8 May 2017

P Kembery (in the Chair)

M D F Fletcher (P)

T C Bowles (P) M Goodman (A)

J Brain (P) P Kembery (P)

P Dyer (P) E Lewis (P)

R G Climmer (P) D Marriott (P)

D Fletcher (P) M Manning (P)

J Godwin (P) M Newport (A)

J Amos (P) C Thorne (A)

P Hemmings (A) P Willis (P)

In attendance B. Sergent and Liz Manning
Evacuation Procedure – leave via the fire door and assemble in the play area – Noted
01.05/17 Election of a Chairman
Cllr. Climmer proposed D. Fletcher.
Cllr. Lewis seconded.
All Members in favour, Cllr. Fletcher was duly elected as Chairman.
02.05/17 Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr. Fletcher was not present and will declare his acceptance of office at the next meeting.
03.05/17 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr. Climmer proposed P Kembery.
Cllr. Dyer seconded.
All Members in favour, Cllr Kembery was duly elected as Vice Chairman.
04.05/17 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Hemmings, Goodman, Newport, Thorne and Fletcher.
05.05/17 Composition of Committees
The composition of the Committees is to remain the same as the previous year.
06.05/17 Bank Signatories
The bank signatories will remain as Cllrs. Climmer, Hemmings, Marriott and the Clerk.
07.05/17 Schedule of Meetings – Noted
08.05/17 Appointment to Outside Bodies
These are to remain the same. Cllr. P Kembery will join the Frenchay Residents Liaison Group
09.05/17 Declaration of Interest Under the Localism Act – Cllr. Brain declared an interest in the grant application for WSA and Cllr. Kembery for the Frenchay Flower Show.
10.05/17 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3 April – Approved.
11.05/17 To note the Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of the 3 and 24 April– Noted.
13.05/17 To note the Minutes of the F&GP Meeting of 24 April and approve any recommendations - Noted
The following grants were approved:
Salem Methodist Church - £325.00
Winterbourne Down Carnival Committee - £250.00
Frenchay Flower Show - £250.00
Frampton Youth Club - £500
Hambrook Sports Club - £5500.00
WSA - £3755.46
14.05/17 Clerks Report
All items on the Clerk’s report were noted.
Matters Arising
Work has begun on repairing the soft pour areas in the park at the Greenfield Centre. This should hopefully be completed within the week.
The lines painted on Hambrook Common by South Gloucestershire Council around the corners of Moorend Road and Worrell’s Lane, were not done according to the plan submitted as they are shorter. South Gloucestershire Council will investigate this and let us know if they can be lengthened.
South Gloucestershire Council advised on 6 April that the road sign at Old Gloucester Road and Hambrook Lane should be replaced within 6-8 weeks.
The water level of the Duck Pond is being closely monitored. Arrangements are in place for a standpipe to be hired. Cllr.Kembery thanked Cllr. Climmer for his hard work in this matter.
We are waiting for a start date from Robin Engineering to make the repairs to the basketball court.
South Gloucestershire Council have been instructed to mark out the parking area on Flaxpits Lane by Daisy’s Café with 3 parking spaces and one smaller space at the end of the bay. This should be completed within 6-8 weeks.
Members feel it would be beneficial for a liaison meeting to be arranged with WIA as one has not taken place for a while. Clerk to arrange.
15.05/17 – Items from the Public – None
16.05/17 - Items from Members
Work was starting this week on Frenchay Common which should alleviate the flooding problem along Beckspool Road and by Cedar Hall.
Improved signage is required in Grange Park Frenchay for the Frome Valley Walkway. Clerk to contact South Gloucestershire Council.
The aerator in the pond has been mended and is now working again.
A 3rd quote is to be obtained for the work needed at the car park at Hambrook Common on the Bristol Road. Members felt that once the car park has been resurfaced, some signs should be erected to advise the land is owned by the Parish Council and anybody parking does so at their own risk. It was discussed the merits of a 2 hour waiting limit sign to be made or incorporated.
It has been noted that although the speed limit along Flaxpits Lane is 20mph, there are no roundels advising this. South Gloucestershire Council are to be contacted to request some signs are put in place.
Cllr. Willis enquired regarding the status of the lease for St. Elizabeth’s Hall. The solicitor is to be reminded.
Cllr.Dyer had a meeting with the new tenant of the Tuckett Field. There are issues with using it for grazing, as the land is so contaminated by dog faeces. Some fencing of the area is required and Cllr. Dyer will get some costings for this so it can be discussed further.
The meeting concluded at 7.55 pm. / Clerk
P Dyer