EckmanWissler CP/H3

What is PostSecret?

According to, PostSecret is an ongoing, community mail art project in which people anonymously send in artfully decorated postcards with messages that bare their souls and innermost secrets. The secrets range from humorous to embarrassing to uplifting and inspirational. The project has been around since 2004 and continues to this day. Really! Look it up! The Prologue is like what does today! Chaucer revealed his character’s secrets without really revealing them…..

Below is an example from PostSecret:

How will we apply PostSecret to The Canterbury Tales?

Almost all of the characters in The Canterbury Tales “Prologue” have some dark secrets. These secrets range from humorous, to embarrassing, to dark, to downright disgusting. In other words, these characters are just like us! We ALL have secrets. In order to get to the bottom of theirs, you must dig below the surface by analyzing Chaucer’s use of direct and indirect characterization.


You will be responsible for making a PostSecret submission for a pilgrim on his or her way to Canterbury. Your secret must be based upon plausible yet unrevealed secrets (indirect characterization). This picture and ‘secret’ are the front of the poster or post card. Your secret must have textual support or ‘proof’ from the text—AT LEAST 2 quotes properly cited! The quotes will be put on the back of your poster with a brief explanation as to why you chose the ‘secret’- why the quotes support it. Take note that every secret is complimented by the artwork with which it is paired. Yours will be held to that same standard, so you will be required to expound upon or explain how the background compliments your secret. You may use Glogster or poster board to create your PostSecret. Make it feel like a post card you are sending to



Next, In addition to the PostSecret element, you MUST also have ON THE BACK:

ü  Your Name: MLA format

ü  A visual representation of your character—what you imagine the character might look like from head-to-toe based upon Chaucer’s description. Use AT LEAST TWO quotes to support/justify your representation. You must display these quotes next to the visualization. This visualization can be hand drawn, clipped from a magazine, or taken from Google images. You can even use our textbook’s interpretations as inspiration.

For example, a representation of The Squire would show a red headed twenty-

something with curly hair. Next to my artistic rendering, I would display quotes like

“lad of fire with locks as curly as if they had been pressed” (“Prologue” lines 82-

82) and “he was some twenty years of age” (lines 83).

ü  A T-chart of the direct and indirect characterization for that character (use the text and DIRECT QUOTES properly cited). For the indirect characterization column, be sure to include what the indirect characterization tells you about that character. For College Prep class, you must have at least 3 quotes/examples. For the Honors class, you must have at least 4 quotes/examples. The more in-depth you go, the better you will prepare yourself for your final paper. See the example below.

Example T-Chart:

The Squire

Direct Characterization / Indirect Characterization
“In stature he was of moderate length” (Chaucer line 85) / “Knew how to joust and dance, to draw and write” (Chaucer line 98) – His ability to write indicates that he is wealthy.
“He was some twenty years of age” (Chaucer line 84) / “Singing he was, or fluting all the day” (Chaucer line 93)—His actions illustrate a happy-go-lucky type of character.

Note: This T-Chart is incomplete. It is only a sample. Your chart will be MUCH more in depth. Remember, the more work you do now, the less work you will have to do for your paper.

ü  An image of a modern equivalent of your character. This can be printed from the Internet. Get creative with this! Don’t just pull from our class examples. Branch out!

Your choice MUST be explained in a brief (2-4 sentences) rationale by the image.

For example:

This character from Family Guy represents the Squire since he is young, plays music and has many female admirers.

ü  Either what is Ironic about your character OR something Historically Significant about your character. This should be in paragraph format, therefore, 5-7 sentences. Again, the more the details, the easier it will be writing your paper.

ü  A Works Cited entry for your quotes.

DUE DATE: Beginning of Class

Sample Rubric:

Category / Points Possible
Secret is plausible, but unrevealed (10 pts)
Secret is supported by AT LEAST 2 quotes properly cited from the text on back (20 pts) / 30 pts
OVERALL Visual Aesthetic of Glogster or Poster- both front and back / 15 pts
Visual Representation of Character (10 pts)
Displays Effort and is supported with AT LEAST 2 Quotes properly cited (30 pts) / 40 pts
Characterization T-chart
Direct Characterization (10 pts)
Indirect Characterization/explanation (20 pts)
Proper citations (10 pts) / 40 pts
Modern Equivalent & rationale / 20 pts
Ironic element of your character
Historical Connection / 25 pts
Works Cited / 5 pts
TOTAL: / 175 pts