Long Term Plan (vision); Timescale; 2-3 years
PE teaching to be Good
Identified Priorities
·  Whole school improvement in the delivery of PE including implementation of the new NC.
·  The development of Fundamental Movement Skills
·  Participation in sporting events
·  Encouraging Gifted and Talented
Priorities; Timescale; 1 year / PE School improvement
OFSTED Areas / Increased participation / Competitive Sport / Inclusion / Growth in traditional and alternative sports / Partnership / Links with other subjects and SMSC / Healthy Lifestyles
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
PE policy / Feb 2014 / Re write PE policy / Policy in place and all staff clear about requirements. / Policy reviewed by Gov / Complete
All staff clear on PE policy in school
Whole school coverage in place to ensure all skills are being taught / Dec 2013 / Units for all year groups / Each class has specific coverage indentified / Coverage plan on T drive and in folder / Complete
A wide range of skills and sports delivered across all Key stages.
Ensure all staff are all aware of new NC / July 2014 / Lead staff meeting and discuss implecations. / Highlight KS changes / Staff meeting minutes
Planned using it by Sept 2014
All EYFS and Year1 fundamental movement skills to be assessed / Dec 2013 / EY and Yr 1 assessed on fundamental movement skills with sports coach assisting / Individual profile demonstrating progress in skills development. / Evidence file
JG’s PE book reference / Complete
First rotation demonstrating progress.
To improve teacher confidence and skill in delivering PE curriculum. / Sept-July / To employ specialist sports coach(s) to work alongside staff to develop skills and ideas. / For staff to deliver a wider range of PE skills and activities with confidence and able to evidence progress.
To leave a legacy of improved practice after coach has left. / Feedback against original audit.
Whole school staff observing teacher in gymnastics – identified from staff questionnaires / July 2014 / KS1 watch Sue Fowler deliver gymnastics.
KS 2 watch Julia Dowding deliver gymnastics. / Staff feeling more confident about teaching and managing gymnastics safely. / Feedback from Staff
Lesson observations
Audit adapted
Staff meeting log
Sharing good ideas in a staff meeting – best practice / May 2014 / Think of 3 qualities of PE to bring / Staff meeting
3 good ideas / Notes
Levelling and assessment / Sept 2014 / Whole school assessment relook / Cluster meeting
Whole school decision / Cluster meeting / Attended Cluster meeting on assessment
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
Increased Participation / July 2014 / Run a wider range of clubs aimed at engaging the harder to reach children. / More children participating in sport voluntarily. / Audits of participants termly.
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
Begin to use ICT / July 2014 / Gathering evidence of lessons and for skill
development eg show a modelled example. / Children and staff using photos and video clips to improve their performance. / Video/photos on T drive / Continual evidence
To improve children’s sportsmanship. / Review July 2014 / To promote loosing and winning with equal grace. / Children being determined to win but able to conduct themselves properly when disappointed and with humility when they win. / Reports back from matches
To develop a sense of awe over sporting achievement and rise above the mundane through participation. / Review July 2014 / Watch key sporting activities in school-like Olympic heros. Teach awareness of spirituality though dance, gymnastics and sport. / Children able to articulate feelings over their own participation and the Achivements of others / Torville and Dean clip of Bolerro
Performance of athletes with disabilities
Children’s voice
Photographs and videos
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
Encourage sport for life - more specialists and sporting activities to take place within school / Easter 2014 / Research areas of interest to the school – new sports?
Contact specialist
Use G&T within school / Photos
Pupil feedback / Contacted Cricket coach
Skipping event
Sport relief
Participate in activities for children who are less ‘sporty’ / A wider range of pupils representing the school / Tri golf team
Dance group
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
Inclusion / Easter 2014 / Course for new programme
Start an after school club / Become mentor in Change for Life / New after school club
Least active children participating in a club
Promote particular clubs to particular children including those with disabilities to engage and interest / Children who don’t participate in clubs joining activities / Lists of pupils and case studies
Offer key children to be ‘helpers’ at clubs to promote engagement / Children who don’t participate in clubs joining activities / Case studies
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
Promoting Healthy Life Styles / Review July 2014 / Take part in Jump Rope for Heart / All children participating / All children participating
Take part in Run a Mile for Sports relief / All children participating / Photographs and letter from sports relief with total raised / √
Whole Wake and shake from time to time as well as twice per week. / More children joining bi-weekly sessions / Lists of children and photographs
Encourage a wide range of activities to engage / More children participating in healthy life style activities / Photos
Children’s voice
Include Healthy Life style choices in ‘Top Up Tuesdays’ / Children making better choices over healthy lifestyle. / Photos
Children’s voice
CPHSE planning
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
Promoting Competitive Sport / Review July 2014 / Allocate a proportion of Sports funding money to provide transport to matches. / Children able to go to sports matches / Matches/competitions attended
Engage in local tournaments in a variety of sports / Children able to compete / Matches/competitions attended
Expand the range of clubs to talent spot and refer children on to specialist clubs/ secondary teams / Children referred on to other organisations / Names of children referred on or who make secondary school teams
Donate funding grants to elite athletes to encourage G&T in competitive sports / Children being encouraged to develop their talents / Photos/letters/emails
Objective / Date achieved by / Specific action / Success criteria / Evidence / ü  Complete
Promoting partnerships in sport / Review July 2014 / Join the Youth Sports Trust / School receiving information to promote sport and activities / Meetings with Steve Price
Join BAGA / Resource to develop gymnastics / Fundamental movement skills developed and children performing better in Gymnastics
Build relationships and connections with F of Dean Gymnastics centre of excellence / Ability to access expert coaching and refer children to the club / Dates of visits
Letters emails
Children’s voice
Share school expertise with other organisations. / Other schools organisations inviting staff or visiting to see good practice / Lists of visits