This Little Piggy Mini Pet Pigs – New Parent Package

Thank you for your interest in our Mini Pet Pigs! We would like to provide you with some information on Mini Pigs, including their general care. Please read through our New Parent Package carefully and feel free to contact us with any further questions or inquiries.

General Information

Adopting an animal is a lifetime commitment and a Mini Pig is no different! These little guys will bring your family, as they do ours, such great joy. They are extremely intelligent and when properly socialized, they are extremely friendly with people and animals.

Mini Pigs, just like dogs, require a good amount of exercise throughout their day. Just don’t forget, on your walks your pig will LOVE to root around in the grass. Rooting is a natural behaviour for a pig. Rooting is when the pig uses its nose to pull up grass and weed roots to ingest. Through this behaviour they are able to ingest minerals and nutrients from the soil. You may even catch them licking or chewing on small stones. Pigs also need access to the sun for exposure of Vitamin D, but please keep in mind that the exposure to the sun for long periods of time will also cause your pig to get sunburnt. You can apply child/infant sunscreen to your pig for protection of a burn, making sure you avoid their mouth and eyes. We find using aerosol sunscreen is best for protection as it gets beneath their hair, just take care to cover their eyes.

All pigs LOVE to eat! A Mini Pig is no different. They will try their hardest to get at foods that may not be good for them. It’s best to never leave your piglet out alone with food around. They are very smart and creative animals and will find a way to get to the food. A proper diet is a must for all Mini Pigs to ensure they receive the correct amount of vitamins and minerals they need for a healthy life. They receive these minerals and vitamins through a daily supply of fresh vegetables as well as Mini Pig pellets and access to grass.

There are some foods that are best to be avoided for your Mini Pig. Some of these include, dog and cat food, avocado, meats – cooked and raw and high salty foods.

We feed our Mini Pigs a mixture of fresh vegetables daily and Mini Pig pellets. For snacks and training we offer plain cheerios and small amounts of fruits. In the summer our Mini Pigs love to snack on corn husks.

Mini Pigs are very easily litter boxed trained. We use pine shavings with all of our pigs. Cedar shavings are not the best choice. Cedar has been known to cause allergic reactions and respiratory issues. Clay cat litter can cause intestinal issues with pigs, so we ask that you do not purchase this for your Mini Pig. It is important to always give positive rewards to your pig when he uses his litter box. This will help with the early stages of training when you first bring your Mini Pig home.

Good strong toys are essential as your pig needs to play. Yes play! These little guys are extremely playful during the piglet stage. They love to chew and toss toys. Strong dog toys work best for them. You can even find stuffed dog toys with a “chew guard”. These are great for them to toss and shake around. We find that with rotating their toys every few days they tend not to get bored with them. Kong toys are also great to hide treats in and keep your piglet busy for a while.

It is important to keep in mind just how intelligent these animals are. They need consistent training and stimulation throughout their lives. They will test you along the way and see what you allow them to get away with. They have more “testy” stages than others, usually around 3-6 months old and 1-1 ½ years old. This does not mean that during other times you don’t need to keep up with training, you do! I strongly advise all piggy owners to crate train your piglet. This will help to keep them safe when you are not available to watch them. This is completely necessary if you have a dog in the house, as they should never be left unattended with a dog. I also encourage owners to clicker train their piglets and for those who are unaware of how to clicker train, I have provided a detailed step by step guide not only on our website but also in the information package we send home with our piglets.

We would like to see our piglets go to the most appropriate forever homes, so we ask that ALL potential adopters do their own research on Mini Pigs and not just rely on the information stated above. There is plenty of information on the internet and through books on miniature pigs and the care required. It is best to be 100% sure before adopting your Mini Pig, as with proper care, their life span will range between 12-18 years.

Having your Mini Pig fixed will help to ensure you have a positive pet pig experience. Unfixed females will go into heat every 21 days. Their heat may last up to 72 hours. During this time you may find her irritable and vocal. Unfixed females are also known for peeing outside of their litter box. This does not make for a great experience with Mini Pet Pigs!

