General Information


A number of bus services operate daily to and from Taranganba State School. Bus students are required to assemble in the area in front of the tuckshop and at the flagpole area where supervision is provided and daily rolls are marked.

All enquiries as to bus routes and times - phone Young’s Buses - 4939 3131.

Day Care students are collected from the pergola outside the administration area.

Newsletter Information

The school newsletter is published each Thursday and distributed to the eldest in the family. The newsletter contains many items of interest to parents including changes and updates to school events and policies.

The newsletter will also be available online, in the quick links menu, each Thursday afternoon.

Personal Belongings

All personal belongings should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Unmarked articles are placed in the lost property area in the large covered area. Children and parents are encouraged to check this regularly.


Toys, collector cards, electronic games and such should not be brought to school. Children often become distressed if these items are lost or damaged.

Personal Technology Devices

Some students have parents requiring their children have mobile telephones in the event of need for contact while their children are travelling to and from school. It is required that students’ turn such telephones off and leave them in the administration building for safe keeping. Any contact students need to make outside the school during the school day should be done through the school office. However, the school can accept no responsibility for these telephones. Students are not to bring personal technology devices such as cameras, DS games, digital video cameras or MP3 players to school.Students must hand them into the administration as soon as they enter the school gate. The devices can then be collected at 3:00 but cannot be used until they leave the school grounds.

If a student has these devices on school grounds (without prior permission of the principal) they will be confiscated and return only to the parent.

It is not appropriate that students wear jewellery to school other than a wristwatch and earring studs or sleepers. Makeup is not to be worn. These items may be required to be removed during activities.

Religious Instruction

Half hour multi denominational Religious Education classes are conducted on Fridays for Combined, Multi-denominational groups (Uniting Church and Anglican) Catholic and Bahai students. Non Attendees are supervised during this time. All children attend classes unless the school has been notified in writing. This information is gathered from the student’s enrolment forms. Teachers remain in classrooms to assist with supervision.

Sickness Information

Every attempt is made to contact parents if children become ill or suffer accidents while at school. Please ensure that the school has current address and contact details.


Medication is administered by office staff on advice from parents. In special cases (with negotiation between parents and administration) students may be permitted to keep some forms of medication (eg, asthma puffers) in their classroom. Please note, departmental policies prevent the school administering pain-masking medication without medical advice.

Student Absence
If a child is absent from school, it is in the child’s and parents’ interest to contact the school by telephone, email or note to advise of the absence. Until the school is notified, the absence is recorded as being 'unexplained'. If your child is absent for 2 days without notification, a staff member will call on the third day for an explanation.

Sun Safety

Taranganba State School is a SunSmart School in conjunction with the National SunSmart Schools Program. Taranganba has a comprehensive Sun Protection Policy which actively seeks to protect students from dangerous over exposure to the sun. Taranganba State School easily met the stringent expectations of the Australian Cancer Council to qualify as a

SunSafe School.

Our SunSmart strategies include:

· A school wide ‘No hat, no play’ policy

· Extensive shade structures

· SunSmart Education included in the Curriculum from Prep to Year Seven

· Sunscreen available for student and staff use

· Sun protective clothing as part of the school uniform

· SunSmart information provided in school newsletters with links on the website.

· Sunsafe shirts (rashies) must be worn during swimming lessons.