How to do a Google Analytics Site SEO Setup

Google is in the process of getting users of Google Analytics to use the New Version of its site. This will teach you how to set up a new site in the New Version.

1.  Login to Google Analytics, and from old dashboard landing page, click New Version link at the top:

Login credentials:

Username: bestagentbizness
PW: analyze123

After you click the New Version link, the page should look like this:

2.  From the new dashboard landing page, click the little gear icon in the upper right corner :

3.  When you click the gear icon, you will be taken to a list of web properties within Best Agent’s one account. You will need to click the link in the breadcrumbs to get to the top level of all the site profiles.
Click in the breadcrumbs at the top of the screen:

4.  Now you should see a list of all the websites currently that have profiles in Google Analytics. Click the New Web Property button.

5.  Enter a name for the client’s website, i.e. Mary K’s Listings, and then enter the URL for the client’s domain. Set the time zone to the client’s time zone. Click Create Property. The site will be added to the list of sites under the account.

6.  Click on the new site that’s been added to the list. You may have to go to the second page of sites to find it. Click on the site link, and you should reach a page looking like this:

7.  From the new site profile page, you are going to click on the Tracking Code tab. In the tracking code screen you will see the assigned code for this site, and the code that you will need to copy and paste into the site’s <head> tags in order for the site to start tracking data/analytics.

We usually only track a single domain in each profile.

8.  Copy the code in the box below and save it in a text doc on your pc (later upload it into ClientWiki for quick reference). You will be pasting it right BEFORE the </head> tag on each major page (or pages specifically requested) to be tracked:

9.  Paste the code into the <head> </head> tags on each page the client would like to track. For any major real estate site, these pages might include:

Home, Listings, About Client, FAQ and on any blog/article pages on the site.

Paste the code right before the </head> tag. (note, if you’re dealing with a template site, you may just be able to paste the code into the <head> tag on the template, and it will apply it to all pages in the site. For Word Press sites, get a Google Analytics plugin, and you can put the web id code in the plugin, which will automatically put the code on all the blog pages.

-After pasting the code in, after a few days, go back and check the report in Google Analytics for the new site you setup, and make sure it’s showing data. If not, double check your tracking code implementation.