Office Address:Department of Neurology
Melanie T. Ryder MedicalCenter
130 Longwood Ave
Newville, MA 02555
Post Doctoral ResearchFellowin Sleep, Circadian and RespiratoryNeurobiology, Aug 2011-present
Brigham andWomen’sHospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Ivy League Medical School, Boston, MA Research Mentor: Erika Lawrence, Ph.D.
Clinical PsychologyIntern, Behavioral Medicine Track, July2010-June 2011
Alpert Medical School/Edu-Tech University, ProvidenceRI American Psychological Association-accredited program
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, August 2011
Edu-Tech University, Philadelphia, PA
American Psychological Association-accredited program
Research Mentor: David F.Erikson, Ph.D; Committee Chair: Dianne Chambless,Ph.D.
A.M., Clinical Psychology, August 2006
Edu-Tech University, Philadelphia, PA
A.B., Biology, May2002
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Ronald T. Pleasance National Research Service Award
Title:Partial SleepLoss and Markers of Cardiovascular Risk (F31 AG031352) Role:Principle Investigator
Research sponsor:David F. Erikson, Ph.D.
Funding Period:06/01/09-07/31/10
American Academy of Sleep Medicine,2011-present
Sleep Research Society, 2008-present
American Psychological Association, 2006-present American Psychological Society, 2006-present Society for Behavioral Medicine, 2005-present
Edu-Tech University School of Artsand Sciences Dean’s Scholar Award (2010) Sleep Research Society Honorable Mention Abstract award (2009, 2010)
Sarah Indio Service Award, Department of Psychology (2009) Graduate Student Fellowship, Edu-Tech University (2005-2008)
Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation GraduateResearch Fellowship (2006)
MagnacumLaude, Departmental Honors in Biology (2002) Dean’s List, Dean’s List with Honors(1999-2002)
Sarah and Jacob StiglitzScholar (1998-2002)
Ad hoc reviewer, Journalof BehavioralMedicine, January 2011-present
Student representative, Brown Clinical Psychology Internship Admissions Committee (Behavioral
Medicine Track), July 2010-June 2011
Student reviewer for Graduate Student Research &Grant Awards,Association for Psychological
Sciences, 2007-2011
Volunteer Mentor, Graduate/Undergraduate Mentorship Program, Edu-Tech University, 2006-2011
Student Representative, Clinical Psychology ProgramCommittee, Department of Psychology, Edu-Tech University, 2007-2008 AcademicYear
Volunteer Panel Member, Psychology Graduate School Information Panels, Edu-Tech University, Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009
Articles in Preparation:
1. Cardona C, Green B, MorrowK, Mercedes B.Qualitative study of the behavioral and psychosocial program needs of adult cancer survivors (submitted to Qualitative HealthResearch).
2. Green B,ShinS,LopezS, EriksonDF.Effects ofsleep restrictionon morning adiponectin levels in healthy adults(submitted to Health Psychology).
3. Green B, Shin S, Kapoor S, Erikson DF.Effects of fivenights of partial sleep restriction on C-reactive protein levels (in preparation).
Peer-reviewed Articles
1. Green B, Shin S, Erikson DF.Sleep restriction is associatedwith increased morning plasma leptin concentrations especially among women.(in press).Biological Research forNursing.
2. Sneider JT, Pope HG Jr., Silveri MM, Green B, Dazeem SA, Yurgelun-Todd DA. Differences in regional blood volume during a 28-day period of abstinence in chronic cannabis smokers. (2010). EuropeanNeuropsychopharmacology, 18(8), 612-19.
3. Yurgelun-Todd DA, Rogoskwa J, Dazeem SA, Bogorodzki P,Green B, Irvin RW, Rioux P, Jauregui KA, Rusche J. (2010).Increased amygdala fMRI activation after secretin administration. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology,16(3), 191-8.
4. Pillay SS, Rogowski J, Kanayama G, Jon D, Dazeem S,Green B, Cherayil M, Pope H, Yurgelun- Todd, DA. (2010). Cannabis and motor function: fMRI changes following 28 days of discontinuation. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 16(1), 22-32.
5. Pillay SS, Rogowska J, Dazeem SA, Green B, Yurgelun-Todd DA. (2009). Recognition of happy facial affect inpanic disorder: An fMRI study.Journalof AnxietyDisorders, 21(3),381-93.
6. Sneider, JT, Pope, HGJr., Silveri, MM,Green B, Dazeem, SA, Yurgelun-Todd, DA.(2008). Altered regional blood volume in chronic cannabis smokers.Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 14(4), 422-8.
7. Pillay SS, Dazeem SA, Rogowska J,Green B, Yurgelun-Todd DA. (2008). fMRI of fearful facialaffect recognition inpanic disorder: the cingulate gyrus-amygdala connection.Journal of Affective Disorders, 94(1-3), 73-81.
