State Capitol and Executive Residence Board

Meeting Minutes

Governor's Conference Room, 115 East, State Capitol

November 20, 2003 1:00 p.m.


1.  Call to Order

·  The meeting of the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board (SCERB) was called to order by the Vice-Chairperson, Senator Fred Risser at 1:10 p.m.

2.  New Members

·  Four of the new members were introduced: Senator Joseph Leibham (arrived at 1:40 pm); Mr. Robert Cramer, Administrator, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. David Haley, State Architect, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Michael Stark, Capitol Building Director, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Representative Bonnie Ladwig was unable to attend the meeting.

3. Reappointment of Members

·  Mr. Kent C. Johnson; Representative Carol Owens; Senator Fred Risser; Representative Marlin D. Schneider; Senator Dale W. Schultz; Mr. Walter Wilson.

3A. Current Members (Whose Term has not Expired)

·  Mr. Eugene Potente (May 2005); Mr. Robert E. Lewcock (May 2007); Mr. Anthony Puttnam (May 2007); Ms. Debra Woodward (May 2007); Mr. James Sewell (State Historical Society Representative)

4. Oath of Office

·  The new members of the Board signed the oath of office.

5.  Roll Call

·  Mr. Michael Stark, SCERB Secretary called the roll and a quorum was present.

·  Present: Mr. Robert Cramer, Administrator, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. David Haley, State Architect, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Senator Joseph Leibham (arrived at 1:40 pm); Mr. Robert Lewcock, Public Member; Senator Fred A. Risser; Representative Carol Owens; Representative Marlin Schneider; Senator Dale Schultz; Mr. Eugene Potente, Public Member; Mr. Anthony Puttnam, Public Member; Mr. James Sewell, SHS Senior Preservation Architect; Mr. Kent Johnson, Public Member; Mr. Walter Wilson, Public Member; Mr. Michael Stark, SCERB Secretary.

·  Absent: Representative Bonnie Ladwig; Ms. Debra Woodward, Public Member.

·  Guests Present: Mr. Michael Bath, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Jim Schumacher, J.P. Cullen; Mr. Daniel Stephans, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Ms. Cheryl Weisensel, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Rick Skindrud, Assembly Sergeant at Arms; Mr. Michael Huckabe, Owner/Operator, Capitol Deli & Espresso Bar; Ms. Sarah Briganti; Ms. Roxanne Nelson; Mr. Ed Hood; Ms. Liz Boelter, staff assistant to Representative Ladwig; Ms. Teri Nelson, DOA, Division of State Facilities.

6. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Motion #1: Senator Fred Risser moved to accept the minutes as recorded from the November 7, 2001 SCERB meeting. Seconded by Mr. Anthony Puttnam. Motion #1 Approved by a unanimous voice vote.

7.  Election of Officers (2 year term)

·  SCERB Secretary Mr. Michael Stark temporarily assumed the chair for nomination and elections of chairperson, legislative vice-chairperson, public vice-chairperson and secretary.

·  Secretary Stark called for nominations for SCERB Chairperson:

Representative Marlin Schneider moved that Senator Fred Risser be nominated for Chairperson. Seconded by Mr. Kent Johnson. Senator Dale Schultz moved that Representative Carol Owens be nominated for Chairperson. Seconded by Representative Carol Owens. There were no other nominations. It was agreed to vote by paper ballot. After the collection and tabulation of the ballots Senator Fred Risser was elected SCERB Chairperson.

·  Secretary Stark called for nominations for SCERB Legislative Vice-Chairperson:

Senator Fred Risser moved that Representative Carol Owens be nominated for Legislative Vice-Chairperson. Seconded by Mr. Kent Johnson. There were no other nominations. Representative Carol Owens was elected by a unanimous voice vote as SCERB Legislative Vice-Chairperson.

·  Secretary Stark called for nominations for SCERB Public Vice-Chairperson:

Senator Fred Risser moved that Mr. Eugene Potente be nominated for Public-Chairperson. Seconded by Mr. Walter Wilson. There were no other nominations. Mr. Eugene Potente was elected by a unanimous voice vote as SCERB Public-Chairperson.

·  Secretary Stark called for nominations for SCERB Secretary:

Representative Marlin Schneider moved that Mr. Michael Stark be nominated for Secretary. Seconded by Mr. Walter Wilson. There were no other nominations. Mr. Michael Stark was elected by a unanimous voice vote as SCERB Secretary.