Unfixed males create a potent sent that they like to extract to call to any unfixed sows. Unfixed males also act sexually with people, animals, pillows and anything they feel will fit. A male that has not been altered does not make the best choice as a house pet.

We take care of spaying and neutering ALL of our piglets before they leave our care.

We also encourage potential adopters to fully view our website for current and updated information in regard to the proper care of Mini Pigs.

Most of the controversy on Mini pigs is based around their size. Most ads you see are advertising Mini Pigs that will get no larger than 40 pounds. Some people may also advertise that they are fully grown at 2 years or younger. Please be aware that to this date, there has been NO PROOF of a mature Micro, micro mini, dwarf, nano, pixie (all marketing terms) or Mini Pig that is less than 45 pounds. This has been stated throughout Canada and the United States. Mini Pigs ALL mature at 4 years old. This being said, they complete 75% of their growth within their first two years. Sizes of Mini Pigs may range from 12-17” high with some being a bit taller. They are very dense animals and weigh more than what they look. You are able to find more information on size and weights on our website Different marketing terms are used by breeders to explain the different sizes of pigs they may have. THESE MARKETING TERMS ARE NOT BREEDS. Some of these marketing terms used are teacup, micro, nano, premium and mini. They are all mini pigs!

Now some information on our Breeder Pigs:

EllyMay is our black and white spotted Mini Sow. She was born on June 30th, 2012. She is very loving with everyone in the house, especially my daughter. You can see many pictures of the two of them on our Facebook page. Her mother is a black Mini Pig and her father is a black and white spotted Mini Pig. Elly May is very intelligent and knows many different tricks and commands. Some being, touch, in, up, turn, kiss, stay and she also closes cupboards, drawers and doors on command.

Elly May’s favorite thing to do during the day (besides eating!!) is to sleep on your lap. Even when you are holding her, her tail is still wagging. Such a happy girl! We estimate her mature size will be 15.5 - 16 inches tall.

Charlotte came to us at two years old. She was born July 1st, 2011. She is a pink with grey Mini Sow. She also has beautiful blue eyes! Charlotte is a very social girl who wants to be in the middle of everything. Our little Charlotte is a bit of a celebrity. When she was a little baby she made her first television appearance on the Steven and Chris show in Toronto. Two years later she was invited to appear on The Morning Show on Global in Toronto. Charlotte also has been invited to attend many high school fundraisers. She is more than comfortable in almost any situation and is the perfect example of how social Mini Pigs can be when properly socialized!

We are excited for her great small size and look forward for her babies in the future.
Charlotte has matured to 14.5” tall.

Storm is the new addition to our piggy family. She was born on Mother’s Day of 2014 so we will be waiting until she is at least 2 years old until she is bred. She has beautiful salt and pepper (roan) colouring and a black nose and black hooves. She has a nice compact little body. We are estimating her to reach 14” high when she is fully matured. She is a nice compact little girl.

Tess is a beautiful tri colour with perfect white markings, a jet black base coat and stunning red highlights. She is an energetic girl who we held back out of Jax and Charlotte’s October 9th, 2014 litter. We are very excited to see her babies once she is of breeding age. We estimate her to be 15”

Maximus is one of our imports from the United States. We went through a great deal of research to find the perfect bloodlines for the standard of Mini Pig we are breeding for. Max fits every description. His lineage has been bred down to obtain short straight legs, compact body, and flashy colours with a shorn snout. His personality is to die for! He is a people pleaser and would rather follow you around then go see what the other pigs are doing. He is an agouti (chipmunk) coloured boar. His stripes have faded, as they do with this colouration. He was born December 28th, 2014. He is estimated to be 12” – 13” tall.

