Final Report #.

Health and Medical Research Fund

Health Care and Promotion Scheme

(formerly Health Care and Promotion Fund)

«Project TITLE»

Submitted to the Research Council (Date)



Department and Affiliation


Final Report

HCPS (Project No.: )


(Times New Roman 12 pt)




Main Body


Aim and Objectives


Target Group




Implications of the Activities

Dissemination of Project Information


Patents and other Intellectual Property Rights that have resulted directly from the project Bibliography

List of Project Members


Standard Format for Final Reports

  1. Version: Microsoft Word
  2. Maximum of 5,000 words
  3. Title Page (see example above)
  4. Layout of report
  1. Page size - A4
  2. Line Spacing – 1.5 spaces
  3. Case - Sentence Case
  4. Single Column
  1. Margin
  1. Top: 2.54 cm
  2. Bottom: 2.54 cm
  3. Left: 2.54 cm
  4. Right: 2.54 cm
  1. Layout of the Summary
  1. Ragged right margin
  2. Font Type - Times New Roman 12 pt
  3. Heading - Times New Roman 12 pt, bold (e.g. "Objectives: To promote the… " in the same line)
  4. Line Spacing – 1.5 lines spacing
  1. Layout of Text
  1. Ragged right margin
  2. Font type
  • Heading 1 - Times New Roman 12 pt, bold,1 line space before and after
  • Heading 2 - Times New Roman 12 pt, bold and italic,1 line space before and after
  • Heading 3 - Times New Roman 12 pt, italic, no space before or after
  • References - superscript all reference numbers
  1. Layout of Tables
  1. Font Type: Arial 10 pt
  2. Title: Table x and wording (Table 1 Characteristics of participants…)
  3. Horizontal and vertical lines:0.25 pt only
  1. Layout of Figures
  1. Font Type: Arial 10 pt
  2. Title: Figure x and wording (Figure 1 Characteristics of participants …)
  3. Border around the Figure:0.25 pt only

10. References

  1. Font Type: Times New Roman 10 pt
  2. Use 1,2,3,4 … to number references
  3. Vancouver style (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals)
  4. Superscript references in text after punctuation

11. Publications, including in press

  1. Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  2. If none, state NONE.
  1. Patents and other Intellectual Property Rights that have resulted directly from the project.
  1. Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  2. Describe the patent / intellectual property rights to be filed/obtained
  3. If none, state NONE

HMRF (Health Care and Promotion Scheme: Final Report Template Version: 1.0)

Updated: August 2018