·  Senator Fred Risser, newly elected SCERB Chairperson, assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

8.  Subcommittee Appointments

·  Senator Risser requested all members to indicate, in writing, the subcommittees they would like to serve on. Mr. Stark, SCERB Secretary, was asked to compile this information and work with Senator Risser to finalize the subcommittee appointments before the next meeting.

9. Subcommittee on the State Capitol

A.  Mr. Daniel Stephans, Architect with DOA, Division of State Facilities presented the National Landmark Plaque and Wisconsin State Register of Historic Places Plaque. Five color photos were presented showing various options regarding the location of both plaques inside or outside the Capitol Building. Additionally, Mr. Stephans presented a copy of the recommended text for both plaques. Through discussion the two inside locations at the Tour/Information Desk on the ground floor of the Rotunda were quickly dismissed. The members focused on locating the signs in the area of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Driveway and outdoor Grand Stairway. Several members were concerned that locating the signs on the outdoor Grand Stairway may be too high for some people to read. Questions were asked if we could purchase additional signs and have duplicates located at each of the four wing ends. Members decided they wanted more information and options on the actual signage locations before a decision could be made. Representative Schneider pointed out a spelling error on the National Landmark Plaque. The word “Capitol” was spelled incorrectly. Allowing for this correction, the members approved the wording on both plaques as presented. Senator Risser requested more information be prepared regarding the exact location for both plaques. This item will be on the agenda for the next meeting. All members agreed.

Representative Carol Owens discussed a request she had received form a school group requesting the installation of a plaque in the Capitol to commemorate the victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy. Senator Risser agreed to have this item added to the next SCERB meeting agenda.

B.  Mr. Daniel Stephans, Architect with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented a signage prototype currently in use in the South Wing. Mr. Stephans asked the members to approve the prototype and have the signage installed in the other three wings of the Capitol. The board members discussed the prototype and were pleased with the design and its flexibility. They were also happy to learn BSI (part of the state Department of Corrections) manufactured the signs. Questions were raised regarding the cost of the signage and how many additional signs would be needed in the building. Mr. Stephans was not able to answer all of the questions. Senator Risser suggested the signage issue be discussed again at the next SCERB meeting when additional information would be available regarding the number of signs needed and the actual cost. All the members agreed.
Motion #2: Mr. Kent Johnson was pleased with the appearance of the sign and moved to approve the design as presented with additional information on the quantity and cost of the signs to be presented at the next meeting before any additional signs be ordered. Seconded by Mr. Robert Lewcock. Motion #2 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

C.  Mr. Daniel Stephans, Architect with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented the recommended replacement fabric for the seats in the Assembly Gallery. A discussion was held regarding the color of the fabric and if it was appropriate. Some members wanted to know if leather would be more acceptable with the historic nature of the building. Mr. Lewcock mentioned leather would be considerably more expensive and would not stand up to the commercial nature of the space. It would puncture very easily. Mr. Lewcock was satisfied the fabric selected was appropriate and of the quality used in the health care industry. Additionally, he was pleased with the fabric color and design. Senator Leibham asked why the fabric on the chairs at this time did not last longer than 13 years. Mr. Stephans explained the fabric selected before was not appropriate to the space and was a poor selection. Additionally, the springs in the chairs were not tied down. This allowed the springs to expand and puncture and tear the fabric. Senator Leibham also asked if it was necessary to repair the chairs in all three of the Assembly Galleries as he feels only the East Gallery is truly in need of repair. Mr. Stephans explained it would be impossible to match the old fabric and for consistency, all three galleries should be replaced at the same time.

Motion #3A: Senator Dale Schultz moved to approve to reupholster the chairs in all three of the Assembly Galleries using the fabric presented. Additionally, he requested we buy extra yardage of this fabric to handle any future repairs that may be necessary. Seconded by Mr. Eugene Potente. Motion #3A approved by a 12-1 (Senator Leibham) voice vote.

After the voice vote, Senator Leibham asked to have information regarding the total cost of the fabric and the labor to recover the chairs presented at the next meeting. Mr. Stephans indicated he would follow through with this request.

Mr. Daniel Stephans, Architect with DOA, Division of State Facilities, discussed replacing the carpet in all three of the Assembly Galleries at the same time the chairs are removed to have the fabric replaced. Mr. Stephans indicated the replacement carpet would be the same color and texture as the existing carpet in this space. The existing carpet, while not completely worn out, will last only another 4-6 years. The new fabric on the chairs will last easily 25-30 years. The chairs must be removed to have the fabric replaced. This presents an excellent opportunity to have the carpet replaced as the carpet cannot be replaced with the chairs anchored to the floor.