Elsa was also imported from the United States. She is an agouti (chipmunk). Her stripes have now faded and she is a stunning gold colour! Her father is one of the smallest mini pigs I have seen at 13 years old, only 10 1/2” tall. She has a great compact body and beautiful markings. She is so loving and wants all the attention! She will not be bred until she is 2 years old due to her small size. Elsa was born December 26th, 2014. She is estimated to be 12” – 13” tall.

Jax(reference boar) is our stunning Mini boar. He is a tri colour spotted. Although he is considered a tri colour, he is mostly a dark red. He was born on October 30th, 2012. His mother is a black Mini Pig and his father is a spotted Mini Pig. Jax knows how to turn and is currently working on the stay command. He is also being taught agility, as he is a very active and outgoing pig! Through his agility training he is being taught by clicker training. He has learnt how to jump and how to complete weave poles. Jax can also go up and down stairs with ease! He is an extremely social boy and loves everyone he meets! He loves his belly rubs and is a very gentle pig, especially for a boar. Jax is one of the best pigs we have to walk on a leash. He LOVES his daily walks! He has a ton of stamina and will walk for hours. We estimate his mature size will be 16 inches tall. **Jax has now been retired from our breeding program and has joined another breeding program in Northern Ontario. We will be retaining a piglet from him and Charlotte to keep his lines.

Piglet Purchase Information

Once you have decided to purchase one of our piglets, you can email us at . We will return your email promptly. We will then inform you if there are any piglets available. If there are no piglets available at the time, we will inform you of when the next litter is expected. At that time you may leave a refundable deposit of $100.00 to reserve a spot on our waiting list. Choice of available piglets will be in order of the deposits received. If all the piglets in the litter have been spoken for, your deposit is moved to the next available litter. Once you have chosen your new piglet a $400.00 NON REFUNDABLE deposit is due to reserve your piglet. The piglets remaining balance is due before the piglet leaves our care or flights are booked, if shipping is required. Once the payments have been made in full, we will make arrangements to have your piglet ready for their new home. This will include having your piglet spayed or neutered. WE DO NOT SELL BREEDING STOCK. At this time, the Purchasing Contract is to be signed and sent back to us before the piglet leaves our care. Your piglet will be handled daily by our family, enhancing their social skills. They will be litter box trained and introduced to our other animals. Our male piglets will be ready for their new homes at 8-9 weeks old and females 8-9 weeks old. We reserve ALL rights to hold onto a piglet for a longer period of time, if we feel the piglet is not ready to go. We will inform the new adopters right away, if this decision is made. We, as the breeders of your new Mini Pig are here 24/7 for any questions or concerns you may have, for the life of your pig.

Included with the purchase of our piglets:

Spayed/neutered, one year health guarantee (from date of birth), fully dewormed, micro-chipped, health record,litter box trained, socialized with children, dogs and cats, a custom made mini pig harness, a mini pig information booklet and lifetime support!

Please take the time to do your research on Mini Pigs, and also be sure to check the bylaw in your area, as many cities still consider them livestock and they are not permitted to live in some areas. These intelligent animals become attached to their families and re-homing is extremely devastating to them.

Prices on our piglets range from $1000.00 - $1500.00 unless otherwise stated. Pricing is based on genetics, size and colour. Your deposit, in the total amount of $500.00, non-refundable, will be deducted from the purchase price of your chosen piglet. All piglets will be spayed and neutered as well as dewormed before going to their new homes. Your piglet will also come with some food, a harness, a one year health guarantee and an information booklet (via email).

Before your Mini Pet Pig comes home, we will send you out our Information Booklet. This booklet is a helpful guide on what to expect from your piglet when you first bring him home. It will also give you some ideas of the items you should have before the piglet comes home. We are also available through email or the telephone to help answer any questions you may have.

For further information on our Piglet Health guarantee, we invite you to view our website.

Thank you once again for your interest in our Mini Pet Pigs! We look forward to hearing from you!

This Little Piggy Mini Pet Pigs, “Your New Family Pet”

Breeders; Brenda Brookings and Jessie Burke