Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Trust

(A company limited by guarantee)
for the year ended
31 August 2013

Company Registration No. 07672441

Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Trust


Governors (Trustees)
(NB all governors are also directors) / Sir R Aldridge
J Fox
A Harding
J Haviland
C Howe
S Jennings
P Kyle
A Meier
Dr M Pinter Krainer
G Sweetenham
R Turner
H Wilson-Fletcher (Chairman) / Appointed as Director 1 January 2013
Appointed as Director 1 September 2012
Appointed as Director 1 September 2012
Appointed as Director 1 September 2012
Appointed as Director 1 September 2012
Appointed as Director 1 September 2012
Company Secretary / J Shah
Senior Management Team:
Principal / J Fox
Deputy Headteacher / A Gilies / Resigned 31 August 2013
Assistant Headteacher / J Davies / Resigned 31 August 2013
Assistant Headteacher / M Deacon / Resigned 31 August 2013
Deputy Principal / C Preissner
Deputy Principal / N Robinson
Assistant Headteacher / S Scott / Resigned 31 August 2013
Vice Principal / S Agnihotri / Appointed 1 September 2013
Vice Principal / J Harrocks / Appointed 1 September 2013
Vice Principal / R O’Halleron / Appointed 1 September 2013
Director of Finance / M Harris / Resigned 31 August 2013
Interim Director of Finance / R Brailsford
Principal and Registered Office / Portslade Aldridge Community Academy
Chalky Road
East Sussex
BN41 2WS
Company Registration Number / 7672441 (England and Wales)
Independent Auditor / Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP
25 High Street
West Sussex
RH10 1BG
Bankers / Lloyds TBS
Hanover Square
PO Box 1000

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Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Trust


The governors present their annual report together with the financial statements and auditors’ report of the charitable company for the year ended 31 August 2013.

Structure, Governance and Management


The Academy Trust was incorporated on 16th June 2011 and became operational on 1st September 2011.

The Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The Charitable Company’s memorandum and articles of association are the primary governing documents of the Academy Trust also known as Portslade Aldridge Community Academy. The governors act as trustees for charitable activities of Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Trust Limited and are also the directors of the Charitable Company for the purposes of company law. The Charitable Company is known as Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (“PACA”).

Details of the Governors who served throughout the period except as noted are included in the Reference and Administrative Details on page 1.

Members’ liability

Each member of the Charitable Company undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Charitable Company in the event of it being wound up while they are a member, or within one year after they cease to be a member, such amount as may be required, not exceeding £10, for the debts and liabilities contracted before they ceased to be a member.

Governors’ indemnities

The Governors are covered under the Academy Insurance policy for the following: Professional Indemnity and Governors for the sum of £2m; Legal Expenses Scheme up to a maximum of £1m; Public Liability for the sum of £10m.

Principal activities

To provide a broad curriculum with an emphasis on the specialisms of entrepreneurship and Science; with a provision for educating pupils of different abilities, who are wholly or mainly drawn from an area in which the Academy is situated. The Principal of the Academy shall have the powers and functions delegated by the Governors to direct the teaching and learning; the internal organisation and control of the Academy and implement all policies approved by the Governors.

Method of recruitment and appointment or election of governors

The Lead Sponsor (Rodney Aldridge Charitable Trust, page 3) may appoint up to five Sponsor Governors, including the appointment of him or herself. The L.A. may appoint up to two L.A. Governors. A minimum of two Parent Governors shall be elected by parents of the registered pupils at the Academy. Any number of Staff Governors may be appointed by the Governing Body provided they do not exceed one third of the total. The Principal is treated for all purposes as being an ex officio Governor. The term of office for any Governor shall be four years; this shall not apply to the Principal or the Lead Sponsor (during any period that the Lead Sponsor is a Governor). Every person nominated to become a Member of the Trust shall either sign a written consent to become a Member or shall sign the register of Members.

Policies and procedures adopted for the induction and training of governors

The Chair of Governors meets with all new Governors to discuss their roles and responsibilities to the Academy. All Governors are provided with an induction pack which includes a training programme whereby new Governors can select the courses to meet their needs. All approved polices are held on the Staff shared drive which all Governors have access to. Governors are linked to a specific curriculum subject and/or an area related to the running of the Academy.

Organisational structure

The Board of Governors has ultimate responsibility for the Academy’s finances and delegates elements of these to the Business Committee as set out in the Academy Financial Regulations and Scheme of Delegation. This Committee considers issues relating to strategic direction of the Academy, in order to advise the Board. It will monitor operational plans to ensure consistency with the strategic plan and monitor progress against such plans.

The Education Committee focus on the quality of the curriculum delivery and the development of the resources necessary for its delivery.

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Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Trust


The Principal is the designated Accounting Officer and is responsible to the Business Committee and Sponsor’s representatives for ensuring the financial administration of the Academy’s affairs in accordance with the Funding Agreement and the Scheme of Delegation.

The day to day financial administration is the responsibility of the Director of Finance and Resources who is responsible to the Principal. The Director of Finance and Resources will advise Vice Principals and Curriculum Leaders on the financial systems operating within their departments and has the authority to delegate operational processes to the finance team. The Vice Principals are responsible for the delivery of the curriculum within their subject areas and are accountable to the Principal.

Decisions are made at Senior Leadership Team (“SLT”) meetings and reported to the Board of Governors via the Sub-Committees for approval.

Risk management

A risk register has been prepared and approved by the Governing Body, this sets out the principal risks facing the Academy and the controls that exist to mitigate their effect. The Governors consider that the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Academy, along with the mitigations are as follows:

1. Reputational risks: A fall in pupil numbers due to the uncertainty of Academy status and the presence of other competitor organisations with similar objectives. New marketing strategies put in place and closer relationships with feeder schools.