Motion #4: Representative Marlin Schneider moved to replace the carpet on all three of the Assembly Gallery floors at the same time the chairs are being recovered. Seconded by Mr. Walter Wilson. Motion #4 approved by a 12-1 (Senator Leibham) voice vote.

10. Subcommittee on the Capitol Park Grounds

A. Capitol Park Master Plan, Capitol Park Budget Discussion - Mr. Daniel Stephans. SCERB approval is necessary for the following items on the Capitol Grounds:

Replacement of the Promenade (Terrace) Surface - Mr. Stephans explained the existing epoxy bonded gravel surface on the promenade or terrace area surrounding the Capitol Square is in a state of decline and needs to be replaced. Because of the cost and size of this project, it may need to be done over a long term, perhaps as long as 10-12 years. Mr. Stephans showed a sample of a concrete paver he is recommending be used for replacement. The pavers would be set in sand with dry joints to let water penetrate to the tree roots below. Senator Schultz was concerned about the square being under construction for a 12-year period and questioned why this project could not be done all at once. Mr. Johnson thought it would be helpful for Mr. Ken Saiki, the landscape architect who worked on this project, to come to the next SCERB meeting and brief the new members on the Capitol Landscape Project and explain the necessary details. It was decided to invite Mr. Saiki to the next meeting and add this item to the agenda.

Replacement of Light Poles and Light Fixtures - Mr. Stephans showed a drawing proposing new light poles and fixtures for the Capitol Park. The poles and fixtures being recommended a very close reproduction of the original light poles that were on the promenade or terrace area surrounding the Capitol Square. The light poles are a standard stock item and would not have to be custom designed and built. Senator Leibham liked the design, but asked if any Wisconsin companies offered similar items. Mr. Stephans indicated he would check into this.

Motion #5: Representative Marlin Schneider moved to approve the light poles presented. Seconded by Senator Dale Schultz. Motion #5 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Replacement of the Promenade (Terrace) Tree Species. Mr. Stephans asked the board to approve the replacement of the Norway Maple trees on the promenade or terrace area with a different species. Mr. Stephans recommended using Freeman Maples. The existing Norway Maple trees would be replaced with Freeman Maples as they die. We already have several vacant spaces where Norway Maple trees have died in the past several years. Mr. Stepans explained from a design perspective it made sense to replace the trees with a single species. This would help maintain the existing symmetry of the building and the surrounding park.

Motion #6: Mr. Kent Johnson moved to approve planting Freeman Maples on the street side of the sidewalk around the Capitol to replace dead Norway Maple Trees. Seconded by Senator Dale Schultz. Motion #6 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

11. Subcommittee on the Executive Residence

A.  Ms. Cheryl Weisensel, Facilities Designer with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented information on refurbishing the Director’s Office. Ms. Weisnesel explained that is has been over 16 years since this space was last refurbished. The design scheme was mainly neutral tans and warm cream colors. Mr. Potente indicated he liked the color combinations and that it was very safe and not offensive. Representative Marlin Schneider wanted more color in the space. Representative Owens and Senator Schultz both commented if this is what the Governor and his wife would like, it should be approved as long as it is tasteful. Ms. Weisensel explained the project was going to be split funded. The majority, 60% of the funds, would come from money donated to WERF (the Wisconsin Executive Residence Foundation). The remainder, 40% of the funds, would come from DOA. Senator Schultz was concerned with the split funding as he believed the state (DOA) should pay for the entire project. Senator Leibham felt the split funding was appropriate. Secretary Stark explained in normal economic time DOA would pay 100% for a project of this nature. He explained, however, the WERF Board is very much aware of the budget problems the State is facing and wants to be as cooperative and helpful as possible.
Motion #7: Representative Marlin Schneider moved to approve refurbishing the Director’s Office at the Executive Residence as presented. Seconded by Senator Dale Schultz. Motion #7 approved by a unanimous voice vote.
B.  Ms. Cheryl Weisensel, Facilities Designer with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented information on refurbishing the main basement stairway ceiling and walls. Funding for this project will again be a 60/40 split with WERF paying 60% and DOA paying 40%.
Motion #8: Representative Marlin Schneider moved to approve the basement refurbishing at the Executive Residence. Seconded by Representative Carol Owens. Motion #8 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

12. Other Business