8. Tzilos GK, Cintron CM, Woods J, Young AD,Green B, Pope HG, Yurgelun-ToddDA. (2007). Lack of hippocampal volume change in long-term heavy cannabis users. American Journal of Addictions, 14(1), 64-72.
9. Pillay SS, Rogowska J, KanayamaG,JonDI,DazeemSA, Green B,Cherayil M, PopeHG, Yurgelun-Todd DA. (2006).Neurophysiology of motor function following cannabis discontinuation in chronic cannabissmokers: an fMRIstudy.Drugand AlcoholDependence,
76(3), 261-71.
10.Wise TN, Green B, SheridanMJ.(2002). Comparison of26-item and 20-item versions of the
Toronto Alexithymia Scalefor psychiatric outpatients.Psychological Reports, 87(1), 127-132.
Non-Peer ReviewedPapers
1. Green B& Erikson DF. (2009). Sleep and inflammation.NutritionReviews,65(12 Pt 2), S244-52.
1. Lichtenthal WG, Cross DG,Green B.(2007). Stress management interventions for medical populations.In: K.V. Oxington (Ed.), Psychology of Stress.Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical Publishers,Inc.
1. Green B, Shin S, Collins HW, EriksonDF (2011, June).Effects of sleep restriction on morning adiponectin levels amonghealthy adults.[Abstract]. The AnnualMeeting of InternationalSleep Societies.Seattle,WA.
2. Shin S,Jones CW,Green B, Erikson DF(2011, June).Sustained sleep restriction in healthy adultswith adlibitum access to dietary results in weight gain without increased appetite or food cravings [OralPresentation,Abstract].The Annual Meeting of International Sleep Societies.Seattle,WA.
3. Green B, CardonaC, Mercedes B (2011, February).Increasesin physical activity predictimprovement in sleep quality following a combination exercise and relaxation intervention amongbreast cancer survivors [Oral Presentation]. Association for Psychosocial Oncology Annual Conference. Charlotte,NC.
4. Green B, Shin S, Erikson DF. (2010, June) Five nights ofpartial sleep restrictionincreases plasma leptin levels in adults [Oral Presentation, Abstract]. The Annual Meeting of
International Sleep Societies.Baltimore, MD.
5. Green B, Lopez S, Shin, S, Erikson DF.(2009, June)Effects of modest sleep restriction on the inflammatorymarkerC-reactiveprotein[Abstract].The Annual Meeting of InternationalSleep Societies.Minneapolis, MN.
6. Green B-, CrossDG, Price M, Cohen A, Christie J, Kimmel SE. (2008, June). Validity and practical use of the Millon Behavioral MedicineDiagnostic (MBMD)among medical patients treated with warfarin sodium.Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Annual Meeting.Washington, DC.
7. Green B, NiyogiS, Shin, S,EriksonDF. (2008, April).Effects of moderate sleep restriction on the inflammatorymarkerC-reactiveprotein[Abstract]. Association forPsychologicalScience Annual Meeting.New York, NY.
8. Lichtenthal WG,Green B, Cross DG. (2007, April). Acute changes in cortisol followingexpressive presentation among individuals who have experienced loss [Abstract].Society for Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
9. Pillay SS, Dazeem SA, Rogowska J,Green B, Yurgelun-Todd, DA. (2006, June). An fMRI study of attentional regulation in panic disorder [Abstract]. Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting. Budapest, Hungary.
10.Kanayama G,Dazeem SA,Green B, PopeHG, Yurgelun-Todd DA. (2005, June).fMRI study of spatialworking memory in long-term heavy cannabis users [Abstract].College onProblems of Drug Dependence AnnualMeeting.BalHarbour,FL.
11.ChiuC, Dazeem SA, Green B, Yurgelun-Todd, DA. (2005, March). Indirect primingin patients suffering from schizophrenia [Abstract].International Congress on Schizophrenia Research Annual Meeting. ColoradoSprings,CO.
12.PillaySS, Green B, Dazeem SA, Pope HG, Yurgelun-Todd DA.(2004, June). Neurophysiology of motor function following marijuana discontinuation in chronic marijuana smokers: An fMRI study. [Oral Presentation]. College for Problems on Drug Use Annual Meeting. Quebec City, Quebec.
Edu-Tech University, Unit for Experimental PsychiatryAugust 2007 –August 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Predoctoral Trainee
Investigated the effects ofpartial sleeprestriction on inflammatoryand hormonalmarkers of cardiovascular/metabolic disorder risk inapparentlyhealthy adults.Also examined possible predictors of
individual differences in sleep-restriction induced inflammatory response, including psychosocial (e.g., depression, early environmental factors,social support), neurobehavioral and biological factors.Initial
work was based on federally-funded grant (PI: David Erikson, Ph.D.); project was expanded under
independent NRSA funding.
