Independent Living Team Referral

As part of Southwark’s Adult Social Care, the Independent Living Team is available to work with FACS eligible people to help them live the lives they want, with the support they need.

The team work both in the centre and outside in the community to help people reach their potential: for example we can work with individuals in returning to education, employment and retraining, as well as improving confidence and developing skills and independent travel to discover and enjoy new hobbies and interests.


The main aim is to provide outcome focussed support to adults with mainly physical disabilities that would enable them to live as active citizens in their local community.

The ILT runs a specific programme of staff-run groups and also aims to support a wide range of “user-led” activities run and organised by disabled adults both in the centre and in the community. The structure of the centre services are established around 4 service strands:

·  Promoting and enabling Independent Living

·  Community Access & Social Inclusion

·  Carers Respite

·  User-led social network and peer support


Services offered from the Independent Living Team are for eligible customers only according to Southwark’s FACS eligibility criteria. Referrals may be made as follows:

Ø  By allocated Social Worker

Ø  By Support Planner or self referral for individuals receiving a Personal Budget.

Complete the information below and send (with a copy of the client’s assessment) to:

A member of the Independent Living Team will be in contact with you within 5 days to discuss the referral and whether it is accepted / assigned to a waiting list. You can also call us to discuss a referral on 020 7525 5219 and ask to speak to the duty manager.

Client name:
Care First ID :
Date of Birth:
Diagnosis / Impairment:
Reason for Referral:
Referral Completed by :
(staff name)
Referral Team : (eg: Reablement, Community Support, Community Review, Support planning)
Date completed:

Independent Living Team (ILT)

What do we do?

Each individual is allocated a key worker to work with them to help identify any goals or areas of support required. The key worker will support them to develop any ideas they have, and to identify a plan to help work towards those goals.

We do this by creating a personal Independent Living Plan which is a tool to help us identify what is important to the individual and things they would like to achieve in their life. This can be anything from returning to education or employment, or improving confidence and developing skills to explore new hobbies and interests.

We achieve these aims through the following:

Ø  Giving the right support in the right location at the right time to enable people to continue to play an active part in their local community and to access opportunities that enhance and maintain their quality of life.

Ø  Supporting people to have the confidence and skills to better manage their condition and find strategies that maximise their independence.

Ø  Encouraging the use of personal budgets to maximise people’s choice and control over their lives; and providing advice and support in developing support plans that meet their needs.

Ø  Supporting family carers by providing respite support to enable them to have a break from caring and also to enable the disabled person to participate in activities that enhance the quality of their life.

Examples of work we do:

Ø  Arts and Craft activities – to introduce hobbies, interests; regain social skills; introduce community based activities; develop confidence.

Ø  Exercise Activities – group and individual sessions to build and maintain physical health. Sessions run in the SRC and at Peckham Pulse Gym. We also have some specialist equipment for use at the SRC which will need further assessment from the Southwark Community Neuro Rehab team. All clients will require GP clearance prior to starting.

Ø  Independent Living Skills – e.g. cooking; shopping; IT and travel training – either in group or individual sessions and all with the aim of developing independent skills.

Ø  One-to-one sessions supporting a person’s identified goals - supporting people to have the confidence and skills to better manage their condition and find strategies that maximise their independence.