2. Financial risks: The high staffing costs as a % to the funding provision associated with the fall in pupil numbers. Review roles & responsibilities of staff and monitor changes to staffing and pupil numbers.

3. Health & Safety risks: To ensure that all safeguarding policies procedures and practises are robust, taking into account any new H & S legislation.

4. Human Resources risks: To appoint and retain high quality staff who will raise standards in teaching and learning. A Strategic plan is in place for teaching and learning including performance and capabilities.

5. Governors risks: To ensure Governors make correct and effective decisions by undertaking annually analysis of skills and experience and identifying training needs.

Connected organisation, including related party relationships

The Academy is connected to the Rodney Aldridge Charitable Trust (‘the Trust’) by virtue of the Trust’s sponsorship of the Academy. Sir R Aldridge is a Trustee of the Rodney Aldridge Charitable Trust. H Wilson-Fletcher, a Trustee of the Academy is employed by the Aldridge Foundation.

The Trust uses entrepreneurship as the catalyst for creating lasting social change for young people.

Objectives and Activities

PACA’s Core Purpose is to make a difference to the life chances of every student attending the Academy and ensure that they are given the best possible preparation for their adult lives so that they are ‘life ready’ when they leave PACA.


To achieve our core purpose we will ensure that we:

To achieve our Core Purpose we will:

•  Unlock the potential in all students: Through our highly inclusive curriculum, including extensive extra-curricular opportunities, we will ensure that all students experience success and discover areas where they can thrive, shine and excel.

•  Achieve the highest possible examination results: Examination results are our students’ passport to success. The better the results, the more doors of opportunity will be open to them. We will ensure that students receive outstanding teaching and learning complemented by excellent support and guidance to ensure they excel in their examinations.

•  Develop strong personal values: We want every student to leave PACA with the values and beliefs that will make them good global citizens and valued members of their community. They will show respect for themselves, others and the environment and take full responsibility for their own learning.

•  Develop entrepreneurial attributes: Our students will be adults in a rapidly changing and competitive world. Entrepreneurs are successful people who share common attributes: Team Working, Problem Solving, Risk Taking, Passion, Determination and Creativity. We need to make sure that we equip our students with these entrepreneurial attributes so that they will succeed no matter what career they follow.


For all members of the PACA community there will be:

•  A clear purpose, high expectations and a culture of achievement and success

•  A positive ethos, characterised by integrity, respect and compassion for others

•  A strong sense of service to others

•  Courage to innovate: a creative approach to personalised learning and support for students

•  A relentless focus on learning to secure the best opportunities and outcomes for students

•  A culture of lifelong learning for the whole community

•  Clear accountability for all members of the Academy community

•  A sustainable, creative and distributed model of leadership for staff and students

•  An evidence based improvement culture


We will be characterised by an ethos, vision and culture which will support the highest possible personal achievement for each student. The Academy will be an exciting and inspiring place to be, with stimulating, relevant and challenging courses and outstanding facilities. Wewill rapidly ensure that students, staff and parents/carers are proud to belong to PACA and take pride in their achievements and the contribution they make to the local community.

Strategic Intents

PACA’s strategic objectives provide our longer term intentions for Academy improvement (3 to 5 years)

•  Outstanding achievement: The Academy will achieve significantly above national standards at all Key Stages. Within three years the Academy will be a high performing school placed in the top 5% of schools nationally for similar schools by exceeding 60% 5+A*-C E&M by 2014. We will ensure that all students make excellent progress at all Key Stages in order to meet or exceed the Academy’s expectation of at least three levels of progress from KS3 to KS4 in the core subjects

•  High quality teaching and learning: Students will experience high quality teaching and learning at PACA. The Academy will ensure that all teaching and learning is at least good and the majority will be outstanding at all Key Stages. Learning strategies will encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning. They should acquire the skills to enable them to assess their progress against agreed targets and, with support, identify areas for improvement.

•  Excellent behaviour for learning: PACA will have excellent behaviour for learning characterised by students who take full responsibility for their learning, show respect for all members of our learning community and, as a consequence, feel happy and safe at the Academy. Students will have an understanding of the types of bullying and how to report it so that it is dealt with swiftly. As a result, behaviour and safety will be judged to be outstanding by OFSTED.

•  Outstanding leadership and management: The Academy will develop at all levels of the organisation, leadership which will be characterised by the acceptance of accountability, be professional, innovative and forward thinking. High quality leadership will drive future improvement and development in order to raise expectations and aspirations and achieve the Academy’s vision.

Strategic Objectives

Given our strategic objectives and the context of the 2013 examination results, where good progress was made at KS4 but inadequate progress was made at KS5, our priorities for the 2013/14 academic year will be:

Objective - Literacy

Literacy must be explicitly taught in every lesson to support learning.

Objective- 6th Form

All 6th form lessons will be challenging an aspirational to ensure all students make at least expected progress.

Objective- Differentiation

All lessons must show clear evidence of groups ( SEN, G&T FSM, Boys, Girls and Ethnic Minorities) of students to make at least expected progress.

Objective- Expected Progress

All students should make at least expected progress in every lesson, year, key stage and course.

Objective- Accountability

To ensure that all staff are effective and are equipped with the skills to consistently teach good lessons.


The Academy achieved 60% 5+A*-C including English and mathematics, which was a 21% increase on the results achieved in 2012.

·  60% of students obtained 5+ A*-C GCSE grades in 2013 compared to a national figure of 68%. This was a 21% increase from 2012. This figure far exceeded FFTA by 8%.

·  99% of students obtained 5+ A* - G in 2013 an increase of 4% from the previous year.

·  87% of students achieved 5 A*-C an increase of 17% from the previous year

·  Average capped points score (best 8) was 336. FFT target was 352