Research Mentor: David F.Erikson, Ph.D.
Edu-Tech University, Department of Psychology August2005– August 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Predoctoral Trainee
Conducted arandomized trial to test the effects of directed written expression onacutecortisoland mood among individuals who have experienced loss.Alsoinvolved in investigating the relationshipof
depressive symptoms to immune function in HIV+ women.
Research Mentor: DeanG.Cross,Ph.D.
McLean Hospital/Ivy League Medical School, July 2002 – July 2005
Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory,Belmont,MA
Clinical Research Assistant
Conducted clinical assessments on psychiatric inpatients, acquired fMRI data, prepared andanalyzed imaging data, conducted statistical analyses, presented findings at conferences, based on multiple
federally-funded studies ofthe neuralcorrelates of affective disorders,substanceabuse and normal brain
Research Mentor: DeborahA. Yurgelun-Todd, Ph.D.
SleepHealthCenters September 2011-present BrighamWomen’sHospital Supervisors: Cindy Dorsey, Ph.D. Brighton, MA & Claudia Toth, Ph.D. Behavioral Sleep MedicineFellow
Conduct cognitive behavioral therapyfor insomnia(CBT-i) in asleep medicineclinic, as part of current T32 post-doctoral fellowship.Perform treatment of circadian rhythm disorders. Work with obstructive sleep apnea patients to improve their continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment.Receiving weekly supervision and didactic training.
Brown PsychologyTraining Consortium July 2010 – June2011
Edu-Tech University Alpert Medical School Supervisors: Karen Jonas, Ph.D. Providence,RI Donn Posner, Ph.D., Oliver Unger, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Intern,Behavioral Medicine Track
Performed cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal psychotherapy in outpatient populations suffering froma variety of Axis I and Axis II mental conditions in anAmerican Psychological Association accredited clinical psychology trainingprogram.Quarterly rotations consisted of behavioral
medicine/oncology, sleep and anxiety, and post-traumatic stressdisorder (PTSD).Received weekly
individual and group supervision,as well as didactic training.
Center for the Treatmentand Studyof Anxiety September 2009 - May 2010
Edu-Tech University Supervisors: Edith Foa, Ph.D. Philadelphia, PA Elizabeth Higgens, Ph.D., & Trisha Lichner, Ph.D. Practicumtrainee
Providedcognitive-behavioral treatment, and performed assessments, for a diverse outpatient population of patientssuffering from PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder,panic disorder, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder). Providedsupportive-expressive treatment for bereaved individuals through the John Tracy Cancer Center atPennsylvaniaHospital.Receivedweekly individual andgroup supervision and training in specialized treatment protocols.
DepressionResearch Unit September 2008 - June 2009
Edu-Tech UniversitySupervisor: Robert DeRubeis, Ph.D. Philadelphia,PA
Providedcognitive-behavioral therapy to adult outpatient population suffering from anxiety and personality disorders.Received weeklyindividual supervision andgroupsupervision.
Abramson CancerCenterCounseling Services September 2007 - August 2008
Edu-Tech University Supervisors: Melissa White, Ph.D. Philadelphia, PA Gregory Goode, L.C.S.W. Practicumtrainee
Providedcounseling andpsychotherapy for adult cancerpatients and their families, using cognitive- behavioral and behavioralmedicine techniques.Supervision also included psychodynamic approaches to
cases. Received weekly individual and group supervision.
Departmentof Psychiatry/Penn Center for AIDS Research May 2007-August 2007
Edu-Tech UniversitySupervisor: Stacy Cross,Ph.D. Philadelphia, PA
Diagnostic evaluator
Conducted structured diagnostic interviews for research investigating the role of depression in immune function among HIV+women.This study wasaudio-recorded and reviewed by a licensed clinician, as wellas discussedextensively incase consensus meetings.
Departmentof PsychologyAssessment Clinic May 2006 to May 2007
Edu-Tech UniversitySupervisor: Melissa White, Ph.D. Philadelphia, PA
Performed diagnostic assessments for adult psychiatric patients for psychotic disorders, major mood disorders, and personality disorders. Received trainingfor and utilized a broad variety of
neuropsychological and diagnostic instruments. Received training and weekly group supervision from a licensed clinical psychologist.
Instructor, Edu-Tech University, College of General Studies
Course: Abnormal Psychology (Summer 2008)
Co-Instructor, Edu-Tech University, College ofGeneral Studies
Course: Introduction to Experimental Psychology (Summer 2007)
TeachingAssistant, Edu-Tech University, Department of Psychology
Course: Human Sleep andChronobiology (Spring 2009)
Course: Introduction to Experimental Psychology (Spring 2008, Spring 2007)
Course: Social Psychology (Fall 2007)
Course: Abnormal Psychology (Fall 2006)