Earth/Environmental Science Honors

Mr. Keller

Room: 2104


Remind Code: eeshkeller

Welcome to Honors Earth Science. Honors Earth/Environmental Science is a rigorous curriculum designed to allow highly motivated students to conduct an in-depth study of the Earth and Environmental Sciences. In Honors Earth/Environmental Science students are expected to work independently on a variety of assignments and accept greater responsibility for their learning. In order to develop a greater understanding of the processes that shape our everyday lives, the curriculum will integrate inquiry investigations and a variety of technologies with the study of earth as a system. The impacts of human activities at a local, national, and global level on earth’s systems will also be a focus. The results of student investigations should be communicated through presentations and formal laboratory reports. Enrichment and integration with other disciplines is encouraged.

Students will be required to take notes, do class activities, perform labs, complete homework, course readings, and projects/presentations. I will do all I can to equip you with the tools necessary to be successful in this class.

Classroom Golden Rules:

  • Be Prompt
  • Be Prepared
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible

Classroom Policies & Procedures:

  • NO cell phones, ipods, earphones ever in this classroom
  • Tardy: Must be in seat when the bell rings. If your book bag is in the room but you are not, you are tardy
  • Stay in your assigned seat when bell rings until the teacher dismisses you.
  • Always ask before leaving seat.
  • Must sign Hall Pass to use restroom or drinking fountain
  • (No Hall Pass= No Go)
  • One person at a time can use the restroom
  • During labs and activities instructions will be posted on the front board or a handout and must be followed.
  • No Food in this classroom.
  • Water with a lid only in this classroom. Beverages other than water must be in book bag or will be taken away.

Grading Policies:

  • Grade Break Down:

Major Assignments60%

Minor Assignments40%

  • Final Grade = 40% 1st Quarter + 40% 2nd Quarter + 20% State Final Exam Score
  • Make-Up Work
  • Make up work will be explained before or after school.
  • Missed Assignments are marked as a 0 until work is completed, turned in and graded.
  • Work not completed within a week of absence will only be accepted as late work
  • Tests/labs may be made up before or after school.
  • Late Assignments
  • Assignments that are late can receive a maximum 50% of total score and will be accepted until the final day of the unit (test day). After that they will remain a zero.

Needed Materials

  • 2” or larger binder
  • Glue sticks
  • 5 dividers
  • #2 Pencils
  • Color Pencils/Crayons (not required but suggested)

If you have trouble finding or purchasing these materials, please see me.

Classroom Reminders

  • Remind – Students & Parents
  • Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to date with what’s happening in the classroom. By joining your teacher’s class on Remind, you’re choosing to receive class messages via push notification, SMS, or email. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else in class. Both students and parents are encouraged to join for classroom reminders.
  • Join Mr. Keller’s class by choosing one of these options:
  • Visit
  • Text the number (980) 365-5939 and enter the message @eeshkeller
  • E-mail – If you ever need to contact me for any reason or choose not to sign up on Remind, you can email me at

I look forward to a great semester!


Mr. Keller

Student Information Sheet

Student Completes:

Student Legal Name ______

Preferred Name/Nickname: ______

____ I did sign up for Remind_____ I did NOT sign up for Remind

I have read the Earth Science Rules & Procedures and understand it is my responsibility to abide by them


Parent/Guardian Completes:

Guardian 1

Name ______Relationship to student______

Best number to reach you at between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm ? ______

Email for weekly updates ______

____ I did sign up for Remind_____ I did NOT sign up for Remind


Guardian 2

Name ______Relationship to student______

Best number to reach you at between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm ? ______

Email for weekly updates ______

____ I did sign up for Remind_____ I did NOT sign up for Remind


Any allergies or conditions I should be aware of in the classroom? (You may also email me ) ______


Date / Contact / Phone # / Reason Calling / Result