James Briggs, Senior Perl/C Programmer
cell (408) 429 3017, email

1035 Boise Drive, San Jose, CA 95008

I am looking for a Perl/C programming and advanced Linux systems administration position. I am experienced with high-volume web and email systems, writing internationalized Perl applications, database-driven web development with Oracle and MySQL, advanced Unix/Linux systems mgmt. and monitoring, and programming to RFC standards. Previously I have worked for companies such as Yahoo, Netscape and eBay Payments.
I am the organizer of the Silicon Valley Perl Mongers, and contribute to Open Source projects on Perl CPAN and Sourceforge - CPAN ID JBRIGGS.

Available in the Bay Area.

1997-2005 O'Reilly Perl Conferences
- attended numerous lectures by the original Perl developers. Speaker in 2001 on Perl, Unicode and ICU.

2003, 2005 MySQL Conference, San Jose
- attended lectures on MySQL by core developers

2003 FreeBSD Kernel Debugging with Greg Lehey, author of vinum.

2003 Certified IBM AIX System Administrator (5 day course Q1811)

1999-2001 Unicode Conferences 15 - 19
- speaker at Conferences 16 and 18 on Perl, Unicode and Internationalization
1992 Microsoft University, Toronto
- Microsoft Windows Programming – Win C API Advanced Topics (5 day course)
1984-1986 University of Waterloo
- Studied Pure Mathematics and Computer Science
- Courses on advanced Real Analysis, group theory, and electromagnetics
- Member of Computer Science Club and Chess Club
- UNIX tools user (nroff, vi, rn, etc.).
1981-1984 Leamington District High School
- Studied mathematics and physics
- Grade 13 Ontario Scholar
- President of winning chess team and member of national chess federation.

Sep 2004-Dec 2004, Aug 2005 to Jan 2006, Yahoo! Inc.

Sunnyvale, CA ( )

Senior Perl Consultant

- maintenance programming on the Perl and PHP content management system for Branded Content TV microsites like “The Apprentice”, “The Contender”, etc.

- Technologies used included Perl, PHP, MySQL, FreeBSD, cvs, apache, rsync, ad serving, image caching, NFS

- integration with the Akamai distributed content network

- Attended Yahoo Security Conference 2004 (3 days) on ecommerce and network security issues.

- Perl, PHP, C/C++ programming and FreeBSD and NFS sysadmin operations support for the Jupiter log analysis processing and reporting cluster.

Aug 2000-Present ActionMessage Inc.
San Jose, CA ( )
Senior Perl Programmer
– Perl/C/AJAX developer of 60,000 line web-based software for opt-in email campaign management
- Internationalization architect for email software (Japanese, Chinese and Western European languages)
- hostmaster for Apache, mod_perl, DNS and sendmail email servers
- technologies used included Perl, C/C++, AJAX, XML, RSS, CSS, JavaScript, Java applets, cvs, Sun Solaris, Linux, mod_perl, pp, SSL, Apache, Nagios monitoring, MySQL replication, automated testing

- Perl modules used incl. CGI::Ajax, XML::Simple, Excel, DBI, MD5, CGI, HTTP::WebTest, LWP, GD, custom

