 RJK - check Met Office ROSE training accessibility?
DONE. There is a waiting list for external users inMonsoon twiki (KP already on it).
12.7: EPSRC call. SRA to email Alan Real.DONE. SRA meeting Jeanne Houwing-Duistermaat from maths. She is leading a bid. ZC - might have some oter specific ideas.
12.8: ALL - to look at call and circulate any ideas / thoughts.
ACTION 12.9: All to check metadata info / keywords on webpages.
Stillongoing? SJP has gone through all CEMAC website pages (70% complete so far). Used search engine optimisation - done best he can do. Need others to look. Can be done in Wordpress.
2) CEMAC review.
Steve submitted to Steven Dobbie. Will be reviewed by school. More info to come on new posts / approval for advertising UM post and replacement for SJP.
Finances look good – we are more than £100k in net credit, accounting for current staff costs and funding attracted. Student numbers are strong and growing.
Need to have somethingspecificre. teachinginput. Related to thiss, MR meeting withJuliane Tues.
3) Anna Hogg –contacted Steve re. idea of having a media wall. Equivalent new library media wall can’t be used for research displays apparently.Sheemailed Jerry Lee who said he was waiting to hear from CEMAC. Not sure where this came from. SRA not had communication re. this with school. Peter Jimacks (David Dukes / Roy Ruddle) might have knowledge of how to do this in house? 3 x 3 monitor wall. Cost?
Should make a bidto steering? Ask Priestley / CPOM.
ACTION 13.1: SRA to follow up.
Specific ideas for what could be displayed - transport in a cloud / convection / cloud formation? Steef may have tools for visualisation?
ACTION 13.2 Zhiqiang / Richard to think about this meet with MR.
Need more items for showcase onwebsite.Newcase from Wuhu for TOMCAT / SLIMCAT on website showcase?
ACTION 13.3 tothink about these.Couldhave showreellayoutrather than random choice. Is this being worked on? Check with SJP about this.
4) Ticketing system roll-out… Shall we “open the flood gates”? MR to explain things to some groups on a per-group basis. Also need some ICAS-wide announcement. ACTION 13.4: MR to rearrange meetings with PIs.
5) Move presentation / discussion of SurveyMonkeyto later meeting. MR has started analysis.