Name______Period ______

AP World History Ch 15 Reading Study Guide #1 P. 331-338


·  Chinggis Khan

·  Kuriltai

·  Khagan

·  Tumens

·  Karakorum

·  Batu

·  Ogedei

1. Briefly describe the experience of the Khwarazm Empire in the face of Mongol expansion? Pg. 331-332

2. How did most historians till modern times portray the Mongol invaders? Pg. 331-333

(Timeline Pg. 333)

3. When did Temujin take the title of Chinggis Kahn? ______

4. When did he die? ______

5. When did the Mongols conquer Russia? ______

6. When did the Mongols destroy Baghdad? ______

7. When did Kubilai Kahn rule China? ______

8. What were the years of the Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty in China? ______

9. What years saw 2 failed Mongol attempts to invade Japan from Korea? ______

10. How did Temujin (Chinggis Kahn) rise to power among his own people? Pg. 333-334

11. Why did people join with Temujin? Pg. 335

12. Describe the original weaponry used by Mongol warriors? Pg. 335

13. What are the advantages of an all-cavalry army? Pg. 335

14. Describe the organization of the Mongol Army. Pg. 335

15. What new and innovative weaponry was used by the Mongol Army? Pg. 336

16. Where were the Mongols initial conquests? Pg. 336

17. How did they adapt Chinese military technology to siege warfare? Pg. 336

18. Describe the Mongol practice of “retribution” against walled towns and cities? Who was spared? Pg. 333619

19. What empire to the WEST of China was first to fall to the Mongols? Pg. 336-337

20. Describe the Mongols “favorite” battle tactic. Pg. 336-337

(Read Document, A European Assessment of the Virtues and Vices of the Mongols. Pg. 337)

21. How are the Mongol virtues extolled linked to the achievements of Chinggis Khan and the stunning Mongol wars of conquest? (Reading, Pg. 337)

22. In what ways might the account of Mongol vices be simply dismissed as sour grapes resulting from European defeats? (Reading, Pg. 337)

23. Where did Chinggis Kahn establish his new capital? Pg. 337-338

24. What did Chinggis Khan seek from Confucian Scholars? Muslim Engineers? Daoist Holy men? Pg. 338

25. What was the Mongol policy on religion within their domains? Pg. 338

26. After initial violent conquests, how did the Mongols actually foster peace & prosperity in the empire? Pg. 338

27. How did Chinggis Kahn die? Pg. 338

28. Who was Chinggis Kahn's successor as Grand Kahn? Why was he chosen? Pg. 338


AP World History (Chapter 15 and

Topic: The Pastoral Nomadic Life

1.  Describe pastoral – nomadic lifestyle and its hardships.

2.  Why were sheep so important for a Mongol family? Who was primary responsible for maintaining young sheep?

3.  What was the significant of goats for the Mongols? Why did the Mongols keep fewer goats than sheep?

4.  What is meant by the “survival of the flocks?”

5.  How did the Mongols use yaks, oxen, and camels?

6.  What qualities and products from horses were valued by the Mongols? Explain.

7.  How did the dwelling of the Mongols reflect their lifestyle?

Topic: Key Figures in Mongol History

1.  Describe the early life of Chinggis Khan.

2.  Why do some experts consider the unification of Mongolians as the most important accomplishment of Chinggis Khan? What steps did he take to achieve that?

3.  Describe the Four Great Legacies of Chinggis Khan. (Provide details in your presentation).

4.  What are some of the myths and legends that surround the life and death of Chinggis Khan?

5.  Summarize major accomplishments of Khubilai Khan and Ogodei. How were they related to Chinggis



Borrowed From Mr. Walker