- Supervised offshored QA and monitoring staff.
Mar 2000-Aug 2000 eBay Payments
San Jose, CA ( )
Principal Engineer
- Perl programmer and trainer
- i18N engineer for international currency isssues
- hostmaster for primary DNS and multiple email servers
- Information Security Officer, involved in developing security policies and practices for eBay Payments and eBay
- technologies used include CVS, Sun Solaris, sendmail, Perl app servers, Tibco, Apache, BIND and Oracle
Feb 1999-Feb 2000 Netscape (International Group)
Mountain View ( )
Senior Perl Consultant, I18N Architect for Content Mgmt.Systems
- Designed I18N features for FutureTense Content Mgmt. System (Java) for publishing International content from an Oracle database and developed XML templates for rendering HTML
- Educated producers and managers about browser and Unicode Internationalization issues
- Educated developers on secure and maintainable Perl CGI programming
- wrote Perl scripts for internet and intranet CGI forms character encoding test scripts, and text processing
- Perl modules used included DBI, CGI, File::Find, Mail and utf8
- used CVS, Sun Solaris, Linux, Apache, Netscape LDAP and HTTP, XML
Oct 1998-Jan 1999 Incyte Genetics
Palo Alto
Senior Perl Consultant
- Modified Perl scripts for animal genetics processing
- Modified Perl DBI scripts for intranet database
- Studied bioinformatics techniques for advanced DNA searches
- Trained biologist for Perl software development
- Perl modules used included DBI, CGI, experiments with threads and Perl compiler
- used RCS source revision control system, Sun Solaris
Jul 1998-Sep 1998 Netscape
Mountain View ( , )
Internet Technology Consultant
- Programmed Extranet applications in Perl and Livewire with Oracle database
- Programmed content generation software with Perl and LDAP
- Perl modules used included Date::Manip, perLDAP Oraperl and GD
- used CVS source revision control system, Sun Solaris, LDAP, XML
Mar 1997-Jun 1998 Royal Bank Canada
Toronto ( )
Internet Technology Consultant
- Programmed Intranet Registration System in Perl (object-oriented) and SQL Server
- Installation and evaluation of Netscape servers, including mail, certificate and LDAP Directory Service products,
including e-mail security
- Lotus Notes/Domino 4.5 programming of Intranet Phonebook Prototype
- Lotus Notes/Domino 4.6 consultant on HTML Content Mgmt. Wizard project
- Perl NT/ODBC programming of Intranet Production Phonebook
- Author of Corporate Intranet/Internet Perl Programming and Security Standards and standard modules for Unix and Windows NT
- Programmed Perl security checking script and performed security and reliability audits on internal and contractor-developed Perl
- Familiar with mainframe DB2 - PC (IBI EDA) server links in bank environment.
Aug 1996-Feb 1997 Bell Canada (Sygma I.T. Division)
Internet Technology Consultant
- Programmed Web-based e-mail administration system with HTML, JavaScript, Perl systems programming (sockets, pipes, CGI, form validation, dbm) on Sun Solaris
- Installed and configured Netscape Enterprise and Mail Servers for NT and Unix
- Programmed Reuse Project Knowledge Index Intranet Web application with NT 4.0, Microsoft Internet Database Connector, IIS 2.0, SQL Server
HTML (tables and frames), JavaScript, ODBC, and Perl or data conversion
- Familiar with Bell Sygma software development methodology.
Jul 90-Jul 96 Orcon Information Systems Inc.
Manager of Software R&D (80% Development, 20% Mgmt.)
- Designed and programmed nationally advertised marketing software from concept stage to shrink-wrap
- Programmed a sophisticated dBASE IV application with "C" language and Assembler modules, later ported to Foxpro/Windows
- Wrote Windows version of system using MS VC++ and MFC
- Direct Mail processing of client lists under SCO UNIX using awk, sed, ksh scripts and "C".
Dec 87-Jul 90 H.A. Simons Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Supervisor of Computer Operations (Apr 90-Jul 90)
- responsible for VAX and PC operations and user support including specification, purchasing, installation and troubleshooting of software and hardware for clerical and engineering computer systems
- responsible for computer time billing
- one subordinate.
Computer Technical Analyst (Dec 87-Mar 90)
- assisted in VAX Systems, Operations, and Facility Management
- IBM PC Turbo C and dBase III+ programming, Mac configuration
- VAX FOCUS and VMS DCL command procedure programming
- VAX Networking (NCP, DECnet DOS, Thinwire & TP Ethernet)
- AutoCAD technical support and AutoLISP programming.
- commercially-rated Airplane Pilot - CP-ASEL-IA, PP-AMEL

- Brown Belt in American Kenpo Karate Association, Assistant Instructor
- photography
Sun UltraServer 1/200E, IBM pServer, Linux Pentium PC and notebook computers.
Windows/DOS Developers Journal, January 1994, "Implementing Rollup Windows".
Co-author of Perl web-server, TinyHTTPD/2.0
United States and Canadian citizen (hold both passports)

Available on request.