Study Guide C1.3:

Explain rationale for using the LogFrame approach in PCM

Terminal Performance Objective

Given a discussion about PCM approaches justify the use of the LogFrame approach as the SDC standard in Project Cycle Management.

Enabling objectives

  • Explain the origins of the LogFrame approach
  • Describe basic features of Outcome Mapping
  • Describe basic features of Theory of Change
  • Compare advantages and disadvantages of the LogFrame Approach, Outcome Mapping and Theory of Change

Learning Activities

Step / Activities / Link
1. / Pre-reflection / see assignment below
2. / Study chapter 3.2 “Participatory Approaches to Planning Development and Change” / Module 1
3. / View graphic on the planning process / Link
4. / Read the text “Results-based Management of Projects and Programmes” / Link
5. / Read the text “Outcome Mapping in Results-based Project Cycle Management” / Link
6. / Study chapter 3.3 “Logical Framework Approach versus Theory of Change versus Outcome Mapping” / Module 1
7. / Transfer assignment: “LogFrame Approach” / see assignment below
8. / Post-reflection / see assignment below


Step 1:Pre-reflection Statement

What do you think about the following statement?

“Outcome Mapping and Logical Framework Approach are so different ways of planning and managing projects that in practice they cannot be combined.”

Write down your reflection here:

Step 7:Transfer Assignment “LogFrame Approach”

Write a brief article of not more than 1,200 characters, why the LogFrame Approach should remain the standard approach of SDC.

(Write this article, even if you would give preference to other approaches.)

Write down the content here:

Step 8: Post-reflection Statement

At the end of the learning unit, what do you think now about the following statement?

“Outcome Mapping and Logical Framework Approach are so different ways of planning and managing projects, that in practice they cannot be combined.”

Write down your reflection here: