Sellew Excel Charter School of Belle Glade
June 15, 2016
The Belle Glade Excel Charter School Board Meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. June 15, 2016 in the conference room at Belle Glade Excel Charter School by Susan Hanas.
Present: Board Members: Susan Hanas, Board Chairperson; Dave Campbell, Colin Walkes,and Rev.John Frerking (by phone).
LSF Staff:Dr. Chris Card, C.O.O.; Angela Combs, VP of Educational Services;Matt Rosen, VP Human Resources
Devotion: The meeting was opened with a prayer lead by Pastor Frerking.
- Consider: School Improvement guidelines;Corrective Action in Response to Poor Performance
There was significant discussion regarding the necessary action to assure the school’s viability into the future. Dr. Card and Dr. Combs reported that Excel will receive a second F which then requires the Board to select one of 4 options contained in Florida Statute 1002.33 (8) Causes for Nonrenewal or Termination of Charter, section (n) 2.a. states:
2.a. If a charter school earns three consecutive grades of “D,” two consecutive grades of “D” followed by a grade of “F,” or two nonconsecutive grades of “F” within a 3-year period, the charter school governing board shall choose one of the following corrective actions:
(I) Contract for educational services to be provided directly to students, instructional personnel, and school administrators, as prescribed in state board rule;
(II) Contract with an outside entity that has a demonstrated record of effectiveness to operate the school;
(III) Reorganize the school under a new director or principal who is authorized to hire new staff; or
(IV) Voluntarily close the charter school.
The Charter School could have suffered an immediate closure with 2 consecutive Fs except the previous year’s grade was considered transitional due to a new statewide testing system being adopted.
The Excel charter test scores are as follows:
A gain means they may not have passed the test but they did learn a year’s worth of work. If they did not make any gains that means we did not teach them enough to be considered a year’s worth of knowledge. The school has a 15% score right now and needs to be at or above a 32% not to receive an F.
English language Arts
Passed- 2 out of 33
0/15- 3rd grade
1/10-4th grade
1/8- 5th grade
Gains- 3 out of 33
0/15- 3rd grade
1/10- 4th grade
2/8 - 5th grade
Math- 0 out of 33
0/15- 3rd grade
0/10- 4th grade
0/8 - 5th grade
Math Gains- 2 out of 33
2/15- 3rd grade
0/10- 4th grade
0/8- 5th grade
Additional considerations and issues discussed included:
a.)Dr. Williams filed a formal complaint with the LSF HR Department on June 10th. LSF plans to handle this as they would any employee complaint and thoroughly investigate.
b.)Is the Board of Excel able to make a decision regarding the employment of the Principal. According to the Excel by-laws the Board must approve the hiring or termination of the principal upon receiving recommendations from the LSF VP of Educational Services and/or the COO.
c.)There were changes made over the last year with Pivot Education Inc. becoming a subsidiary of LSF, Dr. Combs being appointed as VP of Educational Services and supervising all the charter school principals within LSF, and the Palm Beach School District urging a change in the Excel reading program resulting in a new curriculum this year.
Dr. Card and Dr. Combs reported that they had met with the staff at the Palm Beach School District and volunteers that have been at the school throughout the year. The Palm Beach School District sees this as a dire situation requiring significant change and effort. In light of the schools performance, the requirements of Florida Statute, and the Palm Beach School Districts strong concerns, the LSF staff recommendedreorganizing the school under a new principal, option III of the Florida Statute.
From these meetings and an in-depth review of the school performance a corrective action plan was presented to the Board. This plan is an interim plan until a more formal plan can be finalized with the School District.
Dr. Card and Matt Rosen met with Dr. Williams yesterday (June 14, 2016) and explained that LSF would be recommending reorganizing the school under a new principalto the Board. Consistent with the LSF personnel policies a severance agreement was offered to Dr. Williams to consider. This severance agreement was presented to Dr. Williams without Board approval or knowledge. Dr. Williams was placed on paid administrative leave until the Board takes final action.
Mr. Campbell move and Mr. Walkes seconded the motion to approve the offer of a severance agreement and to approve offering the specific agreement written by LSF. Motion passed.
Reverend Frerking moved and Mr. Walkes seconded the motion to reorganize the school under a new principal. Motion passed.
Mr. Walkes moved and Reverend Frerking seconded the motion to allow LSF to hire an interim Principal pending approval by the Board at the next meeting. Motion passed.
- Uniform Policy
Excel Charter School has had a uniform requirement and policy since opening the doors. There is now funding to support this type of policy and promote health and safety. Dr. Combs asked that the Board restate the school’s commitment to a uniform policy to assure Excel’s ability to receive the funding.
Mr. Campbell moved and Mr. Walkes seconded the motion that it is the policy of Excel Charter School that all students wear the school uniform and further that if any student cannot afford the uniform that the school will purchase it for them. Motion passed.
- Budget 2016/2017
The budget for next fiscal year was discussed. Due to the need to put into place a corrective action plan and hire a new principal a continuation budget will be in place based upon the current staffing and enrollment until the August Board meeting.
Mr. Walkes moved and Mr. Cambell seconded the motion to continue with the current year budget until the August meeting when a final fiscal year 2016/2017 budget will be presented and approved. Motion passed.
- There were no members of the public present for comment.
- The next Board meeting will be held on Thursday August 4thin the school conference room.
- Reverend Frerking closed the meeting with a prayer. Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.